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Published byRosamond Campbell Modified over 9 years ago
1 week PTA Fever, dysuria, urgency Took Paracetamol and antibiotic which relieved fever 2 days PTA Headache, body malaise, nausea, vomited 3x (50 cc/episode) Admission Persistence of symptoms 51 year old, female CC: vomiting
History ROS unremarkable (-) for smoking and alcohol history Hypertensive for 10 yrs, taking Telmisartan and HCTZ daily for the past month Discontinued Amlodipine due to bipedal edema
Physical Examination Weak looking and wheelchair borne, poor skin turgor, dry mouth, tongue and axilla BP supine-120/80 sitting-90/60 usual-130/80 HR supine-90/min sitting-105/min Weighed 50 kg but usual weight was 53 kg. JVP <5cm H 2 0 at 45 degrees
Laboratory Tests Hb=132 mg/dL Hct=0.35 WBC=12.5 Neutrophils=0.88 Lymphocytes=0.12 P Na=123 mEq/L P K=3.7 mEq/L (N) Cl=71 mEq/L BUN=22 mg/dL S Crea=0.9 mg/dL Glucose=98 mg/dL ABG: pH=7.3 CO 2 =35 HCO 3 =18 U Na=100 mmol/L U Osm=540 mosm/L Urinalysis: Yellow, sl.turbid pH 6.0, SG 1.020 albumin and sugar (-) hyaline casts 5/hpf pus cells 10-15/hpf RBC 2-5/hpf (not dysmorphic)
Salient Features 51 year old, female Vomiting Fever, dysuria, urgency Headache, body malaise, nausea Vomiting: 50cc/episode Known hypertensive Telmisartan (40 mg) Hydrochlorthiazide (12.5 daily) Weak looking, wheelchair-borne BP: 120/80 (supine), 90/60 (sitting), 130/80 (usual) HR: 90/min (supine), 105/min (sitting) Lost weight, poor skin turgor, dry mouth, tongue and axillae Normal JVP
1. What is the diagnosis? Basis?
Hypoosmolal hyponatremia secondary to thiazide intake
Body malaise Weakness Poor skin turgor Dry mouth and tongue Dry axillae Postural hypotension Postural tachycardia Signs of ECF Volume Contraction
2. What factors contributed to the development of hyponatremia in the patient?
Factors in the Development of Hyponatremia Vomited 3x (50 cc/episode) Primary Sodium Loss (Secondary water gain): GastointestinaI Losses Due to vomiting predisposes the patient to hyponatremia since there is a corresponding sodium loss associated with water loss
Factors in the Development of Hyponatremia Intake of hydrochlorothiazide Primary Sodium Loss (Secondary water gain): Renal Losses It is important to note that diuretic-induced hyponatremia is almost always due to thiazide diuretics lead to Na+ and K+ depletion and AVP-mediated water retention. Inhibits reabsorption of sodium and chloride in the distal convoluted tubule promoting water loss.
Factors in the Development of Hyponatremia Intake of telmisartan ARB Inhibits tubular Na and Cl reabsorption, K excretion, water retention promotes water loss.
3. Compute for the plasma osmolality and the effective plasma osmolality. What is the importance of computing for such?
Plasma Osmolality and Effective Plasma Osmolality Osmolality (calc) = 2 x Na + glucose + urea **if all measurements in mmol/L Osmolality (calc) = 2 x Na + glucose/18 + urea/2.8 **if measurements are in mg/dL Given: Plasma Na = 123 mEq/L Glucose = 98 mg/dL Urea = 22 mg/dL Osmolality = 2(123) + (98/18) + (22/2.8) Osmolality = 259. 301 N = 275 – 295 milli-osmoles per kilogram Reference: Becker, K. 2001. Principles and Practice of Endocrinology and Metabolism 3 rd Ed.
< 275 = Hyponatremia Plasma Osmolality and Effective Plasma Osmolality Effective Osmolality (calc) = 2 x Na + glucose **if all measurements in mmol/L Osmolality (calc) = 2 x Na + glucose/18 **if measurements are in mg/dL Given: Plasma Na = 123 mEq/L Glucose = 98 mg/dL Urea = 22 mg/dL Osmolality = 2(123) + (98/18) Osmolality = 251.44 Reference: Becker, K. 2001. Principles and Practice of Endocrinology and Metabolism 3 rd Ed.
Importance of computing for the plasma osmolality and the effective plasma osmolality ECF tonicity is determined primarily by the Na + concentration and patients who have hyponatremia have a decreased plasma osmolality. Reference: Becker, K. 2001. Principles and Practice of Endocrinology and Metabolism 3 rd Ed.
4. What are the significance of urine osmolality (Uosm) and urine sodium (Una)?
Urine Osmolality (Uosm) A more exact measurement of urine concentration than specific gravity – Patient with Uosm below 100 mOsm/kg are able to appropriately suppress ADH release, leading to a maximally dilute urine – Patients with a higher urine osmolality have an impairment in water excretion due to the presence of ADH Indicated to evaluate the concentrating and diluting ability of the kidney Accurate test for decreased kidney function Monitor course of renal disease/ electrolyte therapy Reference: Rennke H., Denker, B. 2007. Renal Pathophysiology: The Essentials
Urine Sodium (UNa) Helps distinguish renal from non- renal causes of hyponatremia Urine sodium exceeding 20 mEq/L is consistent with renal salt wasting. – Diuretics, ACE inhibitors, mineralocorticoid deficiency, salt losing nephropathy Urine sodium less than 10 mEq/L implies avid sodium retention by the kidney. – Compensation for extra-renal fluid loss (vomiting, diarrhea, sweating or third space wasting) Reference: Rennke H., Denker, B. 2007. Renal Pathophysiology: The Essentials
Urine Sodium (UNa) Effective circulating volume depletion and SIADH are the two major causes of true hyponatremia (with an inappropriately high urine osmolality) and these disordes can be distinguished by measuring the Una. – Patients with hypovolemia are sodium avid in an attempt to limit further losses. Urine sodium is generally below 25 mEq/L. – In comparison, patients with SIADH are normovolemic and sodium excretion is in a steady state equal to intake. Urine sodium concentration is typically above 40 mEq/L.
5. Compute for the sodium (Na) deficit.
Na deficit Sodium Deficit = Total Body Water * Normal Wt in kg * (Pt's Na - Desired Na) (TBW = 0.6 if male and 0.5 if female)
Na deficit Sodium Deficit = (0.5)* (53kg)* (135mEq/L- 123mEq/L) Sodium Deficit= 318mmol/L
Principles of Therapy Raise plasma sodium concentration by restricting water intake and promoting water loss. Correct underlying disorder.
6. What are the basic principles in the treatment of hyponatremia?
Principles of Therapy Asymptomatic hyponatremia Sodium repletion (isotonic saline) Restoration of euvolemia removes the hemodynamic stimulus for AVP release. Restriction of sodium and water intake, correction of hypokalemia, and promotion of water loss in excess of sodium. Dietary water restriction should be less than urine output.
Principles of Therapy Asymptomatic Hyponatremia Sodium concentration should be raised by no more than 0.5 – 1.0mmol/L over the first 24 hours. Acute or severe Hyponatremia Plasma sodium conc: < 110-115mmol/L Rapid correction Severe symptomatic Hypertonic saline 1-2 mmol/l per hour for the first 3-4 hours Raised by no more than 12mmol/L during the first 24 hours
7. What is the complication of the rapid correction of the hyponatremia?
Complication of Rapid Correction of Hyponatremia Rate of correction: depends on the absence or presence of neurologic dysfunction Related to the rapidity of onset and magnitude of fall in plasma Na + concentration Rapid correction of hyponatremia leads to osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS).
Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome Neurologic disorder characterized by flaccid paralysis, dysarthria and dysphagia Mechanism: Patients with chronic hyponatremia (brain cell volume has returned to near normal) Patients with chronic hyponatremia (brain cell volume has returned to near normal) Sudden osmotic shrinkage of brain cells Prior cerebral anoxic injury Hypokalemia Malnutrition secondary to alcoholism Administration of hypertonic saline References: Vellaichamy M. Hyponatremia. 2009. Fauci et al. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 17 th ed.
Subtype of osmotic demyelination syndrome occurring in the pons Occurs when hypertonic saline is given too rapidly in a patient in whom hyponatremia has been present for >24-48 hours Potentially fatal neurologic syndrome characterized by quadriparesis, ataxia, abnormal extraocular movements May result in brain damage and death Central Pontine Myelinolysis References: Vellaichamy M. Hyponatremia. 2009. Fauci et al. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 17 th ed. Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery, 8 th ed.
Central Pontine Myelinolysis Predilection for pons: During hyponatremia, these cells can adapt only by losing ions instead of swelling. This limitation makes them prone to damage when Na is replaced. Grid arrangement of the oligodendrocytes in the base of pons Limits their mechanical flexibility, thus capacity to swell Reference: Vellaichamy M. Hyponatremia. 2009.
Central pontine myelinolysis, MRI FLAIR T2 weighted magnetic resonance scan image showing bilaterally symmetrical hyperintensities in caudate nucleus (small, thin arrow), putamen (long arrow), with sparing of globus pallidus (broad arrow), suggestive of extrapontine myelinolysis.
8. What intravenous fluid would you use? At what rate should it be given?
Intravenous fluid to use and rate of infusion 3% saline infused at a rate of ≤ 0.05 mL/kg body weight per minute. Effect should be monitored continuously by STAT measurements of serum sodium at least once every 2 hours. Reference: Fauci et al. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 17 th ed.
Intravenous fluid to use and rate of infusion Infusion should be stopped as soon as serum sodium increases by 12 mmol/L or to 130 mmol/L, whichever comes first. Urine output should be monitored continuously. SIAD can remit spontaneously at any time, resulting in an acute water diuresis that greatly accelerates the rate of rise in serum sodium produced by fluid restriction and 3% saline. Reference: Fauci et al. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 17 th ed.
Most cases of hyponatremia can be treated by free water restriction and, if severe, the administration of sodium. In patients with normal renal function, symptomatic hyponatremia does not occur until the serum sodium level is greater than or equal to 120 mEq/L. If neurologic symptoms are present, then 3% normal saline should be used to increase the sodium by no more than 1 mEq/L per hour until the serum sodium level reaches 130 mEq/L or neurologic symptoms are improved. Correction of asymptomatic hyponatremia should increase the sodium level by no more than 0.5 mEq/L to a maximum increase of 12 mEq/L per day, and even slower in chronic hyponatremia. The rapid correction of hyponatremia can lead to pontine myelinolysis, 42 with seizures, weakness/paresis, akinetic movements, and unresponsiveness, and may result in permanent brain damage and death. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may assist in the diagnosis. 43
A 62 y/o M diabetic with chronic kidney disease and a creatinine of 3.5 mg/dl and an estimated GFR of 15 ml/min consults due to the inability to lift himself from a chair. He had been eating fruits with each meal for the past two weeks. On PE there is marked proximal weakness and decreased skin turgor. The ECG revealed peaked T waves and widening of the P wave and QRS complex.
Salient Features 62, M CKD Diabetic CC: inability to lift himself from a chair Creatinine of 3.5 mg/dl GFR of 15 ml/min – Low Decreased skin turgor and marked proximal weakness ECG: Peaked T waves and widening of P wave and QRS complex
Laboratory Results ParametersPatientNormal Values Plasma Na130 meq/L136-146 meq/L K8.5 meq/L3.5-5.0 meq/L Cl98 meq/L102-109 meq/L HCO317 meq/L22-30 meq/L Creatinine2.7 meq/L0.6-1.2 meq/L pH7.327.35-7.45 Capillary Blood Glucose400 mmol/L 3.9-6.7 mmol not more than 125 mg/dl Serum Acetone+-
1. What are the most likely factors responsible for the elevation of the plasma potassium?
Most likely causes of Hyperkalemia in the patient 1. ) The patient has chronic kidney disease and is in renal failure – GFR 15 ml/min Compensatory mechanism for increasing distal flow rate and K secretion per nephron is decreased because there is decreased renal mass in chronic renal insufficiency 2.) The patient has diabetes - Insulin deficiency and hypertonicity promote K shift from the ICF to the ECF.
3. Intake of fruits does not necessarily cause hyperkalemia. - Huge amount of parenteral K can elicit hyperkalemia. 4. Acidosis causes shift of potassium from intracellular space into extracellular space.
2. Is this pseudohyperkalemia? Why or why not?
1955 First reported phenomenon of pseudohyperkalemia by Hartmann and Mellinkoff Marked elevation of serum K + levels in the absence of clinical evidence of electrolyte imbalance; non-toxic and no emergency therapy required because elevation of serum K + DOES NOT REFLECT THE LEVEL OF PLASMA K + IN VIVO Due to leakage from platelets in vitro during the clotting process 1960 Nilsson et al K could be released from other cellular components and assumed that the red cells might be the source 1966 Bronson et al 3 cases of pseudohyperkalemia in chronic myelogenous keukemia in transformation WHITE BLOOD CELL breakdown could case the release of K during coagulation as well confusion concerning which cellular component of blood is responsible and why it is not observed in every case where an increase of this component is present. Reference: Sevastos, N.; Theodossiades, G;Archimandritis, A. Pseudohyperkalemia in Serum: A New Insight into an Old Phenomenon
mid 1980s lag time between blood collection and potassium determination was confined to a maximum of 30 minutes and a positive correlation between platelet count and serum but not plasma potassium concentration, was found. 1997 Singh et al that pseudohyperkalemia should only be considered when the serum potassium level exceeds that of plasma by 0.4 mmol/L 2002 Fukasawa et al that normal counts of activated platelets might also be the cause later confirmed that pseudohyperkalemia was attributed to the presence of activated platelets and observed in a few patients Reference: Sevastos, N.; Theodossiades, G;Archimandritis, A. Pseudohyperkalemia in Serum: A New Insight into an Old Phenomenon
PSEUDOHYPERKALEMIA Artificially elevated plasma K + concentration due to K + movement out of cells immediately prior to or following venipuncture Contributing factors: prolonged use of tourniquet with or without repeated fist clenching, hemolysis, and marked leukocytosis or thrombocytosis marked leukocytosis or thrombocytosis results in an elevated serum K + concentration due to release of intracellular K + following clot formation References: Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 17 th ed. Onyekachi Ifudu, Mariana S. Markell, Eli A. Friedman. Unrecognized Pseudohyperkalemia as a Cause of Elevated Potassium in Patients with Renal Disease.
PSEUDOHYPERKALEMIA Serum to plasma potassium difference of more than 0.4 mmol/l Occurs when platelets, leukocytes or erythrocytes release intracellular potassium in vitro falsely elevated serum values. Observed in: Myeloproliferative disorders including leukemia Infectious mononucleosis Rheumatoid arthritis
3. What are the clinical manifestations of hyperkalemia in this patient? Explain the pathophysiology.
HYPERKALEMIA Excessive intake Uncommon cause of hyperkalemia Most often, hyperkalemia is caused by a relatively high potassium intake in a patient with impaired mechanisms for the intracellular shift of potassium or for renal potassium excretion
Decreased excretion Most common cause of hyperkalemia Decreased excretion of potassium, especially coupled with excessive intake Decreased renal potassium excretion Renal failure Ingestion of drugs that interfere with potassium excretion Potassium-sparing diuretics, angiotensin-convening enzyme inhibitors, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Impaired responsiveness of the distal tubule to aldosterone Type IV renal tubular acidosis observed with diabetes mellitus, sickle cell disease, or chronic partial urinary tract obstruction
Shift from intracellular to extracellular space Uncommon cause of hyperkalemia Exacerbate hyperkalemia produced by a high intake or impaired renal excretion of potassium. Clinical situations in which this mechanism is the major cause of hyperkalemia includes Hyperosmolality Rhabdomyolysis Tumor lysis Succinylcholine administration Depolarizes the cell membrane and thus permits potassium to leave the cells
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS Weakness Prolonged depolarization impairs membrane excitability Since the resting membrane potential is related to the ratio of the ICF to ECF K + concentration, hyperkalemia partially depolarizes the cell membrane It may progress to flaccid paralysis and hypoventilation if the respiratory muscles are involved
Metabolic acidosis Net acid excretion is impaired Inhibition of renal ammoniagenesis and reabsorption of NH 4 + in the TALH It may exacerbate the hyperkalemia due to K + movement out of cells
Cardiac toxicity Increased T-wave amplitude, or peaked T waves Prolonged PR interval and QRS duration, atrioventricular conduction delay, and loss of P waves More severe degrees of hyperkalemia Sine wave pattern Progressive widening of the QRS complex and merging with the T wave The terminal event is usually ventricular fibrillation or asystole
How would you manage this case?
Management Most important consequence of Hyper K is altered Cardiac Conductance With the risk of bradycardia and cardiac arrest The patient should be treated as an emergency case and warrants emergency treatment + ECG changes and K > 6.0 mM (Px= 8.5 mM)
Urgent Management 12- lead ECG Admission to the hospital Continuous cardiac monitoring Immediate treatment
Treatment Antagonism of the cardiac effect of hyperkalemia Stabilize membrane potential Calcium Therapy 10% Ca gluconate, 10 mL over 10 mins or Calcium chloride 5 mL of 10% sol IV over 2 min Stop infusion if bradycardia develops Rapid reduction in K+ by redistribution into cells Cellular K+ uptake Insulin 10 U R (CBG= 400 mmol/L) B2-agonist nebulize albuterol, 10-20 mg in 4mL saline
Treatment Removal of K+ from the body Furosemide 20-250 mg IV Kayexalate 30-60 g mixed with 100 mL of 20% sorbitol PO Hemodialysis (if necessary) Intractable Acidosis Uncontrollable Hyperkalemia Sodium Bicarbonate 1 mEq/kg slow IV push or continuous IV drip
History A 55 year old man presents with diarrhea that has lasted for several weeks. He works as a farmer in La Trinidad, Benguet. He has become progressively weak during the past week.
Laboratory Examination Laboratory examination reveals the following results: Na = 140 mEq/L Cl = 110 mEq/L K = 2.0 mEq/L An arterial blood gas determination shows: pH = 7.28 pCO2 = 39 mmHg HCO3 = 16 The urine potassium is 15 mEq/L.
1. Discuss the diagnostic approach to hypokalemia. What is the cause of hypokalemia in this patient?
HYPOKALEMIA Decreased Intake Redistribution into cells Increased LossNonrenal Gastrointestinal Loss (Diarrhea) Integumentary Loss (Sweat) Renal
Hypokalemia Secondary to Profuse Diarrhea Increased gastrointestinal loss Loss of gastric secretions does not account for the moderate to severe K + depletion. The hypokalemia is primarily due to increased renal K + excretion. Loss of gastric contents volume depletion and metabolic alkalosis kaliuresis Hypovolemia Aldosterone release Augmentation of K + secretion by principal cells The filtered load of HCO 3 – exceeds the reabsorptive capacity of the proximal convoluted tubule, thereby increasing distal delivery of NaHCO 3, which enhances the electrochemical gradient favoring K + loss in the urine.
2. What are the signs and symptoms of hypokalemia?
Symptoms Seldom occur unless the plasma K + conc is <3mmol/L Fatigue, myalgia, and muscular weakness of the lower extremities Palpitations, constipation, nausea or vomiting, abdominal cramping, polyuria, nocturia, or polydipsia, psychosis, delirium, or hallucinations, depression Severe hypokalemia may lead to progressive weakness, hypoventilation and eventually complete paralysis. Hypokalemic periodic paralysis
Signs Signs of ileus Hypotension Ventricular arrhythmias Cardiac arrest Bradycardia or tachycardia Premature atrial or ventricular beats Hypoventilation, respiratory distress Respiratory failure Lethargy or other mental status changes Decreased muscle strength, fasciculations, or tetany Decreased tendon reflexes Cushingoid appearance (eg, edema)
3. What are the adverse medical implications of this condition?
Hypokalemia Impaired muscle metabolism and blunted hyperemic response to exercise associated with profound K + depletion increase the risk of rhabdomyolysis Smooth muscle function may also be affected and manifest as paralytic ileus ECG changes: Early changes: T wave flattening or inversion, prominent U wave, ST segment depression, prolonged QU interval Severe K + depletion: prolonged PR interval, decreased voltage and widening of QRS complex, and an increased risk of ventricular arrythmias (px with Myocardial Ischemia or left ventricular hypertrophy)
Hypokalemia Predispose to digitalis toxicity Associated with acid-base disturbances related to the underlying disorder Intracellular acidification and an increase in net acid excretion or new HCO 3 - production: consequence of enhanced proximal HCO 3 - reabsorption, increased renal ammoniagenesis, and increased distal H + secretion → generation of metabolic alkalosis Glucose intolerance attributed to either impaired insulin secretion or peripheral insulin resistance.
4. What is the significance of the urinary K levels?
Normal – Urine Potassium:25 to 120 mEq/L/day Increased – Primary or Secondary Aldosteronism – Glucocorticoids – Alkalosis – Renal Tubular Necrosis – Excess Potassium intake Decreased – Acute Renal failure – Potassium sparing diuretics – Diarrhea – hypokalemia
Decreased urine K levels (15mEq/L) Diarrhea for several weeks Hypokalemia secondary to increased GI loss 90% of K is reabosrbed by the PCT and loop of Henle Luminal Na K Cl co transporter mediated K uptake in thick ascending loop K delivery to the distal nephron (DCT and CCD) approximates dietary intake Net distal K secretion or reabsorption occurs in the setting of K excess or depletion respectively
5. What is the treatment?
Emergency Department Care Patients in whom severe hypokalemia is suspected should be placed on a cardiac monitor; establish intravenous access and assess respiratory status. Direct potassium replacement therapy by the symptomatology and the potassium level. Begin therapy after laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis. Patients who have mild or moderate hypokalemia (potassium level of 2.5-3.5 mEq/L) are usually asymptomatic; if these patients have only minor symptoms, they may need only oral potassium replacement therapy. Patients with mild hypokalemia whose underlying cause of hypokalemia can be corrected may not need any potassium replacement, such as those with vomiting successfully treated with antiemetics. Reference:
In severe hypokalemia, cardiac arrhythmias or significant symptoms are present, then more aggressive therapy is warranted. If the potassium level is less than 2.5 mEq/L, intravenous potassium should be given. Admission or ED observation is indicated; replacement therapy takes more than a few hours. The serum potassium level is difficult to replenish if the serum magnesium level is also low. Look to replace both. Reference:
Emergency Treatment According to, August 2009 Journal: Emergency Treatment of Hypokalemia A. Estimated Potassium Deficit 1. At a serum K <3 mEq/L, there is a K deficit of more than 300 mEq 2. At a serum K <2 mEq/L, there is a K deficit of more than 700 mEq B. Indications for Urgent Replacement. Electrocardiographic abnormalities consistent with severe K depletion, myocardial infarction, hypoxia, digitalis intoxication, marked muscle weakness, or respiratory muscle paralysis. Reference:
Emergency Treatment C. Intravenous Potassium Therapy 1. Intravenous KCL is usually used unless concomitant hypophosphatemia is present (diabetic ketoacidosis), where potassium phosphate is indicated. 2. The maximal rate of intravenous K replacement is 30 mEq/hour. The K concentration of IV fluids should be 40 mEq/L or less if given via a peripheral vein. Frequent monitoring of serum K and constant electrocardiographic monitoring are required. Reference:
Non-Emergent Treatment of Hypokalemia Attempts should be made to normalize K levels if <3.5 mEq/L. Oral supplementation is significantly safer than IV. Micro- encapsulated and sustained-release forms of KCL are less likely to induce gastrointestinal disturbances than are wax- matrix tablets or liquid preparations. 1. KCL elixir, 1-3 tablespoon every day. Reference:
References Becker, K. 2001. Principles and Practice of Endocrinology and Metabolism 3 rd Ed. Harrison’s Principle of Internal Medicine, 17 th ed. Onyekachi Ifudu, Mariana S. Markell, Eli A. Friedman. Unrecognized Pseudohyperkalemia as a Cause of Elevated Potassium in Patients with Renal Disease. Rennke H., Denker, B. 2007. Renal Pathophysiology: The Essentials Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery, 8 th ed. Vellaichamy M. Hyponatremia. 2009.
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