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The Learning Cycle (Kolb) RCGP Learning Unit Bath.

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Presentation on theme: "The Learning Cycle (Kolb) RCGP Learning Unit Bath."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Learning Cycle (Kolb) RCGP Learning Unit Bath

2 The learning cycle The learning cycle describes the process of learning. You can enter the cycle at any stage. For example, you may want to start with a plan, carry it out, evaluate what you learned from it, tell others. Or you may find that a conference, course or new technique encourages you to evaluate the experience and then make a plan to learn more, and so on round the cycle. Depending on your learning style (see side menu) your learning will encompass the following stages: Initial discussions with appraiser Plan, implement and apply learning Evaluate and disseminate learning


4 1. Initial discussions TaskActivitySupport Preliminary planning Initial discussion with appraiser Appraiser Identify: Reflection on practice Personal learning needs Peer discussion This Guide Service needs Review with appraiser Wider reading Baseline performance Seminar Self- assessment Structured method e.g. significant event audit Local group, help from other educationalist/mentor

5 2. Plan, implement and apply learning TaskActivitySupport Plan learning Develop appropriate learning plan Discuss with appraiser Implement learning plan Undertake learning, e.g. educational course, research activity This Guide Discuss with appraiser Local group Apply learning Implement learning in everyday practice by changing behaviour, systems, processes This Guide Discuss with appraiser Local group

6 3. Evaluate and disseminate learning and identify further learning TaskActivitySupport Evaluate learning Self-assessment or structured method e.g. audit Reflection Discuss with appraiser Local group Help from local educationalist Disseminate learning Share newly gained knowledge and skills with colleagues, e.g. in-house educational session Discuss with appraiser Local group Identify further learning Identify further learning needs based on or arising from evaluation of learning Discuss with appraiser Local group Help from local educationalist

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