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German Family Christina Langer 10m2.

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Presentation on theme: "German Family Christina Langer 10m2."— Presentation transcript:

1 German Family Christina Langer 10m2

2 Organisation Family Example of a typical family
Customs and conventions Hobbies Typical German food Christina Langer 10m2

3 Family Nowerdays there are more patchworkfamilies and singel parent households than traditonal families, in Germany. But some things will always stay the same for example the mother or the father goes to work, or both of them. In every case the children attend school. Usually german families have two children. Christina Langer 10m2

4 Example of a typical family
I have a little brother and we live together with our parents in a house. Both of my parents go to work. We also have pets for example a dog, a cat, rabitts and a horse. Everyone in my family likes doing sports. Christina Langer 10m2

5 Customs and conventions
On Mother`s- and Father`s Day the children give presents to their parents. In the time of carneval people dress themselves very strange and join marches. Easter is the party of the resurrection of christ and it is celebrated by the christians. On harvest the people thank for the harvest. The typical dress for the „ Oktoberfest“ is the „Lederhose“. Christmas is the birth of Christ and it is celebrated on the 24th of december. In the time before Christmas there are many „Christmasmarkets“. The 25th and 26th of december are holidays. Christina Langer 10m2

6 Hobbies Many people spend their sparetime with friends or do housework. The mayor hobbies of Germans are: soccer, swimming and biking. soccer Christina Langer 10m2

7 Typical German food For example: Weißwurst with brezel and beer
Roast pork Schnitzel with french fries Christina Langer 10m2

8 Thank you for your attention!
Christina Langer 10m2

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