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Recent Changes to Australian Regulation Engineering & Design – Parts 21 &39.

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Presentation on theme: "Recent Changes to Australian Regulation Engineering & Design – Parts 21 &39."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recent Changes to Australian Regulation Engineering & Design – Parts 21 &39

2 21.M - Modifications & Repairs  CASR Subpart 21.M replaced the old CAR 35, 36 & 36A on 27 June 2011  The vast majority of modifications and repairs are approved by authorised persons  Modifications & repairs are separate from STCs  STCs are approved by CASA, usually on the recommendation of an authorised person

3 21.M - Modifications & Repairs  Authorised person acts on behalf of CASA to approve modifications and repairs  Most authorised persons also design the modification or repair  Authorised persons are required to operate to a Design Approval Procedures Manual (DAPM), part of which is CASA approved

4 21.M - Modifications & Repairs  There are strict limits on what authorised persons can approve:  Limits on aircraft complexity (ie, Part 23, 27, 25, 29, etc)  Limits on engineering speciality (ie, structures, radio, powerplant, software, etc)  Fixed wing, rotary wing, analogue, digital  Any other limitations CASA believes appropriate

5 21.M - Modifications & Repairs  Authorised persons do not have a free rein  must advise CASA of any alteration which is considered Major and under some other conditions specified in their DAPM  Authorised persons must find compliance with the aircraft’s certification basis  Need CASA approval to vary the design standard  Restricted category  Equivalent Safety Determinations

6 21.M - Modifications & Repairs  Authorised persons must ensure that there are, where appropriate:  Instructions for Continuing Airworthiness  Flight Manual amendments  The holder of a modification or repair approval:  Must provide ICA and Flight Manual amendments to any operator of an affected aircraft  Is responsible for continuing airworthiness of the modification or repair

7 21.M - Modifications & Repairs  Authorised persons often become the holder of the modification or repair that they have designed and approved.  21.M aligns with the proposed 21.J  21.J will replace all reference to “Authorised Person” with “Approved Design Organisation”

8 21.J – Approved Design Organisations  CASR 21.J is currently entitled “Delegation Option Authorisation Procedures”  Based on the US FAR 21.J  No-one in Australia has applied for an authorisation under the current 21.J  Poorly understood  Not suited to Australian Industry

9 21.J – Approved Design Organisations  New CASR 21.J is under development and will replace the existing 21.J  Based on the EASA Part 21.J, it will introduce “Approved Design Organisations”  References in 21.M to “Authorised Persons” will be changed to “ADOs”  Many other references in Part 21 will also change from “Authorised Person” to “ADO”

10 21.J – Approved Design Organisations  Regulations are currently in draft form  Regulations will be made by the middle of 2012, and become effective in March 2013  There will be a 4 year period for authorised persons and organisations to transition to ADOs

11 CASR 39 - Airworthiness Directives  In October 2009 CASR 39 changed to recognise State-of-Design ADs as Australian ADs.  CASA no longer issues Australian ADs which repromulgate State-of-Design ADs  CASA no longer mails out ADs to Registered Operators  It is the Registered Operator’s responsibility to find their own ADs  CASA does publish State-of-Design ADs on the CASA web site

12 CASR 39 - Airworthiness Directives  CASA can, and does, still issue its own ADs  Compliance with an Australian AD, regardless of its origin, is mandatory  State-of-Design AMOCs against a State-of- Design AD are automatically acceptable (if they are applicable).  CASA still issues its own AMOCs and Exclusions


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