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EQ 4: How is pop culture diffused? 2/9 Bell ringer:  Analyze maps on 92 and 93.  Write down the title and 2 observations and 1 inference for each map.

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Presentation on theme: "EQ 4: How is pop culture diffused? 2/9 Bell ringer:  Analyze maps on 92 and 93.  Write down the title and 2 observations and 1 inference for each map."— Presentation transcript:

1 EQ 4: How is pop culture diffused? 2/9 Bell ringer:  Analyze maps on 92 and 93.  Write down the title and 2 observations and 1 inference for each map (or set of maps): TV Internet Facebook

2 Images of Beauty  What do you think is beautiful (in terms of human appearances)?  How does the diffusion of pop culture influence images of beauty?

3 Do you think this is an image of beauty? THAILAND



6 New Zealand



9 Alex Wek – Supermodel (US)

10  How does popular culture impact images of beauty?  How does it impact folk culture?

11 GANGNAM STYLE –  Read and annotate “Gangnam Style” article. Talk to the Text (use annotation bookmark) Star every reference to U.S. popular culture Answer the three sentence frames in binder:  1. When I read ____, I wondered ___  2. It can reasonably inferred from the passage that ___________.  3. The best title for this reading is ___

12 EQ 5: What are the effects of the diffusion of pop culture? 2/10 BR: Finish Reading article and answering sentence stems

13 Small Group-whole class discussion  Gangnam Style reading and sentence stems

14 Create a T- chart: Positive and negative effects of pop culture

15 Gangnam Style Video  As you watch the video, add to your T- Chart  What is positive? What is negative?  Video: oVqDMb8 oVqDMb8

16 Chalk talk (add to your T-chart)  Positive impacts of Popular Culture  Negative impacts of Popular Culture

17 Exit Slip-On separate paper  Do you think the diffusion of popular culture is more positive or more negative? Explain your answer using 3 pieces of evidence from your T-Chart.

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