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Finish by Wednesday: Need to Know Writing: Humans Origins in Africa Prompt: Where were some sites in Africa where archaeologists and historians have found.

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Presentation on theme: "Finish by Wednesday: Need to Know Writing: Humans Origins in Africa Prompt: Where were some sites in Africa where archaeologists and historians have found."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finish by Wednesday: Need to Know Writing: Humans Origins in Africa Prompt: Where were some sites in Africa where archaeologists and historians have found evidence of the origins of modern human beings? Describe what they found. Cite the text for evidence of your answers. Rubric: ScoreDevelopment 4  Well-chosen evidence to develop topic  Explains all evidence  Clear understanding of the topic 3  Adequately develops topic  Adequately explains evidence  Demonstrates understanding of topic 2  Not enough evidence  Repetitive evidence  Understands some of the topic 1  Irrelevant or no evidence  Only personal knowledge  Does not understand the topic

2 CheckPoint #7 Objective: 1.Characterize the nomadic hunter-gatherer societies of the Paleolithic Age 6.2 a. use of tools and fire b. basic hunting weapons 2. Recognize time vocabulary 1.Number your ½ sheet 1 -7 2.Put your name in the RIGHT corner and give it a title 3.Wait for further instructions. 1.Number your ½ sheet 1 -7 2.Put your name in the RIGHT corner and give it a title 3.Wait for further instructions.

3 1. Use the timeline to help best describe the Prehistory Era. – 6.7 a.Very oldc. Before writing was invented b.Ancientd. Golden Age 2.Which Era did the Egyptians settle and did the Egyptians use writing? Prove your answer true. -6.7 AD

4 3. When did humans reach North America? a.25,000 years ago b.50,000 years ago c.70,000 years ago d. 15,000 years ago Checkpoint #7

5 4. Which choice best describes the reason people call it “the Stone Age?” - 6.2 a.The technology available c. Type of communication b.Cultural traits d. Religious beliefs 5. The Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic are best described as … 6.7 a.Prehistoricc. Ancient b.Classicald. Renaissance 6. What is the most important part of the discovery made in 1974 that pertains to “Lucy”? - 6.7. a. That she walked in an upright position c. How old the fossils were b. The location of the fossilsd. She was female 7. Which Age did people start to settle in villages permanently? 6.2

6 Early Humans and the Agricultural Revolution Chapter 3

7 Today’s Objectives 1.Characterize the nomadic hunter-gatherer societies of the Paleolithic Age -6.2 a. use of tools and fire b. basic hunting weapons 2. Explain how people adapted to their environment.

8 Chapter 3.1 Hunters-Gatherers p. 54

9 The Paleolithic Age Called the Stone Age People used stone for tools and weapons Means “Old Stone” Also called the “Old Stone Age” Lasted until 8000 B.C.

10 Surviving the Paleolithic Age People were nomads People who regularly moved from place to place to survive Traveled in groups of 20 or 30 Search for food was main activity Hunted buffalo, bison, goats, reindeer, fish Gathered wild nuts, berries, fruits, grains

11 Finding Food Men-hunted large animals Developed tracking methods Used clubs Drove animals off cliffs Traps and spears increased chances of survival

12 Finding Food Women stayed close to camp Looked after children Searched woods for berries, nuts, and grains



15 The Invention of Tools Technology-tools and methods to perform tasks was first used by Paleolithic people Sticks, stones, and tree branches served as tools A hard stone called flint was used for cutting tools: axes, spears, bows, and arrows 2AICFA&list=PLikhmGxRmG_OgEounmLueDUZh6dMPK9bZ

16 Changing to Survive Climate affected how Paleolithic people lived Made clothing from animal skins Made tents and huts from mammoths bones

17 Fire Sparks Changes Paleolithic people discovered how to make fire Produced fire by friction Discovered iron pyrite gave off sparks

18 Language and Art Paleolithic man began to communicate Developed language Expressed themselves through art

19 Altamira, Spain

20 Lascaux, France

21 Ice Age Ice Age- periods of extreme cold Water level was lowered Exposed land bridge connecting continents of Asia and North America Allowed people to move into North America

22 How Did the Ice Age Affect Humans? Humans adapted to environment Added fat to diet Built sturdier shelter Made clothing using animal fur Use fire to keep warm Ice Age ended about 9000 and 8000 B.C.

23 Review: 1. Describe the life of the nomad hunter – gatherer societies of the Paleolithic Age. Their use of tools and fire -___________________ Basic hunting weapons - _____________________ 2. How did people adapt to their environment? Climate - ____ Fire - ____ Ice Ages - ____

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