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Lesson5 the Link between Culture and Communication Jessica 袁

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1 Lesson5 the Link between Culture and Communication Jessica 袁

2 Intercultural Business Communication Reading test  What’s ethnocentrism in your opinion? Have you ever encountered any problem resulted from it?

3 Intercultural Business Communication Culture and communication (P21~22)  Without a culture we cannot see, but with a culture we are forever blind.  Each of us is born into a culture that teaches us a number of shared meanings and expectations.  The meanings of words are much influenced by culture.  The ability and willingness to change lenses when we look at a different culture is both the cure and the prevention for such cultural blindness.  Studying a foreign language will also learn more about one ’ s native tongue by comparing and contrasting the two languages as well. Q: Since you have learned English as a foreign language for so long, what’s the most obvious difference between Chinese and English? Mania of English study

4 Intercultural Business Communication You can talk, but what do you communicate? (P22~23) behavior It depends on how the receiver of the message sees, thinks, and feels as much as on what the sender says, think and feel. home car address job mate clothes

5 Intercultural Business Communication Communicating Interculturally (P23) What to say Whom to communicate Who you are How you communicate the message Why you communicate in a given situation When you communicate Where you can or should communicate ethnocentrism Learning

6 Intercultural Business Communication Awareness (P23~24) Preconceived ideas Linguistic differences Nonverbal aspects Value judgments Anxiety or discomfort

7 Intercultural Business Communication Developing cross-cultural awareness (P24~25) 1 Cultural similarities and differences 3 Better understanding More tolerant Less defensive 2 the ability to understand cultures – your own and others – by means of objective, non- judgmental comparisons.

8 Intercultural Business Communication  Western Perspective of communication In western cultures, communication is studied as the means of transmitting ideas. Western cultures emphasize the instrumental function of communication; that is, effectiveness is evaluated in terms of success in the manipulation (操作) of others to achieve one’s personal goal.

9 Intercultural Business Communication  Eastern perspective of communication Definitions of communication from many Asian countries stress harmony, which is most notable in cultures with a Confucian tradition. Eastern cultures’ understanding would define communication as a process where all parties are searching to develop and maintain a social relationship.

10 Intercultural Business Communication Case study: Read the dialogue below and see what the conflict is between the two speakers. Discuss in groups the questions following the dialogue. In Hong Kong, a Chinese policeman (A) goes to his British superior and asks for leave to take his mother to hospital. A : Sir? B: Yes, what is it? A: My mother is not very well, sir. B: So? A: She has to go into hospital, sir. B: Well, get on with it. What do you want? A: On Thursday, sir. B: Bloody hell, man. What do you want? A: Nothing, sir. Q1: What do you think the Chinese policeman wants? Q2: How do you know what he wants? Q3: What do you think of the British officer’s response?

11 Intercultural Business Communication  From the previous activity, we see that meanings do not come from the verbal language alone. They are also implied from the context in which communication takes place. In other words, setting and environment help determine the words and actions we generate and the meanings we give to the words and actions of other people.

12 Intercultural Business Communication Theory study (P10)

13 Intercultural Business Communication a. International communication International communication takes place between nations and governments rather than individuals; it is quite formal and ritualized( 仪式化 ). United Nations Conference

14 Intercultural Business Communication b. Interracial communication Interracial communication occurs when the sender and the receiver exchanging messages are from different races. ( Afro-American vs. White American)

15 Intercultural Business Communication c. Intracultural communication It is defined as communication between or among members of the same culture.

16 Intercultural Business Communication d. cross-cultural communication  The comparison of cultural phenomena in different cultures.

17 Intercultural Business Communication e. intercultural communication  Face-to-face interaction among people of diverse cultures. Focus on relationship building (not survival), deep connections, interactions, mutual gifting, respect, and learning from one another.

18 Intercultural Business Communication Mid-term test: 文化专题报告  Group Work: Introduce Chinese culture to the world  Each group of students are required to give us a presentation of manners/celebration with examples of local culture.  Requirements:  1. No reading, and everyone has to say something.  2. At least 5 minutes.  3. There are only titles/ key words/ pictures in the PPT.  4. shoot video clips to show exactly how to do it step by step correctly.  饮茶礼仪, 酒文化, 婚礼, 满月酒, 新居入伙, 清明, 春节 From week6, one team one week

19 Intercultural Business Communication Assignments  Preview Unit3 Language and Culture


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