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Presentation on theme: " International Working Forum for Regulatory Supervision of Legacy Sites (RSLS) Review of 2013 and Introduction of Next Steps of RSLS Malgorzata."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Working Forum for Regulatory Supervision of Legacy Sites (RSLS) Review of 2013 and Introduction of Next Steps of RSLS Malgorzata K. Sneve and Russel Edge RSLS Chair and Scientific Secretary RSLS Technical meeting IAEA, 22 - 24 October 2013

2 Types of Nuclear Legacy  Uranium mining and milling facilities  Sites affected by major accidents  Inadequate storage and disposal sites and facilities  Nuclear technology development centres  Nuclear peaceful and weapons testing sites Others that have not completed remediation and are of concern to regulatory bodies We try to be inclusive

3 RSLS Work Programme  Working Group Activities  Workshops and Site Visits  Other activities in RSLS scope of interest to participants

4 2013 Working Groups results: responses to questionnaires and data gathering WG1: Enhancing Regulatory Infrastructure  National strategies and plans  Regulatory basis and regulatory infrastructure  Lessons learned WG2: Safety Assessment Methods and Environmental Impact Assessment. Guidance on  Methodological criteria for operators  Methodological criteria for regulators  Guidance on review methodology WG3: Professional Development for Regulators  Project management  Technical competencies  Inspection Progress in 2013 towards preparing an IAEA Technical Document (TECDOC)

5 Provided Inputs and Responses Niger Norway Romania Russian Federation Tajikistan UK Ukraine USA Uzbekistan Zambia Australia Belgium Brazil Bulgaria China France Germany Hungary Iraq Kyrgyzstan

6 Presentations made of RSLS in 2013: 1.Regulatory Supervision of Legacies Arising from Nuclear Accidents At International Experts’ Meeting on Decommissioning and Remediation after a Nuclear Accident,1 February 2013, IAEA, Vienna 2. Worldwide Regulatory Challenges of Radioactive Legacy Sites Panel 85 on the IAEA International Working Forum on Regulatory Supervision of Legacy Sites; At International Conference: Waste Management 2013: February 2013, Phoenix, Arizona, USA Important to maintain the profile of regulatory supervision

7 Key Points from 2012 TM: Legacies typically characterised by:  Unsatisfactory technical condition of the facilities  Poor characterisation of the situation, loss of records  Radioactive contamination of the environment  Threat of further releases  Unclear ownership/responsibility  Lack of  long-term site and related waste management strategies  regulatory requirements and guidance to address abnormal radiation conditions and remediation But not necessarily all legacies have all these characteristics!

8 More key points recognised  Staged intervention, staged progression of legacy management  Iterative assessments at each stage (remediation does not mean ‘green field’ in one step)  Clear definition of roles and responsibilities of different organisations  Regulators’ role in strategy development (include in process early)  Identifying priorities and then optimising management and supervision of those priorities  These may not be same in different countries, e.g. because of geography but also social and other factors

9 More key points recognised  Acknowledge chemical and physical hazards: radiation safety not the only issue, so  develop effective interface/interactions between different authorities  IAEA already has a lot of relevant documents and information, but needs some consolidation from regulatory legacy perspective  National regulatory framework which addresses legacies alongside waste management is fundamental to effective progress  Additional laws for specific legacy sites or types may be useful in some countries

10 More Key messages from 2012 TM  IAEA senior management at IAEA, DDG Denis Flory, Dir. Pil-Soo Hahn supports RSLS  Strongly supported by the IAEA GC Safety Resolutions for the past 4 years  Please use your national missions to obtain support for your involvement  RSLS can lend support to and gain input from other IAEA activities:  Development of DS 459: ‘Management of NORM radioactive residues from mining and mineral processing, and other guidance documents  Modaria, CRAFT, CIDER and more information coming in the meeting

11 Goals for this Meeting  Welcome new participants into the RSLS program!  Review progress with WG activities and improving draft first RSLS TECDOC  Presentations on special topics and experience of legacy regulatinon  Review suggestions for other activities  future workshops and site visits  review of specific regulatory issues, e.g. from Malawi  Develop on-going RSLS activities and work plan We already have some ideas on table, but more are welcome! Active input from all is very much encouraged!! Thank you for your attention

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