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PresentaionExpress. 2 PresentationExpress Click a subsection to advance to that particular section. Advance through the slide show using your mouse or.

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Presentation on theme: "PresentaionExpress. 2 PresentationExpress Click a subsection to advance to that particular section. Advance through the slide show using your mouse or."— Presentation transcript:

1 PresentaionExpress

2 2 PresentationExpress Click a subsection to advance to that particular section. Advance through the slide show using your mouse or the space bar. The United States in the Cold War (1945–1963) Roots of the Cold War A Time of Prosperity The Korean War Period Global Concerns in the Cold War Chapter 25: The United States in the Cold War (1945–1963)

3 Roots of the Cold War Sec 1: Roots of the Cold War Growing Distrust Main Idea: Conflict occurred when the United States and the Soviet Union disagreed over who would control Europe after World War II. Containing Soviet Expansion Main Idea: The United States took steps to shape a foreign policy that would prevent or contain the spread of communism. International Organizations Main Idea: Nations joined the UN in the hopes of maintaining world peace and forming alliances with one another for further security. The Shocks of 1949 Main Idea: After 1949, the United States faced new challenges in the Cold War. MapMaster: The Cold War in Europe Color Transparencies: The Berlin Airlift Color Transparencies: The United Nations Progress Monitoring Transparency History Interactive: Learn More About the Berlin Airlift

4 The Berlin Airlift TRANSPARENCY Transparency: The Berlin Airlift

5 The United Nations TRANSPARENCY Transparency: The United Nations

6 Progress Monitoring Transparency Progress Monitoring Transparency Section 1 PM TRANSPARENCY

7 A Time of Prosperity Sec 2: A Time of Prosperity Adjusting to Peacetime Main Idea: Returning soldiers and the problems of a postwar economy set new challenges for Americans. A Changing Society Main Idea: The return of prosperity during the 1950s greatly improved the lives of many Americans—but not all. Image Library: Increase in Car Ownership, 1948–1960 Progress Monitoring Transparency

8 Increase in Car Ownership, 1948–1960 IMAGE LIBRARY Image Library: Increase in Car Ownership 1948–1960

9 Progress Monitoring Transparency Progress Monitoring Transparency Section 2 PM TRANSPARENCY

10 The Korean War Period Sec 3: The Korean War Period Conflict in Korea Main Idea: Five years after the end of World War II, the United States and the United Nations defended South Korea against North Korea and China. Fears at Home Main Idea: Events during the early years of the Cold War increased American fears of communism at home. MapMaster: The Korean War Progress Monitoring Transparency

11 Progress Monitoring Transparency Section 3 PM TRANSPARENCY

12 Global Concerns in the Cold War Sec 4: Global Concerns in the Cold War The Arms Race Main Idea: As the Cold War continued, the Soviet Union and the United States competed in a race to build powerful weapons. Emerging Nations Main Idea: Rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States increased conflicts in other parts of the world. Latin America and the Cold War Main Idea: U.S. efforts to contain communism and prevent a nuclear attack increased after events in Latin America and Cuba. Color Transparencies: The Cuban Missile Crisis Progress Monitoring Transparency

13 The Cuban Missile Crisis Transparency: The Cuban Missile Crisis TRANSPARENCY

14 Progress Monitoring Transparency Progress Monitoring Transparency Section 4 PM TRANSPARENCY

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