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Click to edit Master subtitle style Complaints – a threat or opportunity? Donna Campbell Assistant Ombudsman.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master subtitle style Complaints – a threat or opportunity? Donna Campbell Assistant Ombudsman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master subtitle style Complaints – a threat or opportunity? Donna Campbell Assistant Ombudsman

2 This session will explore: how we can ensure that the expectations of people who use services are central to how complaints are received, handled and resolved by services; the opportunities to use complaints as a tool for individual learning, service improvement and wider system change; how complaints can be used more effectively to support local accountability and scrutiny of local services.

3 The Ombudsman’s experience We investigate complaints about councils and independent social care providers Free, impartial and final If we find something wrong, we recommend action to put it right 12,000 complaints looked into last year

4 The Social Care Ombudsman -Since 1974 consider complaints about council run and funded adult social care services. +From 2009 role extended to include all privately funded social care. =Single ombudsman service for all adult social care.

5 At a glance: social care complaints in 2013


7 Complaints by type

8 Frequent types of complaints and enquiries

9 The numbers: what we saw in 2013

10 The complainant’s experience

11 What can we piece together from these individual stories … And what does it tell us about quality?

12 Accessibility How can we ensure that the expectations of people who use services are central to how complaints are received, handled and resolved by services. Ensuring people know about their right to complain to the provider and to seek the independent view of the Ombudsman. Statutory signposting A sign in every care setting The role of advocacy

13 The complainant’s experience

14 Effectiveness The opportunities to use complaints as a tool for individual learning, service improvement and wider system change. Higher number of complaints can reflect organisations with open mature approach to customer feedback and concerns. Relatively low numbers of complaints from private providers – sector should challenge itself. Common complaint standards/expectations Underpinned by regulatory framework.

15 Accountability How complaints can be used more effectively to support local accountability and scrutiny of local services. An annual review of complaints by providers A mandated data return to CQC

16 Thank you. Any Questions?

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