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Definition The Family is a small group consisting ordinarily of father, mother, one or more children and sometimes near or distant relatives. The word.

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Presentation on theme: "Definition The Family is a small group consisting ordinarily of father, mother, one or more children and sometimes near or distant relatives. The word."— Presentation transcript:

1 Definition The Family is a small group consisting ordinarily of father, mother, one or more children and sometimes near or distant relatives. The word ‘family’ has been taken over from Latin word ‘Famulus’, which means servant. Originally family consists of a man, woman with a child or children and servants.

2  M.F Nimkoff says that “Family is a more or less durable association of husband and wife with or without child, or a man or woman alone, with children.”  Eliot and Merrill: Family is “The biological social unit composed of husband, wife and children.”  MacIver: Family is a group defined by sex relationship sufficiently precise and enduring to provide for the procreation and upbringing of children.  Francis. T. Brown: The basic unit of social structure in every society is the family.

3  Lewis Morgan’s Theory  Lewis Morgan (1818-1881) in his book “Ancient Society” dealt with family. He tried to find out the origin of human civilization in his book. Morgan showed that did not exist from the beginning of human life; rather it developed through a process of evolution.  According to Morgan the original state of mankind was one of sexual promiscuity. In this state unrestricted sexual relationship existed among the men and women. The children born were the children of whole community.

4  On the basis of type of marriage  (a) Monogamous Family:  In this family, the married couple and their children stay. It is formed on the basis of a single marriage.  (b)Polygamous Family:  When one male or a female marries more than one female or male, a polygamous family is formed. This type of family is neither common in modern societies, nor it bears the approval of the society.

5  On the basis of descent and authority  (a) Matriarchal Families:  In such families the mother holds the major authority. The mother and her family stay together and the family name of the mother's side is given to her children. The husband comes to stay with the wife's relatives.  (b) Patriarchal Families:  The authority in such a family lies with the father. The wife goes to stay with her husband and his relatives after their marriage. Children carry father's name. The father holds the authority to take major decisions.

6  On the basis of size  (a) Nuclear Family: It is also called primary family. It refers to such families in which a husband, his wife and their children stay together.  (b) Joint Family:  It is also called extended family. Husband, wife, their children and husband's relatives stay together. Thus it is an association or group of two or more nuclear families.

7  On the basis of community  (a) Rural Family:  A rural family may be defined as a group of persons constituting a family which lives in an agricultural or open country environment. It is generally characterized by a relatively early age of marriage, high birth rate and low divorce rate.  (b) Urban Family:  Such families generally dwell in cities. They have the small size, higher age of marriage, secular outlook, freedom of women and less attachment to traditions.

8  On the basis of orientation and procreation  (a) Family of Orientation:  This is the family in which an individual takes birth. In this family along with the individual, his parents and siblings stay together.  (b) Family of Procreation:  This is the family which an individual establishes or adopts after marriage. This family comprises the individual, his wife and children produced after marriage. Any individual can be a member of either or both types of families.

9  On the basis of relationships  (a) Consanguineous Family:  It refers to those families in which blood relatives stay together. In addition to husband and wife, other blood relatives also reside and live in the family.  (b) Conjugal Family:  That family constitutes husband, wife and their children. Such families are smaller in size and less stable. In such families, the marriage based relations have more importance. The emotional and affectional bonds between the members are strong.

10  On the basis of religion:  (a) Hindu Family:  In this type of family, marriage is considered to be compulsory and important ritual. Generally, it is monogamous family with joint family system. Culture and traditions have important roles to play in day-to-day life. The trend is now shifting from joint family system towards nuclear family.  (b) Muslim Family:  Marriage is considered compulsory in this type of family also. Mostly polygamous trend is seen in Muslim family. They are quite orthodox and women are strictly kept in vell and granted very little or no freedom.  (c) Christian Family:  Monogamous families are a tradition in this community also. Generally, nuclear families are found and boys and girls are given equal importance and freedom.

11  On the basis of culture  In this respect, there are two types of culture, i.e., Western culture d Eastern culture and on this basis the families also can be classified.  (a) Families with Western Culture:  The Western culture gives equal status to men and women. The work, the responsibilities and the rights are equally shared between husband and wife. The families have nuclear set-up in most cases.  (b) Families with Eastern Culture:  Mostly joint or extended families are found in this culture. Rural families are common. Parents in old age are looked after by the family. They are closely bound to their culture and traditions.

12  (1) Stable Satisfaction of Sex need: This is the Primary and essential function of family. Sex instinct is the natural urge of human being. The satisfaction of this need requires that both male and female should live together as life partners.  It is the family where the husband and wife can satisfy their sex instincts easily and comfortably. Without family the satisfaction of sex need is almost socially quite impossible. A family not only satisfies but also provides the appropriate mechanism through marriage to regulate sexual behavior of husband and wife.

13  (2) Reproduction or procreation:  Reproduction or procreation is another essential function of family. The family along with regulating the sexual behavior in relation to the satisfaction of sexual needs secures a legitimate basis for procreation.  Since the inception of family, it has been performing this fundamental function. This function of family contributes to the continuity of family and ultimately perpetuates the human race as a whole.

14  (3) Protection and care of the young:  Protection and care of the children is another essential function of family. It is regarded as an institution par excellence for the production and rearing of children.  It is true that no other institution can take required care of the child like family. The child at birth is complete helpless and cannot survive at all without the help of the family. It is the family which provides care, protection, security (Physical, mental) and fulfills all other needs to make him fit in the society.

15  (4) Socializing Functions:  Family is one of the primary agents of socialization. Family members teach the child the norms, value morals, beliefs and ideals of society.  In the family the children first learn what is good and bad, what is right and wrong. They develop specific habits, traits of character, attitudes and values.  The senior members of the family pass the family culture to the new generation thought socialization process. Thus, family acts an instrument of culture transmission.

16  (5) Provision of a home:  Family makes a provision of a home or a common habitation for its members.  Here both husband and if live together for procreation, protection and care of the children. It is a place of multifarious activities. All the members of the family depend on home for comfort, protection and peace. It is that institution which provides the mental or the emotional satisfaction. Members of the family exchange their love, sympathy and affection among themselves

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