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Social Studies 8 Course Outline & Expectations Mr. K. J. Benoy Social Studies Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Studies 8 Course Outline & Expectations Mr. K. J. Benoy Social Studies Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Studies 8 Course Outline & Expectations Mr. K. J. Benoy Social Studies Department

2 Supplies You will need the following: A binder – at least 1 ½ inches. Plenty of lined paper. A portable computer storage device. Coloured & regular HB pencils. Pens. Erasers. Whiteout. A ruler (a geometry set if you have one).

3 Provincial Objectives The Ministry of Education expects that you will do the following things in Social Studies 8

4 Applications of Social Studies Problem solve. Summarize information from a source. Assess information. Defend a position. Write and speak effectively. Address a problem.

5 Society and Culture Find out why civilizations rise and fall. Compare life in various civilizations. Describe different cultures and religions. Be aware of artistic traditions. Identify important cultural achievements.

6 Politics and Law Understand the tension between rights and responsibilities in various cultures. Understand the influence of contact, conflict and conquest on civilizations. Describe how people influence laws and politics. Explain how governmental systems develop.

7 Economy & Technology Compare economic systems. Analyze how commerce affects lives. Compare rural and urban work. Describe how technology & science affects politics, societies and economies.

8 Environment Make and use maps, graphs, tables, grids, scales, legends and contours. Locate places and geographical features on maps. Locate current and historical places on maps. Analyze how people have interacted with their environments in history.

9 How Will We Do This? First we will study Geography. We will read and interpret maps and globes. We will construct a variety of maps. We will learn about time zones.

10 Then We Study History We begin with the Roman Empire. Then we look at Byzantium and the origins of Islamic Civilization. Next we look at the Medieval World. Then we study the Renaissance and Reformation.

11 History Finally, we will study civilization in: India China Japan

12 Text Books Most work in Geography will be teacher created and will be based on atlas work.

13 Text books Most of our work in History will be in Burton Beers’ Patterns of Civilization I.

14 Assignments You will complete and be marked on a variety of things: Homework Paragraphs and short assignments Maps Reports Oral Presentations Quizzes Tests

15 My Website Go to: site/kbenoy/ Here you will find PowerPoint presentations that cover the entire curriculum. Your assignments will also be posted here.

16 Lessons & Homework Blogsite Go to: We will post the week’s work here. I will also give you notice of tests and their composition.

17 Final Exam At the end of the course, you will write a final exam on everything we have covered. The exam is written during a special exam period, after classes have finished for the term.

18 Final Exam This test is worth 20% of your course mark. If you have done well during the term, it is a chance to show what you have learned. If you have not done well, it is a 2 nd chance to pass.

19 Grades We use the standard provincial grading system: A 86%+ B 73-85% C+ 67-72% C 60-66% C- 50-59% D 40-49% E 39%- If you seem in danger of dropping to a failing mark during the semester, you will receive an “I” on an interim report. An F is a term end failure.

20 Expectations - Attendance What we cover in class is important – do not miss things if you can help it. If you are away: Call the school to let us know why you are away. Go to the blogsite to see what you missed. Check the week plan at the back of the room. Bring a note for the school and a note for me. Expect to make up what you missed.

21 Expectations - Punctuality You expect me to be here on time and ready to go. I expect the same of you. Surprize quizzes and homework checks happen at the start of class. If you are late you may be given a zero. If you do arrive late, come in without disturbing the class. Wait until you can enter without disturbing the class. Make sure I know you have arrived.

22 Expectation - Assignments All assignments are given to help you learn. I do not give out “busy work” as there is too much to cover this year. If you don’t see the point in an assignment, ask! All assignments must be completed. When students fail this course it is almost always because they do not complete the work.

23 Expectation - Assignments Deductions will be made for late assignments: 10% of the value of the assignment for 1 day. 20% for 2 days. 30% for 3 days. A 50% grade is the best that can be earned for an assignment later than this. Any assignment, no matter how late, can earn 50% If you lose an assignment, go to the blog.

24 Expectations - Marking I will return marking quickly. Expect to receive short assignments back the next day. Give me a week for long assignments. If you did not get your work back in class, remind me. I probably have it ready but forgot to return it.

25 Extra Help Ask if you need additional help. I arrive early and leave late most days. I usually arrive near 8:00 a.m. I usually leave near 5:00 p.m. If my door is open, I am here. Look for me in D208, the staff- room or the photocopy room next to the office. Sometimes, after school, if there are games on, I may be there taking pictures. Don’t be afraid to ask another Social Studies teacher for help.

26 Expectations - Decorum Be dignified. Respect the rights and feelings of others. Be considerate. Do not disturb people who are working. Leave other people’s belongings alone. Never vandalize. Do not interrupt when others are talking.

27 Expectations - Decorum If anyone is speaking to the whole class, pay attention and remain silent. Raise your hand to get on a speaking list or to ask a question or request permission for something.

28 Expectations – Leaving the Class I am responsible for you during this block. Ask before you leave the room. I need to know where you are, so tell me before you leave. Use the washroom outside class time. Return as quickly as possible.

29 Learn and Enjoy Social Studies is fun. If it wasn’t, I would not be here! Learn and become a more educated and interesting person. Figure out what makes people, and the world, tick. Work toward scholarships in grade 12.

30 finis

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