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1 N eutrino E xtended S ubmarine T elescope with O ceanographic R esearch Operation and performance of the NESTOR test detector.

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Presentation on theme: "1 N eutrino E xtended S ubmarine T elescope with O ceanographic R esearch Operation and performance of the NESTOR test detector."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 N eutrino E xtended S ubmarine T elescope with O ceanographic R esearch Operation and performance of the NESTOR test detector

2 2 Successful deployment of one NESTOR star with 12 Optical Modules to 4000m using the cableship RAYMOND CROZE (FranceTelecom) 29 th of March: The first deep sea muon data transmitted to shore 2003

3 3 NESTOR Star Deployment (March 2003)

4 4 Track Reconstruction muon track generation muon propagation & γ shower generation Cherenkov photon emission and propagation GEANTGEANT FASTSIMFASTSIM PMT response simulation Digitization ATWD &Trigger simulation background noise Waveform Reconstruction DST Production Hit Definition Data Quality Histograms MiniDST Ntuples & Histograms Calibration Data Analysis Calibration Database Quality Histograms Database (gains, baselines,attenuation etc) Raw Data Interface Software Monitor Histograms Data Analysis Flow

5 5 Signal processing: Attenuation Corrections Double pulse disentangling Voltage (mV) Time (ns) Before the attenuation corrections After the attenuation corrections “automatic” separation Voltage (mV) Time (ns) Fit double pulses Rise time “recovery”

6 6 Signal processing Timing and Amplitude Effects Data from a depth of 3800m σ: 0.8ns

7 7 single p.e. LED Run single p.e. pulse height distribution two p.e. s pulse height distribution dark current pulse height distribution sum of the above Data from a depth of 3800 m PMT Pulse Height Distribution Calibration K 40 Background: A stable calibration source

8 8 Trigger: ≥4fold Coincidence Single PMT Rates Data from a depth of 3800m

9 9 Bioluminescence Occurs for the 1.1% ± 0.1% of the Active Experimental Time

10 10 Calibration Data Analysis Calibration Database Quality Histograms LED Calibration Data Gain Monitors Data from a depth of 3800 m Calibration Run Time Difference (ns) Number of Events Time Difference (ns) : 0.6 ± 0.1 ns σ : 3.3 ± 0.1 ns : 0.2 ± 0.1 ns σ : 3.3 ± 0.1 ns

11 11 Calibration Data Analysis Calibration Database Quality Histograms Data from a depth of 3800 m Calibration Run

12 12 Data from a depth of 3800 m Trigger Studies Experimental Points M.C. Estimation ( Atmospheric muons + K 40 ) M.C. Estimation ( Atmospheric muons only ) Data Collected with 4fold Majority Trigger c

13 13 Data from a depth of 3800 m Trigger Studies Data Collected with 4fold Majority Trigger Experimental Points M.C. Estimation ( Atmospheric muons + K 40 )

14 14 Experimental Points M.C. Estimation ( Atmospheric muons + K 40 ) PMT Pulse Height Distributions

15 15 Charge & Timing information

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