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1 Why Customer Service Standards/Absolutes? To provide a “consistent” level of service Standards are “promises,” we make to our coworkers, patients and.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Why Customer Service Standards/Absolutes? To provide a “consistent” level of service Standards are “promises,” we make to our coworkers, patients and."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Why Customer Service Standards/Absolutes? To provide a “consistent” level of service Standards are “promises,” we make to our coworkers, patients and visitors To ensure “Professional Care with Personal Service” Living them will result in less stress on and off the job. Demonstrating them will earn the trust and respect from patients who have chosen us to be their healthcare provider. To provide a basis for accountability. Our absolutes are by design and a part of your performance evaluation.

2 C USTOMER S ERVICE A BSOLUTE  You have 10 seconds to make an impression.  Acknowledge patient and family. First step in forming a relationship with a patient. Use a greeting, smile, eye contact…adjust covers.  Introduce yourself with title. Make eye contact and look pleasant. Use the patient’s name.  Every interaction is an opportunity to demonstrate professionalism, earn trust and create a positive memory.  Remember only “Always” counts on the HCAHPS Survey. Every interaction occurs with every patient on every shift. Everyone is a CSR: Customer Service Representative

3 Face-to-Face Communication How Messages Are Interpreted Words Body Language Tone of Voice

4 F EATURED A BSOLUTE : A CCOUNTABILITY  YOU are 100% accountable for your actions, behavior and job performance.  Eliminate excuses/complaints.  Demonstrate initiative.  You have control over your value.  Be accountable for your own professional development.  Take responsibility and ownership of your role, your work habits, your customers, and yourself. Be an ambassador for SGMC on and off the clock.

5 S ERVICE R ECOVERY  Treat customer complaints and concerns seriously and address immediately.  Acknowledge the customer’s emotional state first then focus on the issue, situation or concern.  LEAP into action: Listen, Empathize, Acknowledge and Apologize and Pamper.  Demonstrate respect, compassion and professionalism at every step.  Follow through and document according to guidelines. Service Recovery Toolkits are available. Ask your supervisor.

6 T ELEPHONE M ANNERS  Every call is the first call.  SMILE…the caller can sense it.  Good posture impacts your tone of voice.  Project energy and enthusiasm.  Speak slowly, clearly. No slang.  Repeat numbers.  Ask permission to place caller on hold. Thank caller for holding.  Allow caller to hang up first.  Use the SGMC Script: “Good Morning/Afternoon, Name of your department Your name/title if licensed How may I help you?”

7 Telephone Communication How Messages Are Interpreted Words Tone of Voice

8 P ROACTIVE  Be accessible, approachable and conscientious.  Think “customer convenience” vs. your convenience.  Anticipate customer’s needs.  Demonstrate a sense of urgency.  Control your circumstances vs. allowing circumstances to control you.  Respond immediately to call lights.  Escort customers vs. point. Highly proactive people recognize their “response-ability” – the ability to choose their response.

9 E LIMINATE N OISE  Discontinue all personal conversations when providing customer service.  Report squeaky carts and noisy equipment.  Control humor and laughter outbursts.  Knock softly before entering a customer’s room.  Dim lights and speak quietly during the “Quiet Time Zone.” Observe the “Quiet Time Zone” for patient rest and safety: 2030 - 0630

10 P OSITIVE E NVIRONMENT  Be responsible for providing a safe, clean and comfortable environment.  Demonstrate pride and ownership in your work space.  Know hospital codes and your role during emergency situations.  Report any hazards, injury and/or defective equipment.  Pick up litter (inside and out).  Have lids on all open containers.  Call extension 4047 or 4048 to report spills. Be accountable for protecting SGMC’s assets.

11 P OSITIVE B EHAVIORS  Be flexible and accommodating.  Leave personal issues outside work.  Be a team player.  Focus on variables within your control.  Give customer’s options.  Display positive body language.  Use positive phrases: “It’s my pleasure.” “Is there anything else I can do for you?”  Encourage patients to ask questions. Thank customers for choosing SGMC.

12 P ROFESSIONAL I MAGE  Your appearance, hygiene, grooming and dress reflect respect and credibility.  Present a polished, clean, neat and confident image.  Wear ID Badge on upper torso, face-side up. Do not deface with pins/stickers.  Wear proper, safe, clean and polished footwear.  No perfumes/colognes.  Confine eating and drinking to designated areas. Your facial expressions speak volumes.

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