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ECE 545 - Lecture 13 Motorola 68HC11. Resources 68HC11 E-series Reference Guide and if necessary 68HC11 E-series Technical Data 68HC11 Reference Manual.

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Presentation on theme: "ECE 545 - Lecture 13 Motorola 68HC11. Resources 68HC11 E-series Reference Guide and if necessary 68HC11 E-series Technical Data 68HC11 Reference Manual."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE 545 - Lecture 13 Motorola 68HC11

2 Resources 68HC11 E-series Reference Guide and if necessary 68HC11 E-series Technical Data 68HC11 Reference Manual all available at Optionally: Peter Spasov, Microcontroller Technology, any edition, Prentice-Hall, Chapter 2, Software, and Chapter 7 Clocked Operation (you can borrow this book from the ECE 447 students).

3 Basic Computer System CPU Memory Program + Data I/O Interface Parallel I/O Device Serial I/O Device Data Bus Address Bus Control Bus Parallel Data Serial Data

4 Microprocessor - usually memory off-chip and only basic I/O interface on chip e.g., Intel 8008, 8080, 8086, 80286, Pentium Single-chip microcomputer - CPU, memory, I/O interface, and simple I/O devices on one LSI chip e.g., Intel 8048, 8051, Motorola 68HC11, 68HC16

5 Microcontroller: I/O oriented single-chip microcomputer Microcontroler vs. other single-chip microcomputers: Extended I/O capabilities synchronous and asynchronous communication devices, A/D and D/A converters, timers, counters, watchdogs Interrupt handling increased ability to prioritize levels of interrupts and mask individual interrupts Instruction set instructions oriented toward bit manipulation, operations on single bits of memory words or I/O ports

6 Early microcroprocessors performance integration General-purpose microprocessors Single-chip microcomputers - small price - low power consumption - built-in memory - built-in I/O devices - high speed - long word size volume sold x 1x 10 (e.g., Pentium, Alpha, Power PC) (e.g., MC68HC11, 8051) (8080, 6800, Z80)

7 68HC11 Organization

8 CPU RAM ROM EEPROM TIMER A/D SPI SCI PORT APORT BPORT CPORT DPORT E Organization of MC68HC11 in the Single-Chip Mode 88 (4)8 2 4 6 8 332


10 Abbreviations CPU - Central Processing Unit := ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) + Control RAM - Random Access Memory := Read/Write Memory ROM - Read Only Memory (non-volatile) EPROM - Erasable Programmable ROM EEPROM - Electrically Erasable ROM SCI - Serial Communication Interface (asynchronous serial communication interface) SPI - Serial Peripheral Interface (synchronous serial communication interface) A/D - analog-to-digital converter


12 Internal Registers

13 X-index register Y-index register Stack Pointer Program Counter Condition Code Register Register structure of MC6811 Double Accumulator D Accumulators A and B or IX 0 15 IY 0 15 SP 0 15 PC 0 15 CCR 07 D 0 15 7700 AB S X H I N Z V C

14 Condition Code Register CCR 0 7 S X H I N Z V C carry / borrow overflow zero negative I-interrupt mask half-carry (from bit 3) X-interrupt mask stop disable

15 I/O Ports and other I/O Devices

16 Input/Output Ports Port Input Pins Output Pins Bidirectional Pins Shared Functions Port A Port B Port C Port D Port E 3–––83–––8 38–––38––– 2–86–2–86– Timer High Order Address Low Order Address and Data Bus SCI and SPI A/D Converter

17 Memory mapped I/O (e.g., Motorola) 0 MAX I/O Control lines: read/write Separate I/O (e.g., Intel) 0 MAX I/O 0 max Control lines: read/write memory/io

18 Memory map of MC68HC11E1 $0000 $1000 $B600 $FFFF $0000 $1000 $B600 $FFFF EXT $0000-$01FF 512 bytes RAM $1000-$103F 64 bytes I/O registers $B600-$B7FF 512 bytes EEPROM Single-chip modeExpanded bus mode

19 I/O Device Architecture ….. Control registers instructions ….. Status registers status of the device Data registers ….. I/O device address1/name1 addressN/nameN..... inputs (operands) outputs (results)

20 Input/Output Register Types 1. Control registers - hold instructions that regulate the operation of internal I/O devices 2. Status registers - indicate the current status of internal I/O devices 3. Data registers - hold the input data sent to the I/O device and output data generated by this device 4. Data direction registers - control the direction (in or out) of the data flow to/from bidirectional data registers


22 Assembly Language vs. Machine Code

23 Assembly language vs. machine code Assembly language [label] mnemonic [operands] LDAA #$4A LDAA $5B, Y Machine code $86 $4A [prebyte] opcode [operands] $18 $A6 $5B START CLRA $4F

24 Number of instructions represented using a single-byte opcode Number of instructions represented using a combination prebyte+opcode 76 236 Values of prebytes 18, 1A, CD Machine code

25 ; move.s11 ; function that transfer an array of 128 bytes ; starting at location $C800 to the memory area ; starting at location $D800 SECTION.text transfer: LDX #$C800 LDY #$D800 loop_begin LDD 0,X STD 0,Y INX INY CPX #$C880 BNE loop_begin RTS END move.s11

26 move.lst C:/introl/Examples/E Sep 24 00:41 19102 Page 1 1 ; move.s11 2 ; function that transfer an array of 128 bytes 3 ; starting at location $C800 to the memory area 4 ; starting at location $D800 5 6 SECTION.text 7 8 00000000 transfer: 9 00000000 cec800 LDX #$C800 10 00000003 18ced800 LDY #$D800 11 00000007 loop_begin 12 00000007 ec00 LDD 0,X 13 00000009 18ed00 STD 0,Y 14 0000000c 08 INX 15 0000000d 08 INX 16 0000000e 1808 INY 17 00000010 1808 INY 18 00000012 8cc880 CPX #$C880 19 00000015 26f0 BNE loop_begin 20 00000017 39 RTS 21 22 END

27 C:/introl/Examples/E Sep 24 00:41 19102 Page 2 Section synopsis 1 00000018 ( 24).text C:/introl/Examples/E Sep 24 00:41 19102 Page 3 Symbol table.text 1 00000000 | loop_begin 1 00000007 | transfer E 1 00000000 C:/introl/Examples/E Sep 24 00:41 19102 Page 4 Symbol cross-reference.text *6 loop_begin *11 19 transfer *8

28 Groups of Instructions

29 Groups of instructions (1) 1. Data handling instructions a. Move instructions (e.g., load, store, exchange) b. Alter data instructions (e.g., clear, increment, decrement) c. Edit instructions (e.g., shift, rotate) 2. Arithmetic instructions (e.g., add, subtract, multiply, divide, negate) 3. Logic instructions (e.g., and, or, xor) 4. Data test instructions (e.g. compare, test, bit test)

30 5. Control instructions (e.g., jump, branch) Groups of instructions (2) 6. Condition code instructions (e.g., set carry, clear overflow flag) 7. Stack operations (e.g. push, pull) 8. Subroutine-related instructions (e.g. jump to subroutine, return from subroutine) 9. Interrupt-related instructions (e.g. software interrupt, return from interrupt)

31 Addressing Modes

32 Move instructions (1) 1. memory  register LDA [A, B] LD [D, X, Y, S] 2. register  memory STA [A, B] ST [D, X, Y, S] 3. register  register TAB, TBA 4. memory  memory IMM, DIR, EXT, IND DIR, EXT, IND INH N Z V C 0 –

33 Move instructions (2) 1. register  register XGD [X, Y] N Z V C – – INH

34 Addressing modes of the LDAA instruction Immediate mode LDAA #$5C Direct mode LDAA $1B Extended mode LDAA $6D00 Indexed mode LDAA $56, X LDAA $56, Y $5C  A ($001B)  A ($6D00)  A (IX+$56)  A (IY+$56)  A

35 Instruction Table

36 Addressing modes of MC68HC11 (1) 1. Inherent:Opcode contains reference. 2. Immediate: Data follows opcode. 3. “Direct”:Base page, Page 0; Low byte of address follows opcode. High byte of address set to zero. 4. Extended:Direct; Complete address of the operand follows the opcode.

37 5. IndexedContents of X or Y index register added to the unsigned offset in the byte following the opcode to form effective address 6. Relativesigned byte following the opcode added to the pre-incremented program counter PC to form effective address Addressing modes of MC68HC11 (2)

38 Arithmetic Instructions

39 Arithmetic instructions (1) 1. addition Acc + M  Acc ADD [A, B, D] ADC [A, B] 2. subtraction Acc – M  Acc SUB [A, B, D] SBC [A, B] IMM, DIR, EXT, IND N Z V C IMM, DIR, EXT, IND EXT, IND INH 3. negation -X NEG [A, B] NEG

40 B = b 7 b 6 b 5 b 4 b 3 b 2 b 1 b 0 Unsigned vs. signed numbers Unsigned number Signed number B = b 7 b 6 b 5 b 4 b 3 b 2 b 1 b 0 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1weights -128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 B = b 0 2 0 + b 1 2 1 + b 2 2 2 + b 3 2 3 + b 4 2 4 + b 5 2 5 + b 6 2 6 + b 7 2 7 =bi2ibi2i  i=0 7 B = b 0 2 0 + b 1 2 1 + b 2 2 2 + b 3 2 3 + b 4 2 4 + b 5 2 5 + b 6 2 6 - b 7 2 7 = - b 7 2 7 + bi2ibi2i  i=0 6

41 Definition of the Condition Code Register flags (1) Z = 1 if result = 0 0 otherwise Zero flag - Z N = sign bit of the result r 7 - for 8-bit operands r 15 - for 16-bit operands Negative flag- N zero result negative result

42 Definition of the Condition Code Register flags (2) C = 1 if result > MAX_UNSIGNED or result < 0 0 otherwise where MAX_UNSIGNED = 2 8 -1 for 8-bit operands (registers A, B) 2 16 -1 for 16-bit operands (register D) V = 1 if result > MAX_SIGNED or result < MIN_SIGNED 0 otherwise where MAX_SIGNED = 2 7 -1 for 8-bit operands (registers A, B) 2 15 -1 for 16-bit operands (register D) MIN_SIGNED = -2 7 for 8-bit operands (registers A, B) -2 15 for 16-bit operands (register D) Carry flag - C Overflow flag - V out-of-range for unsigned numbers out-of-range for signed numbers

43 Overflow for signed numbers (1) Indication of overflow Positive + Positive = Negative Negative + Negative = Positive Formulas Overflow 2’s complement = x k-1 y k-1 s k-1 + x k-1 y k-1 s k-1 = = c k  c k-1

44 Overflow for signed numbers (2) x k-1 y k-1 c k-1 c k s k-1 overflow c k  c k-1 0000111100001111 0011001100110011 0101010101010101 0001011100010111 0110100101101001 0100001001000010 0100001001000010

45 Condition code instructions 1. set a flag 1  flag SE [C, V, I] 2. clear a flag 0  flag CL [C, V, I] 3. change all flags A  CC TAP 4. read all flags CC  A TPA

46 Arithmetic instructions (2) 1. addition Reg + B  Reg ABA AB [X, Y] 2. subtraction A – B  A SBA INH N Z V C INH – –

47 Arithmetic instructions (3) 1. unsigned multiplication A x B  D MUL 2. unsigned divisionD/IX  IX D mod IX  D IDIV 3. unsigned fractional division D < IX 2 16 D/ IX  IX 2 16 D mod IX  D 4. decimal adjustment DAA INH N Z V C INH – – – – 0 – FDIV INH ?

48 Extending the number of bits of a signed number x k-1 x k-2 … x 1 x 0 y k’-1 y k’-2 … y k y k-1 y k-2 … y 1 y 0 X Y two’s complement x k-1 x k-1 x k-1...x k-1 x k-2 … x 1 x 0

49 Other Instructions

50 Alter data instructions 1. 0  register CLR [A, B] 2. 0  memory CLR EXT, IND INH N Z V C 0 1 0 0 3. increment X++ INC [A, B] INC IN [X, Y] 4. decrement X-- DEC [A, B] DEC DE [X, Y] – INH EXT, IND INH – – – INH EXT, IND INH – – – –

51 Edit instructions - Shifts 1. logical shift right LSR [A, B, D] LSR 2. arithmetic shift right ASR [A, B, D] ASR 3. arithmetic/logical shift left ASL [A, B, D], LSL [A, B, D] ASL, LSL INH EXT, IND INH EXT, IND INH EXT, IND 0 0 n-1 C... 0 n-1 C... 0 0 n-1 C... N Z V C 0

52 Edit instructions - Rotations 1. rotation right ROL [A, B] ROL 2. rotation left ROR [A, B] ROR INH EXT, IND INH EXT, IND 0 7 C... 0 07 C N Z V C

53 Logic instructions (1) 1. AND Acc & M  Acc AND [A, B] 2. OR Acc | M  Acc ORA [A, B] 3. XOR Acc  M  Acc EOR [A, B] IMM, DIR, EXT, IND N Z V C IMM, DIR, EXT, IND 0 –

54 Logic instructions (2) 1. complement X  X COM [A, B] COM 2. bit set M | mask  M BSET 3. bit clear M & mask  M BCLR INH EXT, IND N Z V C DIR, IND 0 1 0 – DIR, IND

55 3. test register TST [A, B] 4. test memory TST 0 INH EXT, IND IMM, DIR, EXT, IND 1. comparison R - M CMP [A, B] CP [D, X, Y] Data test instructions (1) N Z V C INH 2. comparison A – B CBA

56 0 –IMM, DIR, EXT, IND 1. Bit test Acc & memory BIT [A, B] Data test instructions (2) N Z V C

57 Control instructions (1) - Branches REL N Z V C – – after comparison register vs. memory unsigned numberssigned numbers BHI higher > BLO lower < BHS higher or same  BLS lower or same  BGT greater than > BLT less than < BGE greater than or equal  BLE less than or equal  BEQ equal = BNE not equal 

58 Control instructions (2) - Branches after arithmetic operations (testing for overflow) unsigned numberssigned numbers BCS carry set BCC carry clear BVS overflow set BVC overflow clear BPL plus  0 BMI minus < 0 after testing register or memory unconditional BRA always BRN never

59 Condition code instructions 1. set a flag 1  flag SE [C, V, I] 2. clear a flag 0  flag CL [C, V, I] 3. change all flags A  CC TAP 4. read all flags CC  A TPA

60 3. test register TST [A, B] 4. test memory TST 0 INH EXT, IND IMM, DIR, EXT, IND 1. comparison R - M CMP [A, B] CP [D, X, Y] Data test instructions (1) N Z V C INH 2. comparison A – B CBA

61 0 –IMM, DIR, EXT, IND 1. Bit test Acc & memory BIT [A, B] Data test instructions (2) N Z V C

62 Opcode Map




66 Interface to External Memory


68 Write Cycle

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