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The First Farmers Neolithic Era.

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1 The First Farmers Neolithic Era


3 Agricultural Revolution
Second great human process. Neolithic era started about 12,000 years ago. Cultivation of plants and domestication of animals. Domestication of nature created a new mutual dependence. Animal and human depended on one another. Humans lost gathering and hunting skills. Intensification of living: More food from much less land. Leads to more people, more people means greater need for food.


5 Why did it develop when it did?
End of the Ice Age (11,000 years ago) End of Ice age coincided with human migration across earth. Extinction of large mammals: Climate change and hunting. Gathering and hunting people had learend ways to manage nature “broad spectrum diet” Development of new tool (sickles, baskets) Women as agricultural innovators

6 Global Agriculture Diffusion- gradual spread of techniques and perhaps plants and animals Colonization of migration of agricultural peoples Along with this came: Spread of language and culture Greater population Technological innovation

7 X-Ray Activity Individually, pick a society- Pastoral, Agricultural Village, or Chiefdoms and create a textual/visual representation of the following aspects of life: Hands- Art/Architecture/Technology Legs- Labor systems Spine- Political structure Ribs- Social structure Heart- Religious beliefs


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