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Misc. Research Methods Theories & Perspectives Sociology 101 Key Contributors Key Contributors 50 40 30 20 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 Final Question Final Question.

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2 Misc. Research Methods Theories & Perspectives Sociology 101 Key Contributors Key Contributors 50 40 30 20 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 Final Question Final Question 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50

3 He applied methods of science to study of society (Referred to this as “positivism”) 10

4 Sociologist who conducted early studies on racism and inequality; focused on social reform 20

5 Originator of the conflict theory who focused on economic disparities within society 30

6 Coined the term sociological imagination 40

7 Succeeded in getting sociology recognized as its own discipline 50

8 Sociology developed as its own field of study during which historical era? 10

9 A sociologist who focuses on how supply and demand impacts societal groups is studying which social science? 20

10 Sociology is the study of _____________________ and _____________________ 30

11 Use of the sociological imagination allows for a connection between _________________ and _________________ 40

12 Max Weber employed a concept based around a set of essential characteristics existing for a part of society. This concept is referred to as the ___________ 50

13 Symbols are analyzed most when viewing societal groups through the _______________ perspective. 10

14 This view of society suggests that it is made up of interchangeable parts 20

15 FINAL QUESTION Use of __________________ would allow an individual to make a connection between the Civil Rights Era and an individual who is offended by a racist joke told in an office setting

16 This sociological perspective is one that is focused around everyday aspects of social life and studies tend to focus on small groups 40

17 The unintended consequence of an action taken by a structure (group) of society is referred to as… 50

18 Statement that seeks to explain problems, actions, or behaviors 10

19 In an experimental study designed to determine how negative reinforcement impacts kindergarten student’s behavior, the independent variable is… 20

20 Which research method allows for the manipulation of variables in order to determine cause and effect? 30

21 In an experiment studying the effect of a new medication on intelligence. 100 individuals are divided into two groups – 50 given the medication – 50 are given a placebo The group receiving the placebo is the ________________ 40

22 What is one advantage of using participant observation? 50

23 Empirical means… 10

24 Which of the following is an unethical action taken by a researcher? A.Conducting a survey of only males B.Misleading an individual regarding the reason for your presence C.Conducting an experiment on a group of pregnant women 20

25 If one wishes to avoid the guinea-pig effect, which type of research method would be best to study an individual/group? 30

26 Durkheim’s studies in suicide rates led to what determination about individuals with fewer social ties? 40

27 What are the 3 main aspects of the ASA’s Code of Ethics 50

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