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U NIT II Cultural Diversity. E SSENTIAL Q UESTIONS —T UESDAY — Why do we call America the melting pot? Will the increasing number of mixed-race Americans.

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Presentation on theme: "U NIT II Cultural Diversity. E SSENTIAL Q UESTIONS —T UESDAY — Why do we call America the melting pot? Will the increasing number of mixed-race Americans."— Presentation transcript:

1 U NIT II Cultural Diversity

2 E SSENTIAL Q UESTIONS —T UESDAY — Why do we call America the melting pot? Will the increasing number of mixed-race Americans lead to a less race-conscious America? What have you learned about your own culture? Why is it important to understand a multicultural society?

3 R ACIAL D IVERSITY --P ERIODS 1 AND 3 Note: We will be learning about our culture We will be creating a class quilt Supplies will be needed You can make your quilt 7 ¼ by 7 ¼ We will give you the backing Please bring in a very small picture of your face – about the size of a nickel We will tell you when to have your materials by 26th

4 M ELTING POT The melting pot is a metaphor for a heterogeneous society becoming more homogeneousheterogeneous homogeneous The different elements "melting together" into a harmonious whole with a common culture. It is particularly used to describe the assimilation of immigrants to the United States; the melting- together metaphor was in use by the 1780s.assimilationUnited States

5 M ELTING POT CHALLENGED After 1970 the desirability of assimilation and the melting pot model was challenged by proponents of multiculturalismmulticulturalism They assert that cultural differences within society are valuable and should be preserved, proposing the alternative metaphor of the mosaic or salad bowl – different cultures mix, but remain distinct. mosaic salad bowl

6 C ULTURES IN THE US The United States of America thrives on diversity. A synthesis of the world’s plentiful and varied races, religions, and cultures, America is a home to all, such that no one group can call itself more “American” than another. The fusion of cultures here is so unique and so exceptional that citizens can be just as proud of their original cultural heritage as they are to be an American.

7 C ULTURAL STRUGGLES Each culture provides its own special and irreplaceable contribution to our understanding of America today. Diversity in America not only presents a host of intimate snapshots of culture and heritage, but we document the struggles of nationalities to integrate into the “melting pot” society of America.

8 R ICH MIXTURES Without its rich mixture of religions, races, and cultures, America would not be the nation that it is today. Founded upon the basis of equality and freedom for all. America acts as a stage where intensely different cultures not only coexist peacefully, but also thrive symbiotically and create a nation Learning about each other and our similarities and differences helps us to understand each other’s struggles Connect the Dots

9 T EAM -B UILDING E XERCISE -T UES /W ED Reminder: Quilt Supplies due Wed 26 th (write down in you agenda book) Halloween: cultural Presentations Food/Dress etc. Cultural Activity

10 W ED People Search 10 minutes to complete own information People search match ups 30 minutes to find people to match yours Reflective discussion of activity Reflective Journal How can you apply what you have learned from this exercise to other classes and activities? What was the most difficult part of this activity? What did you enjoy the most?

11 T HURSDAY 10/20 Reflect on individual culture How does it affect you? Your families? Dress? Personality etc.? Where did I come from Handout—Due Today Write down in your Agenda Book: Be prepared for the Quilt (Handout)—Materials Due Monday

12 C ULTURAL D IVERSITY D AYS P RESENTATION — F RIDAY 10/21 M ON 10/24 T UES 10/25 Preparing a 3-5 minute presentation Oral PP Poster Board *Required: Note cards on what you will say *Required: bring in a item that defines your culture Food Dress “Show and Tell” DO NOT FORGET tomorrow (WED) you need to have your supplies ready to make your quilt 7 ¼ x 7 ¼ and small picture (size of a nickel)

13 W ED, T HURS & F RIDAY C REATING OUR Q UILT Create your quilt today with supplies Place your name on the BACK Remember—NO PICTURES OF people! MONDAY— FOOD/DRESS to represent your culture

14 M ONDAY —H ALLOWEEN THROUGH 11/2 Cultural Presentations Journalize

15 A FTER Q UILT AND CULTURAL DIFFERENCES Sign and post your agreement to value differences





20 T HROUGH S TUDENTS E YES - 11/9-11/15

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