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Small Resources, Big Results N.H. Department of Environmental Services Pamela H. Sprague, Program Coordinator September 28, 2005 Small Resources, Big Results.

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Presentation on theme: "Small Resources, Big Results N.H. Department of Environmental Services Pamela H. Sprague, Program Coordinator September 28, 2005 Small Resources, Big Results."— Presentation transcript:

1 Small Resources, Big Results N.H. Department of Environmental Services Pamela H. Sprague, Program Coordinator September 28, 2005 Small Resources, Big Results N.H. Department of Environmental Services Pamela H. Sprague, Program Coordinator September 28, 2005

2 “N.H.Green Yards Program” Objective: Improve environmental practices at auto recycling yards Partners: N.H. Auto & Truck Recyclers Association N.H. Pollution Prevention Program

3 Two Phase Program  Phase I: –Education & Compliance Assistance –Launched in 2003  Phase II: –Compliance Self-Audit & Certification –Commence in 2006

4 Participating Yards About 200 facilities total About 200 facilities total Facilities that: Facilities that:  Dismantle or crush 12 or more end-of-life vehicles yearly; and/or  Store 25 or more end-of-life vehicles longer than 60 days

5 Profile of Typical NH Facility  Less than: –5 employees –5 acres of land –500 vehicles stored –500 vehicles processed yearly  Multi-function –auto body –auto repair/service –auto sales  Modest profits

6 Capacity Need  500,000 registered vehicles in NH are 10+ years old  End-of-life vehicles (ELVs) are 7 – 10 years old, on average  33% population increase in next 25 years  NH needs capacity to recycle 50,000+++ ELVs yearly

7 A big job, with big concerns...

8 Groundwater Contamination

9 Surface Water Quality

10 Soil Contamination

11 Air Quality

12 Designing the N.H. Green Yards Program  Established stakeholder workgroup  Exchanged business knowledge & concerns  Developed auto recycling BMPs  Identified: –Barriers to achieving compliance –Measures for overcoming barriers –Available resources  Selected “measures” consistent with “resources”

13 Limited Resources  $38,000 grant + 40% state match  Key Partners: –N.H. Pollution Prevention Program –N.H. Auto & Truck Recyclers Assoc.  Cutbacks & layoffs mid-stream

14 Compliance Barriers  Communication Problems  Financial Limitations & Dis-incentives  Physical Working Constraints  “Moving Target” Syndrome  Attitude/Lack of Environmental Stewardship  Lack of Enforcement

15 Key Program Principles  Assume (for now) most people will do the “right thing” –Tell them what to do –Tell them “why” (personalize the consequences) –Identify incentives and resources  Keep it simple –Make it achievable / incremental cooperative compliance –Provide options (performance based / not prescriptive) –Be outcome-oriented / not process-oriented  Make it sustainable –Provide a vision the industry can adopt as its own –Instill pride / provide standing –Build environmental stewardship

16 Phase One… Education & Compliance Assistance Best Management Practices (BMPs) information and materials—Mailed in Installments Statewide Workshops and Meetings Confidential Compliance Assistance---P2 Program












28 Phase I Results?  Survey data –preliminary analysis  BMP Evaluation Reports –Inspections are now on-going  Voluntary Certification Program –15% participation  Technical assistance requests –P2  Complaint investigations / Remedial projects Green Yards Report Card

29 Fewer yards are now dismantling vehicles over bare ground and out in the open.

30 Big improvements are reported re: storage practices for gas and oil

31 Some positive behavior changes re: preparing vehicles for crushing.

32 27% report improved tire storage practices by bringing stockpiles into compliance.

33 And now… a few case studies about being careful what you say… Golly…Was it something I said?

34 I listened to what you said and now I always dismantle my vehicles over a concrete pad…

35 I got it! Always store fuel tanks off the ground, in a well ventilated area…

36 Look! I fixed things so I don’t need a storm water discharge permit.

37 I’m pretty sure we’re all set… I labeled the gas tank and put a roof over it, plus I keep absorbent nearby, just like you said.

38 Stop by sometime … we built that concrete pad you recommended and it’s working out swell.

39 We made some important changes here … now, we always put down a tarp and a little Speedee-Dri before draining gas.

40 What’s Next?  Complete Voluntary Certification Project  Adopt rules for Mandatory Certification  Complete BMP Evaluation Inspections  Evaluate results & do “Targeted” Outreach  Identify / Inspect / Educate “Non-Notifiers”  Train Municipal Officials  Mobile Crusher Initiative  Consumer Education  New Legislation

41 Questions?

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