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ICT Information and Communication Technology. Two parts : Core (Compulsory) part Elective part.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT Information and Communication Technology. Two parts : Core (Compulsory) part Elective part."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT Information and Communication Technology


3 Two parts : Core (Compulsory) part Elective part

4 Compulsory Part Five modules 1. Information Processing, 2. Computer System Fundamentals, 3. Internet and Its Applications, 4. Basic Programming Concepts, 5. Social Implications

5 Elective Part There are four modules : A. Databases, B. Data Communications and Networking, C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development (offered) D. Software Development.


7 SBA SBA refers to assessments administered in schools and marked by the students’ own teachers. Students have to submit a Project on Elective Module C (Module C : Multimedia Production and Web Site Development)

8 Assessment

9 Web Link to Curriculum


11 END

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