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Parental Informal Payments to Education Latvia’s report.

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Presentation on theme: "Parental Informal Payments to Education Latvia’s report."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parental Informal Payments to Education Latvia’s report

2 Qualitative research Small study before quantitative survey to investigate particularities of situation in Latvia 1 Focus group (parents) 2 in-depth interviews (Head of department of secondary education, representative of Trade Unions of teachers)

3 Methods of sampling total number of schools in the country: 828 total number of students in the country: 248449 number of private/nongovernmental, religious, and other schools – less than 20 (weren’t included in sample)

4 Methods of sampling Sample: Schools: 60 (60) Principals:60 (60) Teachers: 600 (606) Parents: 600 (610)

5 Methods of sampling Stratification criteria (according to number of students): Region Language of instruction Schools were selected randomly form complete list of schools In each school: Principal: 1 Teachers, parents: according to school size (number of students)

6 Methods of sampling Teachers and parents of pupils of grades 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 were selected initially To select parent, a student was chosen according to formula (n/2) If more than one needed: n/2+2

7 Administration of the survey Total number of interviewers: 40 Appropriate number of interviewers were selected for each region Most of interviewers were instructed personally, detailed written instruction were given to each interviewer. Every interviewer was encouraged to contact center in case of any difficulties All the interviewers were supervised by SKDS manager (regular reports were submitted)

8 Administration of the survey Principal was contacted via telephone, meeting was arranged Letter of SKDS director was submitted to principal, goals of survey were explained personally When principal agreed to participate (23 didn’t) questionnaires were distributed

9 Guarantees for confidentiality Nature of survey (international, comparative, scientific research) Letter from SKDS director for principals, information in introductory part of questionnaires Envelopes for each respondent opportunity to send questionnaire to SKDS

10 Challanges Suspicion, negative attitude towards research (because of topic)(10 refused to participate because of content) Too many surveys to participate Weather, flu

11 Possibly threats to validity/reliability Attitude to subject (measurement of attitude=OK, but how to collect data about illegal deeds...) Confusion (what is payments to schools? Are supplemental payments corruption? etc)

12 Reaction to the survey Recognition of problem Generally similar reaction of all groups of respondents Suspicions, feeling of offence (mostly principals, teachers) part of questions are not applicable to Latvia

13 Impressions and application Identification of actual problems Identification of different systems Attitude towards problem and possible solutions (partly) amplitude of payments

14 Limitations Impossible to make precize judgements about impact of these payments Make statements about level of corruption in schools

15 Implications Interest from side of ministry Interest from schools

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