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Published byMarvin Gregory Modified over 9 years ago
Chapter 14 Overview Social perception Attraction
Conformity, obedience, and compliance Group influence Attitudes and attitude change Prosocial behavior Aggression Prejudice and discrimination
Social Perception Social psychology is the subfield that attempts to explain how the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others influences the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of individuals Confederate is a person who poses as a participant in an experiment but is actually assisting the experimenter Naïve subject is a person who has agreed to participate in an experiment but is not aware that deception is being used to conceal its real purpose
Why are first impressions so important?
The primacy effect An overall impression of another person is influenced more by the first information received about that person than by information that comes later Once formed, an impression acts as a framework through which later information is interpreted
What is the difference between a situational attribution and a dispositional attribution?
An assignment of a cause to explain one’s own or another’s behavior When we explain our own failures, we tend to make situational attributions Attributing behavior to an external cause or factor related to a situation When we explain other people’s failures, we are more likely to make dispositional attributions Attributing behavior to an internal cause, such as a personality trait
What is the difference between a situational attribution and a dispositional attribution?
The tendency to attribute other people’s behavior to dispositional causes and our own to situational causes is referred to as the actor-observer bias People generally attribute their successes to dispositional causes and their failures to situational causes This is referred to as the self-serving bias
Attraction Think about your friends. What makes you like, or even fall in love with, one person and ignore or react negatively to someone else?
What factors contribute to attraction?
Proximity We tend to like and feel attracted to people who are frequently in our local environment The mere-exposure effect The tendency to feel more positively toward a stimulus as a result of repeated exposure to it Reciprocity We tend to like people who like us
What factors contribute to attraction?
People of all ages have a strong tendency to prefer physically attractive people People who are physically attractive are also perceived as having other favorable qualities This is known as the halo effect
How do psychologists explain romantic attraction and mating?
The matching hypothesis proposes that people choose mates who are similar to themselves in physical attractiveness and other attributes Similarity attracts and is associated with marital success Evolutionary psychologists argue that men and women prefer mates on the basis of what they can contribute to reproductive success Men prefer young, attractive women Women prefer men with resources and high status
How does Sternberg’s triangular theory of love account for the different kinds of romantic love?
Conformity, Obedience, and Compliance
Conformity is changing or adopting a behavior or an attitude in an effort to be consistent with the social norms of a group or the expectations of other people Social norms are the attitudes and standards of behavior expected of members of a particular group
What did researchers find when they varied the circumstances of Milgram’s classic study of obedience? Research participants (the “teachers”) believed that they were giving electric shocks to another participant (the “learner”) Shock intensity increased each time the learner answered incorrectly If the teacher hesitated, experimenter told him that he must continue 26 out of 40 participants (65%) continued to highest possible shock intensity: 450 volts All 40 went up to at least 300 volts
What did researchers find when they varied the circumstances of Milgram’s classic study of obedience? Nearly as many participants went all the way to 450 volts (48%) when the experiment was conducted at a run-down office building away from Yale University But only 10% obeyed and gave maximum shock when they saw another person defy the experimenter and refuse to obey
What are three techniques used to gain compliance?
Foot-in-the-door technique Gaining agreement to a small request first to make a person more likely to agree to a larger request later Door-in-the-face technique Making a large request, with the expectation that the person will refuse, to make the person more likely to comply with a smaller request later Low-ball technique Making an attractive initial offer to get a person to commit to an action, but then making the terms less favorable
Group Influence Being part of a group often means giving up a bit of individuality, but the reward is the support and camaraderie of the group. Clearly we behave differently in a variety of ways when we are part of a group, small or large.
How does social facilitation affect performance?
Social facilitation is any positive or negative effect on performance that can be attributed to the presence of others When others are present Performance is usually enhanced on easy tasks and tasks at which we are skilled Performance usually suffers on difficult tasks at which we are not skilled
What is social loafing, and what factors reduce it?
The tendency to put forth less effort when working with others than when working alone Social loafing is common When individual contributions to a group project cannot be identified Among people who score low in achievement motivation In individualistic societies
How do group polarization and groupthink influence decision making?
Occurs when, after discussion, group members shift to more extreme positions in the directions they were already leaning Groupthink Occurs when a group’s desire to maintain solidarity outweighs other considerations, a process that often leads to poor decisions
How do social roles influence individual behavior?
Social roles are socially defined behaviors considered appropriate for individuals occupying certain positions within a group Social roles can shape behavior In Philip Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment, participants’ behaviors were dramatically influenced by roles “Guards” became heartless and sadistic “Prisoners” became subservient Identification with their roles led to deindividuation
Attitudes and Attitude Change
A relatively stable evaluation of a person, object, situation, or issue, along a continuum ranging from positive to negative
What are the three components of an attitude?
What is cognitive dissonance, and how can it be reduced?
An unpleasant state that can occur when people become aware of inconsistencies between their attitudes or between their attitudes and their behaviors People usually try to reduce dissonance by changing their behavior, changing their attitudes, or explaining away the inconsistency or minimizing its importance
Methods of reducing cognitive dissonance
What are the elements of persuasion?
Persuasion is a deliberate attempt to influence the attitudes and/or behavior of another person The four elements of persuasion are The source of the communication The audience The message The medium
What are the elements of persuasion?
Factors that make a source more persuasive include Credibility Attractiveness Likeability Audiences with low IQs tend to be more easily persuaded than those with low IQs
What are the elements of persuasion?
A one-sided message is usually most persuasive when the audience is not well-informed on an issue A two-sided message is usually most persuasive when the audience is well-informed Experimental studies suggest that television is the most effective medium through which to communicate a persuasive message
Prosocial Behavior Behavior that benefits others, such as helping, cooperation, and sympathy
What motivates one person to help another?
Some helping behavior is motivated by altruism Behavior that is aimed at helping another that requires self-sacrifice and is not performed for personal gain We are more likely to help those in need If we are in a committed relationship with them Or if we perceive them to be similar to us Cultural norms also influence helping behavior
What is the bystander effect, and why does it occur?
As the number of bystanders at an emergency increases, the probability that a victim will receive help decreases Darley and Latané (1968): This results from diffusion of responsibility
Aggression The intentional infliction of physical or psychological harm on others
What biological factors are thought to be related to aggression?
Twin studies and adoption studies indicate a genetic link for criminal behavior Low arousal level of the autonomic nervous system is related to antisocial and violent behavior A high level of testosterone is correlated with aggressive behavior in males
What biological factors are thought to be related to aggression?
Low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin is associated with violent behavior Brain damage, alcohol abuse, and high levels of childhood lead exposure are also associated with aggressive behavior
What other factors contribute to aggression?
Frustration produces aggression This is referred to as the frustration-aggression hypothesis Aggression is often triggered by aversive conditions, such as pain, loud noise, and crowding Belief in the superiority of one’s own group over other groups may lead to aggression toward others
According to social learning theory, what causes aggressive behavior?
Proposes that people acquire aggressive responses by observing aggressive models The theory is supported by findings that people who were abused as children are more likely to be abusers as parents Also, research provides overwhelming evidence of an association between TV violence and aggressive behavior by viewers
Prejudice and Discrimination
Prejudice consists of attitudes (usually negative) toward others based on their gender, religion, race, or membership in a particular group Discrimination consists of behavior (usually negative) directed toward others based on their gender, religion, race, or membership in a particular group
What factors contribute to the development of prejudice and discrimination?
Realistic conflict theory Proposes that prejudice can arise out of competition between groups for scarce resources Prejudice can also be caused by people’s tendency to divide the world into distinct social categories In-groups and out-groups Social-cognitive theory Proposes that prejudice is learned in the same way that other attitudes are– through modeling and reinforcement
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