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ICT Techniques Processing Information. Data validation Validation is the checking of data before processing takes place. You need to ensure this is done.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT Techniques Processing Information. Data validation Validation is the checking of data before processing takes place. You need to ensure this is done."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT Techniques Processing Information

2 Data validation Validation is the checking of data before processing takes place. You need to ensure this is done both manually and electronically. –Manual validation - can be used to proofread for existence, transcription errors, obvious errors…It includes such tests as existence, completeness, relevancy, accuracy, consistency… Manual validation has limitations: It can be time consuming for large amounts of data It depends on the concentration of the checker and the knowledge of the checker about data being checked. –Electronic validation – is more efficient and can be effective. It includes tests such as existence, type, consistency, range and accuracy. Electronic checking in databases includes: setting data formats, input masks, validation rules…

3 Purposes of Information Information supports decision making and problem solving needs. Solutions can be used to Inform – covey facts Persuade – influence a decision or action or change a person’s point of view Entertain - engage in an activity in a pleasing or entertaining way Educate - when we provide knowledge and the skills to use that knowledge

4 Steps of Information Processing Acquisition (data gathering) Input Validation Manipulation (processing) Storage Retrieval Output Communication Disposal

5 Acquisition Input Validation Processing Output Communication Disposal Storage Retrieval The 9 phases of information processing rarely occur in a linear manner. Some of the possible flows of data are shown.

6 Which phases are each of the following procedures related to? The backup utility in an OS is used to compress a data file and transfer it to a CD. An accountant uses a finance software package to calculate a company’s profits. An accountant looks at the profit and loss figures on the computer’s monitor. A scientist sends the results of her experiment by electroic mail to a colleague overseas. A pensioner fills out a Medicare claim form. A tollway sensor reads an ID tag of amn approaching car. A receiver then collates the data and sends the information to a central computer. The network administer of aaa company deletes from the mail system all electronic mail that is three months old or more. A school newspaper editor reduces the size of a graphic in a publishing program.

7 Quality of Information product Suitability – the purpose of the information will determine the format of information. The information could be printed or viewed on a screen. Reliability – Information should be taken from reputable sites such as governments or universities. Clarity – ensures that an information product is easy to read and that the user has the best opportunity to understand the message clearly. Accuracy – Information must be correct. Test runs help avoid incorrect data being produced. Accessibility – information may be not be available to everyone. You need to know your intended audience so needs can be met. This can be done by passwords, filtering information or using appropriate language. Completeness - means that the user has enough information Timeliness – means that data used to produce information was updated recently enough to be of help to the user and was delivered on time. Unbiased information - biased output will effect the appropriateness of decisions made

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