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US Foreign Policy- Historical Context - Framers sought to remove the US from international affairs and the wars that had plagued Europe/ The Constitutional.

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2 US Foreign Policy- Historical Context - Framers sought to remove the US from international affairs and the wars that had plagued Europe/ The Constitutional powers of Foreign Policy: - President: make treaties, commander and chief, appoint ambassadors - Congress: embargos, declares wars, ratifies treaties Early Isolationism: Washington warned not to get involved in alliances; however, isolationism eroded as the US began to trade with France and other countries. Monroe Doctrine, Manifest Destiny WWI and the League of Nations Marshall Plan/ Truman Plan

3 WWII and the United Nations – Security Council NATO, EU, SEATO US Efforts to Stop Communism: Korean War, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam Détente and the Nixon Doctrine SALT I, SALT II, US Foreign Policy post 9/11 (civilization/ culture wars) Terms: Diplomacy, Foreign Service Officer, Normal Trade Relations (NTR), globalism, State Department.

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