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Joe the Voter I just turned 18. This will be the first election I’m eligible to vote in. What do I do? This is Joe. He is ready to vote for the first.

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Presentation on theme: "Joe the Voter I just turned 18. This will be the first election I’m eligible to vote in. What do I do? This is Joe. He is ready to vote for the first."— Presentation transcript:



3 Joe the Voter I just turned 18. This will be the first election I’m eligible to vote in. What do I do? This is Joe. He is ready to vote for the first time. Register to Vote Learn about the candidates and issues Go Vote! Here’s what you do:

4 DMV Joe the Voter So I have to register to vote. Am I eligible? A Citizen of the United StatesA Resident of Virginia and precinct18 years old by day of election eligible: fit to be chosen; legally or morally qualified Joe the Voter All set! Let’s go vote!

5 So, how do I find out who is running and what their positions are? Joe the Voter What’d I do?

6 WOW! This is all a bit overwhelming. There is so much information, and so many opinions. Who do I trust? Joe the voter Joe the Voter Endorsed a candidate Focuses on one issue Favors one party (bias)

7 Joe the Voter Hello, this is Joe. I don’t know. I’ve been trying to figure everything out, but it can be pretty complicated. There is a lot of different information out there to sift through. Why do you ask? I don’t know who I’m voting for yet. I think I’ll do some volunteering to help register new voters, maybe talking with other first-time voters will help me make up my mind. Joe the Voter WALNUT Community Organizers Joe the Voter

8 Afternoon, ma’am, have you registered to vote yet? No, but I’ve been meaning to. What do I have to do? Just fill out this paperwork. It’ll be my first time voting too. I’ve been learning about the issues on the internet. I think I’m ready to make my choice. Jill the Voter Joe the Voter I didn’t think of it like that. The media tries to tell you that certain issues are important, but I guess you have to figure out your own priorities.

9 Joe the Voter Now that I have decided what issues matter most to me, I need to find out where the parties and candidates stand, and who I agree with. I’m going to cut out that media middleman this time, and go straight to the parties’ local campaign headquarters for some direct contact. Joe the Voter Republican HQ Joe the Voter Democrat HQ Joe the Voter


11 I just voted for the first time! The line was kind of long, but I finally got in and cast my ballot. Now I’ll sit back and check out the media coverage to see if my candidate won. Joe the Voter Well, that was a fun, confusing, and exhilarating process. I think I’m finally ready to vote now, so I’m off to the polls! Joe the Voter VOTE 2008 I Voted

12 Well, that’s my voting story. I hope you learned something, and were inspired to go out and participate in your democracy. Until the next election… Joe the Voter

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