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Missing the Obvious! Donor-Centric Fundraising Presented for AFP by: Michael Rubin Julie Taylor Wendy Dyer.

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Presentation on theme: "Missing the Obvious! Donor-Centric Fundraising Presented for AFP by: Michael Rubin Julie Taylor Wendy Dyer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Missing the Obvious! Donor-Centric Fundraising Presented for AFP by: Michael Rubin Julie Taylor Wendy Dyer

2 Today’s Agenda! To help you recognize how you get too caught up in Meetings Reports Newsletters So much so that we miss the obvious in our fundraising efforts! What are we missing in: Major gifts? Annual gifts? The Ask? Stewardship? Using role-playing, real world examples, and case studies – you will leave with a toolbox full of techniques, actionable ideas and healthy habits you can put to use tomorrow. But First….

3 Intros! Who are we? Michael Julie Wendy Who are you? Are you…Missing the Obvious?

4 #1: Call Reluctance Spending time on paperwork, meetings, database, appeal letters and events? Then you are likely guilty of… Call Reluctance! What good might come of making a call now and then? Lots! What bad might come of making a call now and then? Absolutely nothing (except maybe a heart attack) DON’T MISS THE OBVIOUS – MAKE THE CALL – EVEN IF YOU STINK Exercise: Overcoming Call Reluctance

5 #2: Talking, not Listening So you’ve got your script, you’ve rehearsed 10 times, you know EXACTLY what you want to say because YOU ARE READY! Sound like you? Then you are likely guilty of… …Not Listening! And what happens when you don’t listen? You Look Like a FOOL! It’s not about you, silly It’s About Them What happens when you make it about THEM? You Look COOL! Exercise: Don’t be a fool. Be cool!

6 #3: Not Asking Ever sit at the St. Louis Club for lunch, over and over again with the same chopped salad, updating the same prospect over and over again? Do you believe in the 7 touches? (in donor management, not e-harmony) Then you are likely guilty of… …Failing to Ask When Will You Learn? When you embrace the obvious! The secret is…wait for it… Exercise: the Dreaded Ask

7 #4: Stewardship Always thinking about that next gift? Ever get a gift of $5,000 and want to make it $25,000, right now? Then you are likely guilty of… …Sloppy Stewardship Can’t you see the obvious that if you did better stewardship, your life would be so much easier? Exercise: developing an Attitude of Gratitude

8 Missing the Obvious Capstone Thoughts Success is Mundane It’s the process, not the homerun Boring work is hard But somebody’s gotta do it That’s it – go get it started!

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