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1. One idea that Dalton contributed to modern atomic theory = … Day 2 11-28.

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Presentation on theme: "1. One idea that Dalton contributed to modern atomic theory = … Day 2 11-28."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. One idea that Dalton contributed to modern atomic theory = … Day 2 11-28

2 What does the inside of an atom look like, and how do we know? Day 2 11-28

3 Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1800s): 1.All matter is composed of extremely small particles called atoms. 2.Atoms of a given element are identical in size, mass, and other properties; atoms of different elements differ in size, mass, and other properties. 3.Atoms cannot be subdivided, created, or destroyed. 4.Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole- numbered ratios to form chemical compounds. 5.In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged. Modern Atomic Theory: 1.All matter is composed of extremely small particles called atoms. 2.A GIVEN ELEMENT CAN HAVE ATOMS WITH DIFFERENT MASSES 3.ATOMS ARE DIVISIBLE INTO EVEN SMALLER PARTICLES. 4.Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole- numbered ratios to form chemical compounds. 5.In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged.


5 We have Atoms! - 1800’s relative atomic weights symbols Michael Faraday realized that _______________ is somehow related to atoms and chemical bonds. Michael Faraday realized that _______________ is somehow related to atoms and chemical bonds. electricity

6 We have Atoms! - 1850’s Cathode Ray Tubes –Invented and studied in the mid- 1800’s –A beam of cathode ray particles... applies ________, makes the temperature of objects _________, and is affected by ___________ and ___________ fields. force warmer electric magnetic

7 We have Atoms! - 1850’s Cathode Ray Tubes


9 We have Atoms! - 1872 Dmitri Mendeleev Organized elements and “Father” of the __________ __________. Determined properties of elements that would be ______________ ______ Periodic Table discovered in the future

10 We have Atoms! - 1895 Wilhelm Röntgen Discovered that metals release mysterious waves when they are bombarded with _______ ____. –These mysterious waves are called ________... cathode X - rays rays

11 We have Atoms! - 1895 Wilhelm Röntgen X - rays nonspontaneous turned on and off –These mysterious waves are called ________... –These emissions are ______________ and can be _________ _______

12 We have Atoms! - 1896 Henri Becquerel Discovered that _______ ore can expose photographic film. –T–This phenomenon is called ________. –T–These emissions are __________, are __________, and... uranium radiation spontaneous always “on”

13 We have Atoms! - 1896 Henri Becquerel –T–This phenomenon is called ________. –T–These emissions are __________, are __________, and... ____________________ ___________________. radiation spontaneous always “on” are NOT caused by an outside source

14 Day 3 11-29 How are X-rays different than radiation (you should be able to answer more than one way)?

15 Read pages 105-109 and answer #s 9-15 on page 109

16 Go to Click on Member Login in the top right corner Create your own account: Account ID: stroudsburg94 Student Activation Code: stu1483 Join our class.

17 Day 4 11-30 What was Mendeleev’s contribution to Chemistry?

18 Day 5 12-3 Explain one way in which Dalton’s idea of an atom was incorrect.

19 Go to Log in. Click on the assignments tab and complete Practice Test 2. Anyone that improves their score from Friday will receive a bonus point.

20 Day 6 12-4 How did Thomson’s plum pudding model explain the structure of an atom (from book assignment)?

21 Go to and log in. Click on the assignments tab and complete today’s assignments in the following order: 1 st = Cell Growth Practice 12-4 2 nd = Homeostasis Practice 12-4 3 rd = Evolution Practice 12-4 4 th = play the game corresponding to your lowest practice score Anyone scoring a 7/10 or higher on all three practice assignments will receive a bonus point.

22 What does the inside of an atom look like, and how do we know? Day 3 11-29



25 We have Atoms! – 1897 J. J. Thomson Studied _________ ______. All metals create _______________________. Cathode ray particles are _____ and _________ _________. Thomson coined the _______ as another name for ______ ___ _________. cathode rays identical cathode rays tiny negatively charged electron particles cathode ray

26 We have Atoms! – 1897 J. J. Thomson solid sphere negative electrons positive surroundings Atom’s appearance: –______ –_______ –Parts ________________ _______ ___________ Period 7 11-10

27 1. What 2 important things did the cathode ray tube prove about electrons? 2. Explain how an x-ray works. (use your book and/or notes if necessary) Day 1 11-11-11

28 Investigated _________ and its behaviors. The chemical properties of radioactive elements _______ as radiation is emitted. radiation change We have Atoms! – 1898 Marie Skłodowska Curie and Pierre Curie

29 Isolated and discovered the elements _________ and ________. polonium radium We have Atoms! – 1898 Marie Skłodowska Curie and Pierre Curie Period 4 11-10

30 Use your jigsaw model and notes: Our atomic model was the first to … Day 2 11-15-11

31 Jigsaw  10 minutes to write group notes!  Rest of the period to share with other groups.

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