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Qena Educational Administration Qena Directorate El-Edeseyya elementary school (prep.) Produced by:- Mr. / Ahmed Abdelraheem Hassan.

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1 Qena Educational Administration Qena Directorate El-Edeseyya elementary school (prep.) Produced by:- Mr. / Ahmed Abdelraheem Hassan


3 The aims of the unit:- By the end of the unit, students will be able to:-  Read an internet story.  Say what people were doing (past continuous).  Say what you think happened (past simple).  Talk about clothes.  Learn about punctuation in written English.

4 AAAA well knowledge of different kinds of punctuation. MMMMastering the use of the tenses while describing events specially past events. AAAAcquiring the skill of fluency speaking and self-expressing of our daily situations in simple conversations to develop student's ability to use the past continuous tense orally.


6 1- Listening Learners identify and discriminate sounds, stress and intonation patterns. Learners identify and discriminate sounds, stress and intonation patterns. Learners listen and respond to texts from a variety of sources. Learners listen and respond to texts from a variety of sources. Learners use Information and communication Technology (ICT) to help students achieve the learning outcomes in listening. Learners use Information and communication Technology (ICT) to help students achieve the learning outcomes in listening. Learners gain knowledge and understanding of target cultures through listening. Learners gain knowledge and understanding of target cultures through listening. Learners practice higher level thinking skills while listening. Learners practice higher level thinking skills while listening.

7 2- Speaking Learners use English to communicate effectively in oral interactions. Learners present information, ideas and feelings clearly and coherently. Learners use ICT to achieve the learning outcomes in speaking. Learners understand the practices and values of both national and target cultures. Learners practice higher level thinking skills while speaking.

8 3- Reading Learners construct meaning from written texts. Learners construct meaning from written texts. Learners develop cognitive/ meta- cognitive strategies to facilitate reading. Learners develop cognitive/ meta- cognitive strategies to facilitate reading. Learners use ICT to achieve the learning outcomes in reading. Learners use ICT to achieve the learning outcomes in reading. Learners understand the practices and values of both national and target cultures through various text types. Learners understand the practices and values of both national and target cultures through various text types. Learners practice higher level thinking skills while reading. Learners practice higher level thinking skills while reading.

9 4- Writing LLearners write for a variety of audiences, purposes and in various forms to communicate meaning, ideas and emotions. LLearners develop writing processes to enhance their written products. LLearners translate from English into Arabic and vice versa. LLearners use ICT to achieve the learning outcomes in writing. LLearners demonstrate awareness of the practices and values of both national and target cultures while writing. LLearners practice higher level thinking skills while writing.

10 5- Vocabulary & structures Learners develop vocabulary through a variety of ways. Learners use morphology and lexicon accurately and appropriately. Learners use syntax to communicate meaning accurately and appropriately. Learners use ICT to achieve the learning outcomes in vocabulary and structure.

11 * Can you tell me what someone was doing in the past?

12 What were you doing at ten o'clock? What was happening yesterday? Was Maher holding a camera this morning? Who's wearing jeans? What was the man doing when the policeman arrived?

13 What happened to you yesterday? What was Ahmed wearing at five o'clock? Is Hesham wearing a red jumper? What happened to you yesterday? Were the children sleeping when their mother arrived?

14 The skill of good listening. Distinguishing different kinds of clothes, different kinds of clothes. The skill of narrating past events.

15 What did she do? When they e-mailed, Soha was eating an ice cream. A helicopter was flying in the sky. When the policeman arrived, the man was riding a horse. Soha was eating an orange.

16 What happened to you yesterday? What happened to you yesterday? What was Ahmed wearing at five o'clock? What was Ahmed wearing at five o'clock? Is Hesham wearing a red jumper? Is Hesham wearing a red jumper? What happened to you yesterday? What happened to you yesterday? Were the children sleeping when their mother arrived? Were the children sleeping when their mother arrived?

17 prize send surprised win cover hold baby fall off helicopter swerve while banana peel

18 -R-Reporting past events. -D-Describing what was happening at a specific time.

19 Reading for specific information. Listening for detail. Saying what was happening at a specific time. Using the past continuous tense to express interrupted actions. Retelling a story from pictures orally and in writing.

20 Technology & hardware  Camera  Computer  Internet Connection  Printer  Scanner

21 Technology & software DDesktop Publishing EE-mail Software EEncyclopedia on CD-ROM IImage Processing IInternet Web Browser WWord Processing

22 Printed materials textbooks pictures pictures stories stories teacher guides teacher guides layouts printed dialogues printed dialogues magazines magazines newspapers newspapers

23 Internet resources


25 Thank you

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