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1 Requirements for End-to-End VoIP Header Compression (draft-ash-e2e-voip-hdr-comp-rqmts-00.txt) End-to-End VoMPLS Header Compression (draft-ash-e2e-vompls-hdr-compress-01.txt)

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Presentation on theme: "1 Requirements for End-to-End VoIP Header Compression (draft-ash-e2e-voip-hdr-comp-rqmts-00.txt) End-to-End VoMPLS Header Compression (draft-ash-e2e-vompls-hdr-compress-01.txt)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Requirements for End-to-End VoIP Header Compression (draft-ash-e2e-voip-hdr-comp-rqmts-00.txt) End-to-End VoMPLS Header Compression (draft-ash-e2e-vompls-hdr-compress-01.txt) End-to-End VoIP Header Compression Using cRTP (draft-ash-e2e-crtp-hdr-compress-01.txt) Jerry Ash AT&T Bur Goode AT&T Jim Hand AT&T George Swallow Cisco Systems, Inc. Raymond Zhang Infonet Services Corporation

2 2 Outline (draft-ash-e2e-voip-hdr-comp-rqmts-00.txt) (draft-ash-e2e-vompls-hdr-compress-01.txt) (draft-ash-e2e-crtp-hdr-compress-01.txt) qmotivation, problem statement, requirements & background for E2E VoIP header compression qbrief review of proposals v‘you read the drafts’ qissues vMPLS WG charter extension vprotocol extensions for cRTP, RSVP-TE, RFC2547 VPNs vresynchronization & performance of cRTP/'simple' mechanisms vscalability of E2E VoMPLS applied CE-CE vLDP application as the underlying LSP signaling mechanism

3 3 Motivation & Problem Statement for E2E VoIP Header Compression (draft-ash-e2e-voip-hdr-comp-rqmts-00.txt) qmotivation vcarriers evolving to converged MPLS/IP backbone with VoIP services –enterprise VPN services with VoIP –legacy voice migration to VoIP qproblem statement vVoIP typically uses voice/RTP/UDP/IP/ encapsulation –voice/RTP/UDP/IP/MPLS with MPLS labels added vVoIP typically uses voice compression (e.g., G.729) to conserve bandwidth –compressed voice payload typically no more than 30 bytes –packet header at least 48 bytes (60% overhead) vend-to-end (compressor/gateway to decompressor/gateway VoIP header compression required –significantly reduce overhead –important on access links where bandwidth is scarce –important on backbone facilities where costs are high (e.g., some global cross- sections) –E.g., for large domestic network with 300 million voice calls per day consume 20-40 gigabits-per-second on backbone network for headers alone save 90% bandwidth capacity with E2E VoIP header compression

4 4 Requirements for E2E VoIP Header Compression (draft-ash-e2e-voip-hdr-comp-rqmts-00.txt) qavoid link-by-link compression/decompression cycles vcompression should be end-to-end (compressor-gateway to decompressor-gateway) through MPLS network ve.g., from CE1/GW --> PE1 --> P --> PE2 --> CE2/GW vCE1/GW is compressor, typically a gateway, CE2/GW is decompressor, typically a gateway qprovide efficient voice transport qsupport various voice encoding (G.729, G.723.1, etc.) quse standard compress/decompress algorithms (e.g., [cRTP], [SIMPLE]) qoperate in RFC2547 VPN context qoperate in MPLS networks using either [LDP] or [RSVP] signaling qbe scalable to a very large number of CE --> CE flows vuse standard protocols to aggregate RSVP-TE signaling (e.g. [RSVP- AGG]) vminimize setups of tunnels & call sessions

5 5 Requirements for E2E VoIP Header Compression (draft-ash-e2e-voip-hdr-comp-rqmts-00.txt) quse standard protocols to signal context identification & control information (e.g., [RSVP], [RSVP-TE]) quse standard protocols to prioritize packets (e.g., [DIFFSERV, DIFF-MPLS]) quse standard protocols to allocate LSP bandwidth (e.g., [DS-TE]) quse standard protocols to make [cRTP] more tolerant of packet loss (e.g., [cRTP-ENHANCE]) qadd minimal delay to the VoIP media flows

6 6 Background for E2E VoIP Header Compression qprior work in MPLS WG by Swallow/Berger on ‘simple’ mechanism vwork accepted by MPLS WG for charter extension (IETF-47, 3/2000) vI-D’s expired before charter extended q‘simple’ E2E header compression vtransmit only first order differences vresynchronization not needed with lost packets v~50% header compression with ‘simple’ qcRTP-based (RFC 2508) link-by-link header compression valgorithms specified in RFC 2508 vresynchronization required with lost packets v~90% header compression

7 7 Brief Review of Proposals End-to-End VoMPLS Header Compression (draft-ash-e2e-vompls-hdr-compress-01.txt) qsteps vuse RSVP to establish LSPs between CE1/GW-CE2/GW vuse cRTP (or simple HC) to compress header at CE1/GW, decompress at CE2/GW vCE1/GW requests session context IDs (SCIDs) from CE2/GW vCE1/GW appends CE2/GW label to compressed header vheader compression context routed from CE1/GW --> PE1 --> P --> PE2 --> CE2/GW vroute compressed packets with MPLS labels CE1/GW --> CE2/GW vpacket decompressed at CE2/GW using cRTP (or simple HC) algorithm qadvantages vminimizes PE requirements qdisadvantages vCE/GW’s need to run RSVP, possible scalability issue

8 8 Brief Review of Proposals End-to-End VoIP Header Compression Using cRTP (draft-ash-e2e-crtp-hdr-compress-01.txt) qsteps vuse RSVP to establish LSPs between PE1-PE2 vuse cRTP to compress header at CE1/GW, decompress at CE2/GW vPE1 requests SCIDs from PE2 vheader compression context routed from CE1/GW --> PE1 --> P --> PE2 --> CE2/GW vPE1 & PE2 create ‘SCID routing tables’ & perform ‘SCID switching’ for compressed packets (SCID --> MPLS labels) vroute compressed packets with MPLS labels PE1 --> PE2 vpacket decompressed at CE2/GW using cRTP algorithm qadvantages vminimizes CE/GW requirements qdisadvantages vadditional PE requirements (need to create ‘SCID routing tables’)

9 9 Issue 1 - MPLS WG Charter Extension qVoMPLS header compression not within current charter of the MPLS WG (or any WG) qwhy MPLS WG? vseems the best fit vE2E VoMPLS (‘simple’) accepted by MPLS WG for charter extension –IETF-47 (Adelaide, 3/2000) qwhat extension needed? vproposals for VoIP header compression mechanisms –not in scope vproposals for extensions to RSVP-TE to create tunnels –in scope

10 10 Issue 2 - Protocol Extensions for cRTP, RSVP-TE, RFC2547 VPNs qextensions proposed to [cRTP] and [cRTP-ENHANCE] vnew packet type field to identify FULL_HEADER, CONTEXT_STATE, etc. packets qnew objects defined for [RSVP-TE] qextensions proposed to RFC2547 VPNs vcreate 'SCID routing tables' to allow routing based on the session context ID (SCID) qextensions need coordination with other WGs (AVT, ROHC, PPVPN, etc.)

11 11 Issue 3 - Resynchronization & Performance of cRTP/’simple' Mechanisms qE2E VoMPLS using cRTP header compression might not perform well with frequent resynchronizations qperformance needs to be addressed v'simple' avoids need for resynchronization vcRTP achieves greater efficiency than ‘simple’ (90% vs. 50% header compression), but requires resynchronization –use standard protocols to make cRTP more tolerant of packet loss (e.g., [cRTP-ENHANCE])

12 12 Issue 4 - Scalability of E2E VoMPLS Applied CE-CE qRSVP-TE advantages vallows VoIP bandwidth assignment on LSPs vQoS mechanisms qif applied CE/GW-CE/GW would require a large number of LSPs to be created qconcern for CE/GW/PE/P ability to do necessary processing & architecture scalability vprocessing & label binding at every MPLS node on path between each GW-GW pair vprocessing every time resource reservation is modified (e.g., to adjust to varying number of calls on a GW-GW pair) vcore router load from thousands of LSPs, setup commands, refresh messages

13 13 Issue 5 - LDP Application as Underlying LSP Signaling Mechanism qdesirable to signal VoMPLS tunnels with LDP vmany RFC2547 VPN implementations use LDP as underlying LSP signaling mechanism vscalable qmay require substantial extensions to LDP v2 I-D's propose ways for LDP to signal 'VC' (outer) labels for PWs – 01.txt – signaling-02.txt vRosen's I-D suggests ways to do auto-discovery vthis together with LDP capability to distribute inner labels might support CE/GW-CE/GW VoIP header compression LSPs (within the context of RFC 2547) qother LDP issues vno bandwidth associated with LSPs. vQoS mechanisms limited

14 14 Next Steps qpropose Charter extension to MPLS to include end-to-end VoIP header compression qpropose I-D’s be accepted as MPLS WG documents

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