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Locuming Made Simple Dr Manjit Purewal WHY LOCUMING?

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2 Locuming Made Simple Dr Manjit Purewal


4 AIMS nGnGnGnGain Insight into preparatory work necessary to become a locum nHnHnHnHow to enjoy locum work nGnGnGnGain insight on financial issues and record keeping

5 OBJECTIVES n Decide whether locuming is really for you n Be aware of steps required to start as a locum n Know what administration work is involved and how to keep on top of it

6 Objectives (2) n Have an idea how to recruit an accountant, keep records for the tax man. n Be aware of other financial issues e.g. income protection n Be aware of pitfalls common to locums

7 PREPARATION n Start early n Where/what/when/how? n Supplementary list n Paperwork

8 Preparation (2) n National Association of Non -Principals n PCT list n Make sure you have all the necessary equipment. n CV and contacting surgeries

9 C.V. n Keep it short n precise information n what lists are you included in - minor surgery, child health,obstetric list n CLEAR CONTACT DETAILS

10 Booking an Appointment n When/how long for? n How many patients/visits? n Admin. work/other clinics n On-call n Details of surgery n Get confirmation in writing

11 ON THE DAY n Where are things n How does the system/service run n Basic essentials n Taking and returning FP10s/MED3s n Being on call n Locum pack?

12 RECORD KEEPING n Discuss with your accountant n Keep all receipts - you can never have too many! n Set time aside for this each week - makes sending out invoices a lot easier n KEEP ON TOP OF IT

13 INVOICES n Keep them simple n Use computer or visit a stationary shop n be precise about what you have done n make sure the figures are clear n Remember if it looks messy or complicated then your payment maybe delayed.

14 FEES n You must have a base to start from n learn the art of negotiation n speak to other locums n ask the practice manager what they normally pay

15 TAX n Find an accountant and discuss n Set up a savings account n Save about 1/3 of your monthly earnings. n Dont touch it until after tax bill is received! n Payments are twice a year (Jan & July)

16 TAX(2) n Dont be fooled by low tax returns in first year. n National Insurance contributions n Pension n PAY TAX ON TIME - otherwise you will be fined and charged interest!

17 Other Finances n NHS Superannuation scheme - filling in of form A & B and sending it in. n Income protection

18 OTHER THINGS n Equipment needed n Long term locums n Locum agencies n keep numbers of other locums n Personal Development

19 POTENTIAL PITFALLS n Isolation n Abuse by practices n Getting the right balance n Looking after your needs n being poorly organised n NOT BEING ABLE TO SAY NO

20 ENJOYING IT n Talk to colleagues n Knowing what your own limitations are n Being able to say no when inundated with work n Good way of finding the right practice for you in the future

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