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1 JOANNEUM RESEARCH Quality and Excellence Reinhold Hofer EARTO Workshop „Quality and Excellence in RTO Management“ Brussels 16.06.08.

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1 1 JOANNEUM RESEARCH Quality and Excellence Reinhold Hofer EARTO Workshop „Quality and Excellence in RTO Management“ Brussels 16.06.08

2 2 JOANNEUM RESEARCH in a Nutshell Mission „Our research is geared to the demands of business …EU region of the future“ Role in NIS 2nd largest Austrian PRO, largest owned by a region; 10% ownership of TNO Size Employees 385 (2006/2007) Budget 33,4 Mio EUR / 8,4 Mio EUR Core funding (2006/2007) Organisation Administration and Services Management Medical Technology Economy and Technology Materials and Processing Electronics and Sensor Technology Information Technology Sustainability and Environment DIV 6DIV 5DIV 4DIV 3DIV 2DIV 1 Shareholdings in other companies / CD Laboratory

3 3 JOANNEUM‘s Objectives „Our applied research and development activities are designed to provide companies with a competitive edge while ensuring a secure future and a better quality of life for society as a whole. In addition to this we aim to contribute to the further development of the province of Styria within the “EU region of the future” and enhance its competitiveness as a business location.“

4 4 Guidelines and Principles JOANNEUM RESEARCH gears its activities to the following guidelines:  JOANNEUM RESEARCH strives to achieve top scientific quality and economic efficiency using the means at its disposal.  The research programme is subjected to a continuous process of evaluation and revision.  The aim is to achieve a high degree of innovation and problem-solving capacity.  Special attention is placed on anticipation of future research needs and market observation in order to ensure long-term competence.  Research objectives and activities are in line with the requirements for the transition to sustainable development.  JOANNEUM RESEARCH promotes communication and cooperation between scientists at all levels within the “European Research Area”.  JOANNEUM RESEARCH sees itself as a node within an international network in the context of a future “Centre of Excellence”.  JOANNEUM RESEARCH offers tailored postgraduate opportunities in order to assist innovative and committed staff to develop their technical, social and entrepreneurial skills, thus preparing them for management careers in research, business and administration.

5 5 Integrated Management System  Quality Managementsystem since 1996  ISO 9001:2000 certification  Planning: 3 years mid-term (strategic) plan (‚Unternehmenskonzept‘) 1 year plans (‚Annual research program‘,‘Annual estimate‘, ‚Annual audit plan‘, ‚Education plan‘)  Managementsystem – reporting system CompanyYearly management review InstituteMonthly economic report Quarterly status report Yearly management review ProjectTender auditsStatus reports

6 6 Indicatorsystem Customers customer complaints order cancellations results of customer satisfaction (surveys) Company operating income operating profit self-financing ratio publications patents Owners operating income by customers and by geography (national, international) events Employees number of employees entries/exits level of education number of days for education (intern, extern) For all these indicators ‚estimated/planned‘ and ‚actual‘ figures are compared.

7 7 Issues of RTO Management  Objectives are to a substantial amount depending on circumstances which cannot be influenced by JR  Trends towards demanding higher impacts are given – but impacts often cannot be measured (and influenced)  Multiple goals and principles, partly pointing in opposite directions  Contexts for the institutes and their represented fields of research and activities are highly heterogeneous – standardized sets of indicators are difficult to interpret

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