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Chapter 2 Native Americans.

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1 Chapter 2 Native Americans

2 Origins Many scientists believe that Indians’ came from Asia during the last ice age. The ancestors of these Indians crossed the land that connected Asia and North America, arriving in N.C. about 14,000 years ago. Knowledge of early Native American cultures comes from Archaeologists, scientists who study artifacts left by ancient civilizations.

3 Cultures that existed before the Europeans arrived
Pre-Contact Cultures Cultures that existed before the Europeans arrived

4 Paleo Indians Paleo: very old or long ago.
Nomadic hunters who hunted large animals such as: mammoths early type of bison camels

5 Archaic Indians Archaic: old. hunted smaller animals using an atlatl.
fished and gathered plants, nuts, fruit, and roots for food.

6 Woodland Indians developed the bow and arrow hunters
grew crops such as corn, squash, gourds and sunflowers built permanent villages made with grass roofs created clay pottery to store and serve food

7 Mississippian Indians
farmers held ceremonies for planting and harvesting built ceremonial centers

8 Post-Contact Cultures

9 The largest tribes were the:
Tuscarora lived in the Coastal Plain Catawba lived in the Piedmont and Southern Coastal Plain Cherokee lived in the Mountains

10 Three main language groups:
Algonquian spoken by Chowanoc, Moratoc, Pamlico, Roanoac Iroquoian spoken by the Tuscarora and Cherokee Siouan spoken by the Catawba

11 Plants Native Americans used plants: Corn: For food
To fight disease, and To bring healing Corn: Was the main source of food Most important plant

12 How Native Americans Lived

13 The Family Most of the Indians of North Carolina had a mother-centered family system Within this family system, a child was related by blood only to the mother.

14 Food The main crop was corn. Other crops that they grew include:
Squash Pumpkins Beans, and Sunflowers The main fruit tree that they grew was the peach.

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