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Enhancing partnership among Africa RISING, NAFAKA and TUBORESHE CHAKULA Programs for fast-tracking delivery and scaling of agricultural technologies in.

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancing partnership among Africa RISING, NAFAKA and TUBORESHE CHAKULA Programs for fast-tracking delivery and scaling of agricultural technologies in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing partnership among Africa RISING, NAFAKA and TUBORESHE CHAKULA Programs for fast-tracking delivery and scaling of agricultural technologies in Tanzania Reduced food waste and spoilage Ibrahim Shabani, Abass Adebayo Gabriel Ndunguru Africa RISING annual planning Meeting 8 th -10 th JULY, 2015 White Sand Hotel, Dar es salaam

2 Expansion and operational issues Post harvest activities will continue in the three first districts Activities will be conducted in the new locations: Iringa and Mbeya  Iringa rural district, Iringa  Mbozi district, Mbeya New crops to be added to maize (Soybeans, Beans) Integration & synchronization of activities with other teams

3 POSSIBLE SCOPE OF WORK POSTHARVEST HANDLING, LOSS PREVENTION & STORAGE Postharvest handling/processing/storage activities of other crops (legumes) will be added to the current crop – maize (shelling, dehulling, milling, etc.) Drying technologies (e.g. use of dryer cases) Hermetic storage technologies PIC and/or Grain safe bags (100kg bags) Large capacity storage facilities (community storage bags – 1MT, 2MT per bag)

4 POSSIBLE SCOPE OF WORK ADDING VALUE/NEW METHODS OF UTILIZATION Farmers’ training on new methods of utilization of cereals & legumes such as soybeans (e.g. dehulling, soymilk, etc) Recipes for complementary foods and training of community level service providers in delivering nutrition services Enhancing the capacity of households to access and consume nutrient– dense foods through improved nutrition knowledge, perceptions and practices GMP for processors of maize flour & fortification Pesticide residue issues

5 POSSIBLE SCOPE OF WORK EARLY ASSESSMENT OF POSSIBLE ADOPTION OF INTRODUCED CROP VARIETIES Evaluating the acceptability of new crop varieties introduced to the farmers by capturing information on consumer/end-use quality traits, nutrient density, etc. of the new varieties vs local varieties. o Maize extraction rate; soybean ease of cooking /milk yield; etc Purpose: to establish potential for adoption (disaggregated by location and possibly by end-use categories)

6 Implications of expansion and operational issues byFarmers’ dialogue in the new locations to identify the most critical postharvest constraints of the farmers & training on those aspects (e.g. PH issues identified in March) Synchronizing some postharvest activities with the other project teams require joint planning and operationalization of the plans(e.g. field days or training after the crops are harvested; same project locations/ same farmers’ groups)

7 Implications of expansion and operational issues Change of plan mid-season needs to be jointly understood and agreed by all the teams Expansion to new locations may mean increase in cost of project activities Expansion may also reduce the time to be spent working with farmers in each location – may become inadequate for adoption to occur


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