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China Influencing North Korea By Nick Boden. You Better Watch Out.

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Presentation on theme: "China Influencing North Korea By Nick Boden. You Better Watch Out."— Presentation transcript:

1 China Influencing North Korea By Nick Boden

2 You Better Watch Out

3 North Korea has nuclear weapons

4 And their not afraid to use them

5 China needs to step up

6 Or else there could be WW lll

7 To: North Korea From: China Stop testing nuclear weapons and we will send you whatever you supplies and resources.

8 To: China From: North Korea We will stop testing nuclear weapons if you send us money, supplies, and resources.

9 This is what needs to happen. China needs to step up

10 China Supplies North Korea with… China accounted for 73% of North Korea’s international trade last year China supplies 90% of North Korea’s oil demand, 80% of consumer goods and 45%of its food Yummy :)

11 It’s China’s choice China can either talk to North Korea and bribe them with more supplies. OR China can stop sending supplies to North Korea

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