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Published byAmie Jade Simon Modified over 9 years ago
NPOESS PREPARATORY PROJECT VALIDATION PLANS FOR THE OZONE MAPPING AND PROFILER SUITE (OMPS) IGARSS, Vancouver BC, July 29, 2011 L. Flynn, D. Rault, G. Jaross, I. Petropavlovskikh, C. Long, J. Hornstein, E. Beach, W. Yu, J. Niu, D. Swales Paper: 3270 Session: FR2.T07: Aerosols and Atmospheric Chemistry III Location:Room 13 Time: Friday, July 29, 10:20 - 12:00
Outline Brief instrument/product overview Cal/Val Team and Others Cal/Val Plan Outline Progressive Analysis –In-orbit doors closed –First light solar –Earth-view Orbit Day Week Month Year
OMPS Instrument Design Nadir Mapper UV Backscatter, grating spectrometer, 2-D CCD TOMS, SBUV(/2), GOME(-2), OMI 110 deg. cross track, 300 to 380 nm spectral, 1.1nm FWHM bandpass Total Column Ozone, UV Effective Reflectivity, and Aerosol Index Daily Maps Nadir Profiler UV Backscatter, grating spectrometer, 2-D CCD SBUV(/2), GOME(-2), OMI Nadir view, 250 km cross track, 270 to 310 nm spectral, 1.1 nm FWHM bandpass Ozone Vertical Profile, 7 to 10 KM resolution Limb Profiler UV/Visible Limb Scatter, prism, 2-D CCD array SOLSE/LORE, OSIRIS, SAGE III, SCIAMACHY Three 100-KM vertical slits, 290 to 1000 nm spectral Ozone Vertical Profile, 3 KM vertical resolution The calibration concepts use working and reference solar diffusers. Instrument and FOV Graphics from BATC
Overview of Data Products (1/2) Ozone –Total Column Ozone –Ozone Profile NP –Ozone Profile LP –CrIS Ozone RGB Image shows dense smoke (high absorption) in northwest, north central and central coastal portions of image. Southern Hemisphere Total ozone map from SBUV/2 for 10/13/2009 UV Index Forecast for October 27, 2009
Overview of Data Products (2/2) Total Column Ozone –Global coverage of atmospheric ozone column Operational Assimilation (Weather and UV forecast) Daily Maps (Ozone Hole/Layer monitoring) Climate Data Records (Ozone Layer assessments) –UV Effective reflectivity IP –UV Aerosol Index IP Ozone Vertical Profile –Nadir Profiler Layer amounts and mixing ratios –Mg II Solar Index –Limb Profiler Number density and mixing ratios CrIS IR Ozone –Ozone total column and profile 5
Ozone Calibration and Validation Team Members’ Roles & Responsibilities 6 AreaNameOrganizationFunding Agency Task Validation and Comparisons L. FlynnNOAA/NESDISJPSSInternal and Satellites Ground-based Data I. Petropav- lovskikh NOAA/ESRLJPSSDobson and Umkehr ApplicationsC. LongNOAA/NCEPJPSS/JCSDAAssimilation LimbD. RaultNASA LaRCNASA NPPR&D ClimateR. McPeters L. Flynn NASA GSFC NOAA/NESDIS NASA NOAA/NCDC CDR & Reprocessing InstrumentS. Janz B. Sen G. Jaross X. Wu NASA GSFC NGAS NASA (SSAI) NOAA/NESDIS NASA/JPSS JPSS NASA/JPSS JPSS RDR and SDR
Schedule of Major Task Categories Pre-Launch Phase (L-24M to L) –Improve Ground-based assets operations and access –Develop Match-up and statistical analysis tools and readers –Implement and exercise forward models for radiative transfer –Create and manipulate sample, synthetic, and proxy SDR (Level 1), and EDR (Level 2) data sets –Collect and exercise calibration parameters and instrument models –Implement alternative/heritage product algorithms Early Orbit Check Out Phase (L to L+3M) –Check parameters and instrument behavior –Perform internal consistency checks –Provide feedback to SDR Team –Test tools and alternate algorithms with real data Intensive Cal/Val Phase (L+3M to L+24M) –Perform external comparisons to satellite products –Perform sub-orbital comparison/validation –Provide feedback to IPO and NGAS –Evaluate product applications –Begin trending and automated monitoring Transition to regular operations and long-term monitoring Launch scheduled for October 25, 2011.
How much data do you need? What can it tell you? How can you accentuate different effects? Internal Measurements –Dark Current and non-Linearity estimates, and Charged Particle effects Single set of Solar measurements –Goniometry, Irradiance Calibration, Wavelength Scale, SNR, Flat Fielding, Bandpass check (Comparisons to reference, contemporaneous, and high-resolution spectra) Single Orbit of Earth-view data –Wavelength Scale variations, SNR, Rough Radiance/Irradiance Calibration, Triplet/Pair consistency (Absorbing, reflectivity, and aerosol channels), Cross-track consistency Single Day –Total Ozone versus other mappers, Zonal Means, Stray Light (Profile Wavelengths), better orbital analysis, and start of performance monitoring Single Week –Cross-track consistency, Absolute calibration of reflectivity channels, calibration biases compared to other space-based mappers and profilers – transfer, and better daily analysis. Single Month –Ground based total ozone validation data points (assisted by transfer), Starting points for trending of instrument degradation and solar diffuser changes, and better weekly analysis – trending of consistency results. Single Year –Ground-based ozone profile validation, evaluation of long-term characterization, better monthly analysis, and start of ice radiance trending.
Internal Instrument Measurements Even before the instrument is open to external light, the SDR Team will be making measurements of Dark Current and of Linearity (by using an on- board LED and variable integration times). We will also be able to investigate Charged Particle effects in the South Atlantic Anomaly. These are of concern for the OMPS Nadir Profiler. The Figure to the Right shows SAA contamination of OMI measurements and the results of a nearest- neighbor filtering program. Outliers are identified by spectral, spatial, and temporal comparisons to nearest neighbors. Shifted up 1*10^9 With outliers removed
First Solar Measurements The first set of solar diffuser measurements will be used to check the Irradiance Calibration, Wavelength Scale, Goniometry Models, Signal-to-Noise Ratios, Flat Fielding/Pixel Response Uniformity, and Bandpass. The top figure on the right shows two proxy OMPS NP Spectra and the relative difference between them. The lower figure shows the changes in a set of solar diffuser measurements for NOAA-17 SBUV/2 as the solar angle varies from a reference elevation angle of 4 degrees. Since solar variations over the ten-minute measurement period are negligible, these changes are due to inaccurate goniometric corrections. Solar Elevation Angle, Degrees 400 nm 302 nm 258 nm 200 nm 3% Lower Figure from M. DeLand & L-K Huang of SSAI, Lanham MD. Wavelength, nm 4% 310260
Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis of the Covariance Matrix for One Orbit of GOME-2 Earth-view spectra 320-330 nm Coefficients Ozone AbsorptionWavelength ScaleRing Effects Eigenvectors Wavelength in nm Normalized EOF Measurement Number along Orbit EOF Coefficient
* NOAA-19 SBUV/2 + NOAA-18 SBUV/2 No new Solar adjustments were used for NOAA-19. NOAA-19 IBSL One Day
One day of data can be used to compare total ozone maps between two satellite instruments or with an assimilation product. The top two figures to the left give an example for EOS Aura OMI versus the Global Forecast System maps for a day. One day of OMPS Nadir Profiler measurements can be used to characterize stray light. The results for a simple one-channel source for a day of SBUV/2 data is shown in the figure on the lower left, that is, measurements with stray light over an orbit of position mode data for 280.7 nm for the SBUV/2 are compared to a model using scaled variations of the Photometer measurements at 380 nm. The solid line is the 280.7 nm data and the dots are the model. The final figure in the lower right compares one day of zonal mean ozone profile estimates for NOAA-17 and NOAA-16 SBUV/2 with those from EOS Aura MLS. Latitude, Degrees N 5% Ozone in the layer from 30 hPa to 10 hPa Latitude, Degrees N 280.7 nm Radiances One Day Layer Ozone, DU with stray light without stray light 25%
EASTWEST GOME-2 Version 8 331-nm Effective Reflectivity for a box in the Equatorial Pacific for eight days plotted versus satellite viewing angle positions. The unadjusted values in the top plot reach a minimum of 8% (higher than expected for the open ocean) for the Nadir scan position. A single calibration adjustment lowers this value to 4% and also flattens out the scan dependence for West-viewing positions. The East-viewing results are not as good due to sun glint. |Lat|<5 Lon<-100 Forward Scan Position 4% Effective Reflectivity, %
Comparison SAGE III Limb Scatter versus SAGE II Occultation Validation of the OMPS Limb Profiler ozone profiles will prove challenging as measurements with similar vertical resolution will be in short supply. This slides demonstrates the use of SAGE II occultation measurements to validate the SAGE III Limb Scatter retrievals using coincident measurements over a two-week period.
The figure on the right compares monthly zonal means (for February 2010) for the NOAA-17, 18 and 19 SBUV/2 profile retrievals. The lines show the differences between the retrieved profiles and the A Priori profiles for the Equatorial Zone (20S to 20N) as a function of atmospheric pressure. The figure below tracks the average initial measurement residuals for the NOAA-16, 17 and 18 SBUV/2 instruments for the 292-nm channel. The curves connect the daily Equatorial Zonal Mean values for each instrument. The shared variations are due to real geophysical ozone changes from day to day. The divergent values are caused by differences in each instruments viewing conditions or calibration. The NOAA-16 has increasingly poorer viewing conditions as the record progresses. 5% Six Months Monthly Zonal Mean Profile Differences for SBUV/2 Monthly Differences and Long-Term Monitoring Layer Differences, % Pressure, hPA See 5%
1% Total Ozone (Best and Profile) Comparisons Reprocessed NOAA SBUV/2 and WOUDC Dobson YEAR The figure to the left shows a time series of comparisons of match-up overpass total ozone values from SBUV/2 instruments with a collection of ground-based Dobson Stations. Each point is a monthly average percent difference for all of the comparisons. A station is included if it has at least five match-ups for a month. The figure below is a check of the internal consistency of the total ozone estimates made for two different wavelength pairs for the SBUV/2 instruments, called the B-pair and D- pair. The D-pair estimates have much less sensitivity to time dependent calibration errors, but are only accurate at low solar zenith angles and low ozone column amounts. Notice the drift in the NOAA-18 SBUV/2 results. 2% Six Months YEAR 2 years
YEAR Seasonal Variations of Layer Ozone over Lauder, New Zealand (45S, 170E) Microwave SBUV/2 The figure to the right shows a comparison between ozone profile layer estimates from a ground-based microwave and match-up SBUV/2 overpass data. The dots are individual daily measurements and the curves are a seven-day moving average. The data are from a single year. The figure below shows a multi-year comparison (2002 to 2007) between the ground-based Umkehr measurements for Boulder CO and the NOAA-17 SBUV/2 overpass values. The individual points are deseasonalized anomalies for the layer from 6.3 hPa to 4 hPa. 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Ozone Anomaly, %
Primary Reports Cal/Val Plans – Plans cleared by the JPSS Program. Complete product evaluation reports – These reports will be generated for the OMPS total column ozone product and OMPS ozone profile product approximately seven months into the ICV phase. They will summarize the results of the internal and external investigations, and quantify the product performance relative to the requirements with stratification as described. Reports will identify issues arising in meeting requirements created by measurement complications (e.g., wavelength-scale variations or stray light signal contamination). The components of the studies used in these reports will be archived, i.e., the tools, programs and data, and documentation on the procedures. Supplemental reports will be provided as results merit. Open access Web pages – Relevant information will be provided by creating Web pages for general access. They will be created and populated with graphs and statistical analysis pertinent to the OMPS data products. They will be designed for automated updates as products move into regular generation. The reference copy of the pages will live at the STAR domain, but mirrors can be placed at other locations as desired. Overpass match-up data sets – Data sets containing the OMPS products for the overpass match-up data sets will be available via anonymous ftp and on the GRAVITE system. These will be kept current with automated weekly updates from the latest OMPS processing. Over 100 stations have been identified as participants. User-feedback reports – Near the end of the ICV phase, we will report on the feedback obtained from assimilation users on the performance of the products, including biases in measurements versus forecast fields without the OMPS data sources, and identification of any difficulties in the application implementations.
Notes Recommended Reading: Techniques for Calibration, Characterization, and Validation of Ozone Instruments Measuring Back-scattered Radiances Calibration and Validation Plans and Methods for the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Available for download at See for monitoring.
Product Team SDR Tasks* Test OMPS_E1 Dark Signal, Noise, SAA Test OMPS_E2 Working Solar Test OMPS_E3 Reference Solar Test OMPS_E4 Solar Ref/Work, SNR, Mg II Test OMPS_E5 Earth EOF Patterns & SNR & SAA Filter Test OMPS_E6 Earth Stray Light & Mg II Test OMPS_E7 Intra-orbit -scale * The objectives of these test duplicate a subset of the SDR Team’s SDR tasks. Results will be discussed and exchanged.
EDR Tasks Test OMPS_E8 V8 TOZ Internal Consistency Test OMPS_E9 V8 PRO Internal Consistency Test OMPS_E10 EDR consistency & residuals Test OMPS_E11 Compare V8 TOZ and EDR Test OMPS_E12 Compare V8 Pro and DIP Test OMPS_E13 Evaluate Performance in Pacific Box Test OMPS_E14 Satellite Intercomparisons (OMI, GOME-2, SBUV/2, MLS, CrIS)
Trending Tasks Test OMPS_E15 Implement GOME-2 and SBUV/2 ICVS monitoring for OMPS Test OMPS_E16 Ground-based Match-Up Test OMPS_E17 SNO (EOS Aura, NOAA-x, MetOP A) Test OMPS_E18 Assimilation Test OMPS_E19 ICVS trending Test OMPS_E20 Solar and Mg II Trending Test OMPS_E21 Continue Ground-based Val.
Test OMPS_E1 Dark Signal TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: Door closed data in various orbits; first solar and earth data OBJECTIVES: Establish dark current stability (look for RTS), SNRs for radiance and irradiance, and size of SAA effects. DESCRIPTION: Exercise EOF, Nearest Neighbor, and outlier detection and removal tools PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: Initial data can be taken with door closed. Check orbits for SAA locations. RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: NONE SUCCESS CRITERIA: Establish dark current levels and stability, radiance and irradiance SNRs, and charged particle effects locations and levels. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn (D. Swales) COMMAND RQMTS: LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Test OMPS_E2 Working Solar TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: First sets of working solar diffuser spectra OBJECTIVES: Establish baseline for solar spectra absolute, -scale, and cross-track calibration for working diffuser. DESCRIPTION: Compare to proxies and across track PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: OMPS must be open, with diffuser operating, and measuring near terminator. RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: Look for spectral features as viewing angles change. SUCCESS CRITERIA: Establish solar spectral scales and calibration relative to SSBUV reference spectrum. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn (J. Niu) COMMAND RQMTS: Solar Calibration Working Diffuser LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Test OMPS_E3 Reference Solar TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: First sets of reference solar diffuser spectra OBJECTIVES: Establish baseline for solar spectra absolute, -scale, and cross-track calibration for reference diffuser. DESCRIPTION: Compare to proxies and across track PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: OMPS must be open, with diffuser operating, and measuring near terminator. RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: Look for spectral features as angles change. Compare to working. SUCCESS CRITERIA: Establish solar spectral scales and calibration relative to SSBUV reference spectrum. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn (J. Niu) COMMAND RQMTS: Solar Calibration Reference Diffuser LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Test OMPS_E4 W/R & Mg II TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: First sets of working and reference solar diffuser spectra OBJECTIVES: Compare working/reference, establish SNR for solar, create Mg II index and check Scale Factors (SFs). DESCRIPTION: Compare W/R, GOME-2 Mg II, & SBUV SFs. PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: OMPS must be open, with diffuser operating, and measuring near terminator. RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: Use results in Earth view Mg II and stray light Tests; need solar activity SUCCESS CRITERIA: Establish working/reference calibration, begin Mg II Index record, check Scale Factors. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn (J. Niu) COMMAND RQMTS: Solar Diffuser Measurements LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Test OMPS_E5 Earth Patterns TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: First orbits of Earth View SDRs OBJECTIVES: Analyze SDR components, Establish Radiance SNRs, and test SAA filters. DESCRIPTION: Decompose Earth SDR with EOF tools, analyze components, identify and remove noise and SAA effects. PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: OMPS must be open and taking regular Earth radiance data RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: Compare to GOME-2 results, coordinate with stray light and -scale tests. SUCCESS CRITERIA: Identify patterns, establish SNR levels, filter noise and SAA contamination. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn (D. Swales) COMMAND RQMTS: Standard Earth SDRs LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Test OMPS_E6 Stray Light TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: First orbits of Earth View SDRs OBJECTIVES: Test stray light models, identify stray light, create Earth-view Mg II Index. DESCRIPTION: Exercise Nadir Mapper Stray light model, use correlation studies for Nadir Profiler, compute average radiances. PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: OMPS must be open and taking regular Earth radiance data RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: Compare to GOME-2 and SBUV/2 results, coordinate with EOF and measurement residual studies. Check for both in-band and out-of-band. SUCCESS CRITERIA: Establish stray light levels, Evaluate Earth Mg II use for tracking solar signal variations RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn (J. Niu) COMMAND RQMTS: Standard Earth SDRs LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Test OMPS_E7 -Scale TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: First orbits of Earth View SDRs OBJECTIVES: Determine intra-orbit wavelength scale changes relative to solar. DESCRIPTION: Exercise wavelength registration tools PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: OMPS must be open and taking regular Earth radiance data RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: Coordinate with EOF wavelength scale pattern and solar scale tests. SUCCESS CRITERIA: Establish and model intra-orbit wavelength scale; correlate with instrument temperature telemetry. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn (J. Niu) COMMAND RQMTS: Standard Earth SDRs LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Test OMPS_E8 V8 TOZ TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: First days of Earth View SDRs OBJECTIVES: Determine V8 TOZ Product Behavior DESCRIPTION: Use V8 TOZ to process OMPS NM SDR data. Evaluate TOZ, reflectivity, and residuals with test on next slide. PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: OMPS must be open and taking regular Earth radiance data RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: Coordinate with OMPS EDR, stray light, SNR, and V8 Pro tests. SUCCESS CRITERIA: Demonstrate processing of OMPS SDRs with V8 TOZ; assess spatial and spectral internal consistency of products and reasonableness of values RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn (D. Swales) COMMAND RQMTS: Standard Earth SDRs LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Internal and Soft Calibration and Validation Sequence for TOZ Products 1. Check 331-nm reflectivity channel calibration by using global distributions of reflectivity – minimum ocean (4%) and land (1%) reflectivity, maximum global reflectivity and ice radiances (Greenland and Antarctica). 2. Check agreement between 360-nm reflectivity and 331-nm reflectivity for scenes with reflectivity greater than 80%. 3. Check agreement of all reflectivity channels. 4. Compute total ozone for nadir measurements from B-pair (317.5-nm and 331-nm) in the tropics and compare to expected values. 5. Check agreement of other ozone sensitive channels/pairs/ triplets with the B-pair results. Examine residuals. 6. Check agreement between zonal means at each satellite view angle and the nadir zonal means. 7. Compare ozone and reflectivity results for different channels and pairs as functions of solar zenith angles and reflectivity. Methods developed at NASA GSFC over the last 30 years.
Test OMPS_E9 V8 Pro TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: First days of Earth View SDRs OBJECTIVES: Determine V8 Pro Product Behavior DESCRIPTION: Use V8 Pro to process OMPS NM & NP SDR data. Evaluate profiles, reflectivity, and residuals with test on next slide. PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: OMPS must be open and taking regular Earth radiance data RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: Coordinate with OMPS EDR, stray light, SNR, and V8 TOZ tests. SUCCESS CRITERIA: Demonstrate processing of OMPS SDRs with V8 Pro; assess spatial and spectral consistency of products and reasonableness of values RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn (E. Beach) COMMAND RQMTS: Standard Earth SDRs for OMPS NM & NP LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Internal and Soft Calibration and Validation Sequence for V8 TOZ Same checklist as TOZ. Check initial residuals for Equatorial zonal means with screen for aerosols and SAA Check final residuals for size and relative bias Compare best and profile total ozone Compare retrieved versus a priori profiles Compare ascending/descending by using Q equivalence across the spectrum for all ascending/descending
Test OMPS_E10 TOZ EDR TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: First days of Earth View SDRs and EDRs OBJECTIVES: Determine EDR TOZ Product Behavior DESCRIPTION: Evaluate OMPS TOZ EDR products. Apply TOZ internal evaluation list on slide after OMPS_E8. PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: IDPS must be producing OMPS EDRs. RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: Examine V7 product, triplet consistency, residuals, and TOZ cal/val list; coordinate with stray light, SNR, and V8 TOZ and V8 Pro tests. SUCCESS CRITERIA: Begin assessment of spatial and spectral consistency of EDR products; check product reasonability RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn () COMMAND RQMTS: Standard Earth SDRs and EDRs LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Test OMPS_E11 V8 and EDR TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: First days of Earth View SDRs and EDRs OBJECTIVES: Identify differences between EDR and V8 DESCRIPTION: Apply statistical methods to compare OMPS EDR and V8 TOZ products. PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: IDPS must be producing EDRs ; STAR must be creating V8 TOZ. RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: Compare products for spatial, temporal, reflectivity, and cross track consistency. SUCCESS CRITERIA: Catalogue, document, display, and attribute differences. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn (D. Swales) COMMAND RQMTS: Standard Earth SDRs and EDRs LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Test OMPS_E12 V8 and DIP TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: First days of Earth View SDRs and DIPs OBJECTIVES: Identify differences between DIP and V8 Pro DESCRIPTION: Apply statistical analysis to compare OMPS DIP (V6) and V8 products. PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: IDPS must be producing V6 DIPs ; STAR must be creating V8 Pro. RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: Compare products for spatial, temporal, reflectivity, and cross track consistency. SUCCESS CRITERIA: Catalogue, document, display, and attribute differences. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn (E. Beach) COMMAND RQMTS: Standard Earth SDRs and DIPs LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Test OMPS_E13 Pacific Box TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: First week of Earth View SDRs, EDRs, DIPs, V8 TOZ and V8 Pro OBJECTIVES: Assess product performance in benign conditions DESCRIPTION: Create averages and other statistics for Pacific box weekly averages. PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: IDPS must be producing EDRs/DIPs; STAR must be creating V8 TOZ and V8 Pro. RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: Compare products for calibration and cross-track consistency. Assess performance relative to climatology and geophysical expectations. Derive ad hoc calibration adjustments to N-values. SUCCESS CRITERIA: Catalogue and attribute differences. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn (W. Yu) COMMAND RQMTS: Standard Earth SDRs and EDRs LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Test OMPS_E14 Satellite Comparisons TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: First weeks of Earth View SDRs, EDRs, DIPs, V8 TOZ and V8 Pro OBJECTIVES: Evaluate products relative to existing ones DESCRIPTION: Create and analyze zonal means and other statistics for OMPS relative to different satellite instrument products. Compare CrIS Ozone DIP to OMPS. PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: IDPS must be producing EDRs/DIPs; STAR must be creating V8 TOZ and V8 Pro. RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: Assess performance relative to contemporaneous ozone data sets from SBUV/2, OMI, GOME-2, MLS, and CrIS. Begin with comparisons of products from the same or similar algorithms applied to different sensors. SUCCESS CRITERIA: Catalogue and attribute differences. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn (Y. Pachepsky) COMMAND RQMTS: Standard Earth SDRs and EDRs LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Test OMPS_E15 Populate ICVS TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: First weeks of Earth View SDRs, EDRs, DIPs, V8 TOZ and V8 Pro OBJECTIVES: Begin monitoring of key parameters and variables. DESCRIPTION: Display and evaluate zonal means and other statistics for key products. PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS IDPS must be producing EDRs and DIPs; STAR must be creating V8 TOZ and V8 Pro. RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: Assess performance relative to expected values. Compare to SBUV/2 and GOME-2. SUCCESS CRITERIA: Catalogue and attribute differences. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn (W. Yu) COMMAND RQMTS: Standard Earth SDRs and EDRs LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Test OMPS_E16 Match-Up TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: First weeks of Earth View SDRs, EDRs, DIPs, V8 TOZ and V8 Pro OBJECTIVES: Create match-up data sets, begin statistical analysis for validation. DESCRIPTION: A collection of OMPS products for ground station locations will be compiled and initial comparisons will be made. Early focus will be on the twelve NOAA ESRL stations. PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: Level 2 products must be available. RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: Begin statistical analysis for validation with ground station ozone estimates. SUCCESS CRITERIA: Evaluate and validate products; provide matchup data sets. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn (E. Beach, I. Petropavloskikh) COMMAND RQMTS: Standard Earth SDRs and EDRs LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Test OMPS_E17 SNO TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: First weeks of Earth View SDRs, EDRs, DIPs, V8 TOZ and V8 Pro OBJECTIVES: Create SNO match-up data sets with NPP and target satellites, begin analysis for inter-calibration. DESCRIPTION: SNO events for NPP and target satellites will be collected as will corresponding measurements and products. Early focus will be on comparing Level 1 and Level 2 EOS Aura OMI and MetOP-A GOME-2 with OMPS SDRs and EDRs. PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: Orbital ephemerides. RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: Begin statistical analysis for comparisons and intercalibration. SUCCESS CRITERIA: Evaluate relative biases among instruments. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn (W. Yu) COMMAND RQMTS: Standard Earth SDRs and EDRs LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Test OMPS_E18 Assimilation TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: First weeks of Earth View SDRs, EDRs, DIPs, V8 TOZ and V8 Pro OBJECTIVES: Test assimilation of ozone products in NWM and UV Index forecasts. DESCRIPTION: Provide initial samples of OMPS EDRs and DIPs for assimilation and/or comparison to forecasts. PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: BUFR conversion of ozone data products may be needed. RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: Begin statistical analysis for comparisons and identification of biases. SUCCESS CRITERIA: Determine regions and magnitudes of relative biases between products and models. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: C. Long () COMMAND RQMTS: Standard Earth SDRs and EDRs LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Test OMPS_E19 ICVS Trending TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: Extended period of regular Level 2 data production OBJECTIVES: Monitor key parameters. DESCRIPTION: Pacific Box Trending, Ice Radiance Trending, D- pair trending, residual trending, reflectivity distribution trending. PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: Regular production of Level 2 OMPS products. Success of OMPS_E15. RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: SUCCESS CRITERIA: Description of trending results for key parameters RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn (W. Yu) COMMAND RQMTS: Standard Earth SDRs and EDRs LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Test OMPS_E20 Solar Trending TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: Multiple set of Working and Reference Diffuser measurements OBJECTIVES: Track diffuser and instrument degradation. DESCRIPTION: Analyze time dependent changes in-orbit. Check Mg II Index behavior. PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: Multiple but limited reference diffuser measurements. Success of earlier solar tests. RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: Work with SDR Cal/Val and OMPS Sensor Scientist. SUCCESS CRITERIA: Quantify spectral dependence of instrument and diffuser degradation. Determine relative variation of OMPS Mg II Index versus SBUV/2 Mg II Indices. Track wavelength scale drift. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn (J. Niu) COMMAND RQMTS: Standard Earth SDRs and EDRs LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Test OMPS_E21 Cal/Val Trending TEST DURATION AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: Extended period of regular Level 2 data production OBJECTIVES: Continue product validation. DESCRIPTION: Continue validation against ground-based data with additional data. PREREQUISITES and/or CONSTRAINTS: Additional reports of ozone products from ground-based stations; regular production of OMPS Level 2 products. RECOMMENDATIONs and/or COMMENTS: Compare changes over time with those relative to other satellite instrument products SUCCESS CRITERIA: Create a report on the OMPS ozone product accuracy, precision, and stability. Provide longer-term Match-Up data sets for collection of ground stations. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: L. Flynn (E. Beach) COMMAND RQMTS: Standard Earth SDRs and EDRs LAST UPDATE:July 28, 2010
Door Closed Tasks OMPS SDR –Noise statistics –SAA and outlier detection EOF Tools Nearest Neighbor (spectral, spatial, temporal) –non-linearity –dead/hot pixels –RTS –Review linearity results –Track intra-orbit temperature cycle
Solar Measurement Tasks OMPS SDR –Synthetic (NGAS+NASA), Proxy (from SBUV/2 continuous Scan and GOME-2), Real (Post Launch) Comparisons to Reference Spectra –SSBUV, SBUV/2, OMI, GOME-2 –Solstice, SUSIM, Kitt Peak Mg II Indices (GOME-2, SBUV/2) –Earth-view for GOME-2 and OMI? Wavelength Scale, Bandpass, Cross-track consistency, Diffuser position, Sun angles, Stray Light, Degradation of weekly, EOF and Fraunhoffer analysis to detect Shifts in Earth View
Single Orbit Measurement Tasks OMPS SDR –EOF –Wavelength Scale –Signal to Noise –SAA and Outliers –Stray Light, Mg II Index, correlation Product consistency –Cross track, along track, spectral –Triplet (Ozone, reflectivity, Aerosol) –SBUV/2, OMI, GOME-2 Comparison of products and residuals –SBUV/2 –OMI –MLS –GOME-2 SZA and latitude dependence Test alternative algorithms
Single Day Measurement Tasks Repeat orbital analysis with full day –Especially stray light and SAA. Compare maps and map differences Perform comparisons and consistency analysis with Zonal Means –Product consistency for Zonal Means Cross track, along track, spectral Triplet (Ozone, reflectivity, Aerosol) SBUV/2, OMI, GOME-2 –Comparison of products and residuals SBUV/2 OMI MLS GOME-2 –SZA and latitude dependence –Start ICVS monitoring plots
Single Week Measurement Tasks Make Pacific Box Comparisons and Checks –Especially cross-track Begin trending of daily statistics Repeat daily analysis with week of data Compare maps and map differences Start overpass and Matchup data sets Perform comparisons and consistency analysis with Zonal Means –Product consistency for Zonal Means Cross track, along track, spectral Triplet (Ozone, reflectivity, Aerosol) SBUV/2, OMI, GOME-2 –Comparison of products and residuals SBUV/2 OMI MLS GOME-2 –SZA and latitude dependence –Continue ICVS monitoring
Single Month of Measurement Tasks Create Match-up overpass data sets –Begin ground-based comparisons Continue trending of daily statistics Repeat weekly analysis with a month of data –Add Ascending/Descending and D-pair Compare maps and map differences Perform comparisons and consistency analysis with Zonal Means –Product consistency for Zonal Means Cross track, along track, spectral Triplet (Ozone, reflectivity, Aerosol) SBUV/2, OMI, GOME-2 –Comparison of products and residuals SBUV/2 OMI MLS GOME-2 –SZA and latitude dependence –Continue ICVS monitoring
Details on ICVS and Matchup Monitoring in ICVS –Current SBUV/2 Initial & final residuals (mean and SD), Total Ozone pairs and profile differences Monthly profile Retrieved – A Priori Weekly 1% and 99% reflectivity –Current and in transition GOME-2 Mg II Index Selected Residuals (Time series and Cross Track) Pacific Box monitoring of residuals and reflectivity Total ozone and Aerosol Index (Time series and Cross Track) List of Overpass stations – PlatformNameCountryMinimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude Minimum Height Maximum Height STN 1LEOPOLDVILLECOD-4.33-4.2715.5215.58435465 STN 2TAMANRASSETDZA22.7722.835.4875.54713621392
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