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Political Databases.  Political databases (also known as voter databases) are utilized by political candidates and parties at all levels of the campaign.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Databases.  Political databases (also known as voter databases) are utilized by political candidates and parties at all levels of the campaign."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Databases

2  Political databases (also known as voter databases) are utilized by political candidates and parties at all levels of the campaign process

3 Uses  Fundraising – mail/telephone calls  Recruitment - volunteers  Issue tracking  Get Out The Vote (GOTV) – Increase voter identification  Basically, it increases volunteer efforts and information feedback

4 Help America Vote Act (HAVA)  Passed in 2002 to solve problems from the 2000 election  “Written with the aim of establishing uniform voting requirements in federal elections and the updating of voting technology across the different states (Thernstrom)”  Including a clause that mandated each state compile a registered voter database by 2006

5  The state’s registered voter databases are then sold at varying prices  Each state’s databases differ in terms of the information included, certain restrictions, how much they are sold for, and to whom

6  Companies buy the databases and often merge them with other information and databases to sell to parties and campaigns.  At this level they usually include information on which candidate they are most likely to vote for, and/or who they have voted for in the past

7 Where does the info come from?  Mostly from “public information” sources that can be bought (legally).  Census  Field workers  Consumer polls

8 GOP’s Voter Vault  Began use in 2002  Information on an “estimated” 168 million voters  Compiled mostly in India  Uses a point system to determine which party each voter is most likely to vote for  This point system also helps to determine which voters may be easily swayed

9 DPG’s VoteBuilder  Signed with Voter Activation Network (VAN) in 2007 to create their “nationwide voter profile”.  Similar (in use) to Voter Vault  Also helps keep campaign workers in touch and on the same page throughout each state and the country  Chris Hughes, co-founder of Facebook, is highly involved  It is generally believed “to be playing catch up” with Voter Vault

10   _c.php _c.php  secret-w.html secret-w.html   the_best_database_win_a_look_at_the_voter_files_p owering_the_08_race the_best_database_win_a_look_at_the_voter_files_p owering_the_08_race

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