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Presented in: Finance PRC June 2015 By: Nancy Cordell DOT FAA ISG Date: June 2015 Federal Aviation Administration Legacy LIS Interfund Billing Stop Gap.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented in: Finance PRC June 2015 By: Nancy Cordell DOT FAA ISG Date: June 2015 Federal Aviation Administration Legacy LIS Interfund Billing Stop Gap."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented in: Finance PRC June 2015 By: Nancy Cordell DOT FAA ISG Date: June 2015 Federal Aviation Administration Legacy LIS Interfund Billing Stop Gap Solution SIBAC

2 Interfund 2 Federal Aviation Administration June 2015 Overview SIBAC Interfund Billing General Services ERP Solution went live in October 2013 and no longer supported FAA and NOAA DOT FAA’s mainframe environment took on the 20 year old COBOL process with relatively little modifications and 2 programs to improve with derived TAS BETC information DOT FAA is developing a new ERP Solution which is required to process Interfund billing in the DLMSO 810L format FAA averages 790 and NOAA averages 179 transactions per month (October 2013 to present) FAA collects on average $1,068,750.00 and NOAA averages $71,489.00 (October 2013 to present) DOT FAA ISG will continue the process until the new LCSS/IFS ERP system is in place and LIS is sunset.

3 Interfund 3 Federal Aviation Administration June 2015 Legacy LIS SIBAC Interfund Billing plan for 2013

4 Interfund 4 Federal Aviation Administration June 2015 Inquire DODAACs DLA Webtools Suggested DLA Web Tools to maintain process – DODAAD, EDAASINQ, LOGISTICS REPORTS, MILSINQ, WEBVLIPS

5 Interfund 5 Federal Aviation Administration June 2015 DLA Transactions Services EDI DOT FAA Summary and Detail Records FS1, FA1, FD1, FD2 LG2418S2.F2029 NOAA Summary and Detail Records FS1, FA1, FD1, FD2 LG2418S1.F2029 Combined Summary only records for NOAA and FAA for ARMY, NAVY/MARINES, and AIRFORCE LG2420.F2035 DLA rejections (DODAAC deletions, invalid FS1 summary count and DODAAC not authorized as requisitioner) Rejections cause manual reversal and rebilling to be processed the following month.

6 Interfund 6 Federal Aviation Administration June 2015 US Treasury CTA user upload DOT FAA CTA formatted records LG2427_F2052_CTA_FAA (less than 100 records per mo) NOAA CTA formatted records LG2427_F2052_CTA_NOAA (less than 50 records per mo) CTA rejections returned in an excel spreadsheet format at the summary level. All errors must be corrected for the entire transmission to be accepted. FAA ALC Code for interfund is 69001106, NOAA’s ALC Code is 13140002. More than one transmission can be accepted (used in Jan. 2014 for NOAA) DOT FAA AMK Accounting Staff hold the user account for CTA and upload two files per month.

7 Interfund 7 Federal Aviation Administration June 2015 Agreements DLA Defense Logistics Agency Performance Based Agreement between DLA and Department of Transportation DOT Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Logistics Inventory System (LIS) Sept 2013 Document POT 13002. MOA Memorandum of Agreement between Department of Commerce, Department of Defense and DOT for Allocation of program costs for NEXRAD Next Generation Weather Radar Program October 2011 NWS- 2011-NEXRAD-DOD-DOC-DOT-5001 MOU Memorandum of Understand between Department 97 Reconciliation and Reporting Tool DRRT and FAA ISG Information Systems Group October 2014 Version 1.0 ESC Agreement FF-CTA-ESCF-ONOA-15 Enterprise Service Center Financial Management Program Franchise Agreement to process US Treasury CTA on behalf of NOAA

8 Interfund 8 Federal Aviation Administration June 2015 Establishing points of contact GSA fund code monitor for FAA and NOAA Roxanne Degner US Treasury CTA - conversion technical Jennifer Dickens DLA Transactions Services DOT FAA ISG and AMK NOAA DLMSO FPRC DFAS DOD Comptrollers DOT FAA AMK and LCSS/IFS future processing team

9 Interfund 9 Federal Aviation Administration June 2015 DOT FAA DODAACs TAC1 M= Mail, TAC2 F= Freight, Notes S= Special Shipping Instructions, Type of Billing Millsbills = Interfund Billing (FOUO) For Official Use Only Three Types of billing, electronic Data Exchange, Manually or paper copy and Non-IMM such as a MIPR Parts Agreements

10 Interfund 10 Federal Aviation Administration June 2015 Fund Code Table The Legacy LIS Stop Gap solution contains a manually updated fund code table. The table is a flat file in a secure Mainframe environment. The new LCSS/IFS ERP system will make use of DLA transaction Services web based downloadable table and eliminate the manual maintenance effort. Roxanne Degner of GSA serves as the FAA and NOAA Fund Code Table monitor. FAA and NOAA data is rarely changed. DLA Transaction Services Logistics Reports, Fund Code Table by Month provides visibility.

11 Interfund 11 Federal Aviation Administration June 2015 Monthly Checklist Gain SFT of NOAA input file and comparable FAA file, prescreen out any DODAACS which begin with C,E,G,HR, L, Q, SD, U, Z, H, N0*DLA, or Fund Code “XP” to prevent processing errors. (manually bill if found). Use current month’s Fund Code Table for the process. Run the GSA 10 programs and 2 additional CTA programs in the LIS mainframe environment. SFT the Three files to DLA transaction services. Push CTA files to a secure share drive for AMK Accountants to upload to US Treasury. Monitor rejections and correct as necessary. Send additional reporting to DFAS staff who reconcile Interfund Billing transactions.

12 Interfund 12 Federal Aviation Administration June 2015 Questions? Nancy Cordell 405-954-5255 AML-041 Information Systems Group

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