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The NEW American FactFinder Association of Public Data Users (APDU) 2010 Annual Conference American FactFinder Update & Demonstration September 21, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "The NEW American FactFinder Association of Public Data Users (APDU) 2010 Annual Conference American FactFinder Update & Demonstration September 21, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 The NEW American FactFinder Association of Public Data Users (APDU) 2010 Annual Conference American FactFinder Update & Demonstration September 21, 2010 1

2 Agenda DADS Program Status –Marian Brady Demonstration – American FactFinder –Rob Chestnut 2

3 American FactFinder Redesign Census Bureau’s Primary Web-Based Data Dissemination Tool –Tabular Products with Mapping and Charting services –Online Access to Archived Data (Through Download) –Technical Documentation and other Publications, Files, and Maps –Data Content: Decennial Census, Economic Census, Annual Economic Surveys, Population Estimates, and American Community Survey –First 2010 Data Release is PL 94.171 3

4 American FactFinder Release 1: January 2011 4 Enhanced Legacy System Core Functionality: Improved Look, Feel & Layout Consistent Structure Improved Search & Navigation Table Services: –Basic Table Manipulations Sort Filter Reorder Rows/Columns Show/Hide Rows Columns Transpose Rows/Columns –Mapping Services Thematic mapping on the fly –Basic Embargo capability

5 American FactFinder Release 2: Fall 2011 More Table Services –Display errata and link to geographic change notes –Calculate statistical significance –Sorting of multiple columns Charting Services Archiving of Older Data Enhanced Embargo Capability 5

6 American FactFinder Future Data Releases First Release is P.L. 94.171 Data Preparation for: –Migration and Full Release of Population Estimates Data (Oct 2012) –Release of 2010 Census Printed Reports –2010 PUMS system to create PUMs File Products –Island Areas Dissemination Activities –American Housing Survey (Late 2012) –Equal Employment Opportunity File (Late 2012) Develop Web Services Support –(future enhancement) 6

7 New Look New Tools Easier Access

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