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The Pedagogical ICT Licence ICT in initial teacher training Professional development of teachers in ICT Denmark.

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Presentation on theme: "The Pedagogical ICT Licence ICT in initial teacher training Professional development of teachers in ICT Denmark."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Pedagogical ICT Licence ICT in initial teacher training Professional development of teachers in ICT Denmark

2 www.epict.org2 Basic ICT skills Uses the computer both as –a personal tool –to prepare lessons and –integrated in teaching and learning Uses different networks, for instance a local area network, the school net, intranet or similar.

3 www.epict.org3 Research and collaboration with ICT Collects, assesses, evaluates, summarizes, puts into perspective and presents information Works systematically and process oriented in electronic learning environments Masters different working methods with ICT.

4 www.epict.org4 Pedagogical-didactic ICT competencies Plans, implements and evaluates learning activities that integrate ICT Reflects on learning processes that involve ICT Reflects on school development in the light of ICT implementation.

5 www.epict.org5 Compulsory themes Information processing Works with different uses of the Internet Uses criteria for the evaluation of websites Communication and collaboration tools Uses e-mail and e-conferences Participates in different collaboration activities on the Internet, for instance chat and communities Knows rules of Internet ethics including the use of pictures and other media downloaded from the Internet. Layout and the writing process Works with text on the computer and use the word processor to format and layout text

6 www.epict.org6 Optional themes Cover at least four of the following 8 headings: 1.Digital images Works with digital images on the computer including use of the image processing tool to trim pictures, adjust light and colour. 2.Internal databases Works with databases and know the basic elements of a database: post, field, entering data, sort, search and queries

7 www.epict.org7 Optional themes 3.Numbers Works with numbers on the computer, including using spreadsheets for calculations, creating diagrams and models of for instance game situations. 4.Presentations Makes and uses multimedia presentations, uses the basic elements text, pictures, buttons, link and sound Uses animations Uses and publishes presentations and in this context be aware of the rules of intellectual property right

8 www.epict.org8 Optional themes 5.The evaluation of digital learning resources Knows and can use various criteria in the evaluation of digital learning resources such as websites and multimedia productions. 6.Special needs Uses and evaluates software tools for students with special needs, for instance compensating or supportive tools.

9 www.epict.org9 Optional themes 7.Web pages Makes web pages and uses the basic elements text, picture, buttons, links and sound Publishes web pages and in this connection knows about intellectual property rights issues 8.Work methods and ICT Uses and evaluates learning platforms Uses and evaluates such tools as mind maps, logbooks, portfolio and collaboration tools.

10 www.epict.org10 5-6 months The Pedagogical ICT Licence Professional development – in-service

11 www.epict.org11 Assessment – in-service 8 learning scenarios Document ICT integration Reflect upon their own teaching practice in relation to ICT Principles Themes have a pedagogical/didactical basis Team-based Blended learning Often school-based Regional course providers

12 www.epict.org12 Assessment – pre-service A digital portfolio Products –Text for print, presentations, webpages, databases, spreadsheets, video productions Learning scenarios –1-2 descriptions Pedagogical, didactical reflections –Through digital logbooks

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