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Trauma Informed Courts: Principles and Practices ► Integrating trauma-informed care, SAMHSA recovery principles, and procedural fairness to achieve improved.

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Presentation on theme: "Trauma Informed Courts: Principles and Practices ► Integrating trauma-informed care, SAMHSA recovery principles, and procedural fairness to achieve improved."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trauma Informed Courts: Principles and Practices ► Integrating trauma-informed care, SAMHSA recovery principles, and procedural fairness to achieve improved outcomes in problem- solving courts. Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-151

2 THREE SETS OF RELATED PRINCIPLES ► Trauma-informed Care Principles ► Recovery Principles ► Procedural Justice Principles Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-152

3 EXAMINING THE THREE PRINCIPLES Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-153

4 TRAUMA-INFORMED CARE ► Safety ► Trustworthiness ► Transparency ► Peer Support ► Collaboration and Mutuality ► Empowerment, Voice & Choice ► Cultural, Historical and Gender Issues Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-154

5 RECOVERY PRINCIPLES ► Self-Direction ► Individualized and Person Centered ► Empowerment ► Holistic ► Non-linear ► Strengths-based ► Peer Support ► Respect ► Responsibility ► Hope Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-155

6 PROCEDURAL JUSTICE PRINCIPLES ► Voice ► Neutrality / Transparency ► Respect (for person & for rights) ► Trust (caring, helpfulness, fairness) Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-156

7 COMMONALITIES ► Self-Direction ► Individualized ► Person Centered ► Empowerment ► Holistic ► Non-linear ► Strengths-based ► Peer Support ► Respect ► Responsibility ► Hope ► Safety ► Trustworthiness ► Transparency ► Peer Support ► Collaboration and Mutuality ► Empowerment, Voice & Choice ► Cultural, Historical and Gender Issues ► Voice ► Neutrality / Transparency ► Respect (for person & for rights) ► Trust (caring, helpfulness, fairness) Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-157

8 TRAUMA-INFORMED CARE ► Safety ► Trustworthiness ► Transparency ► Peer Support ► Collaboration and Mutuality ► Empowerment, Voice & Choice ► Cultural, Historical and Gender Issues Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-158

9 SAFETY ► Predictability provides safety ► Organization and clear policies provides predictability ► Avoiding distractions in the courtroom reduces anxiety ► “Seeking Safety” is an evidence based program Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-159

10 TRUST Demonstrate the following attributes to develop trust: ► Benevolence ► Caring ► Sincere helpfulness ► Listen ► Explain decisions Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-1510

11 TRANSPARENCY & NEUTRALITY ► There is consistency in how policies and practices are applied in each case ► If there are changes or deviations the basis for the decision and the process of making the decision, this is explained ► There is disclosure of the basis for decisions (having team members offer statements about the participant that capture key elements of the staffing discussion in court fosters such transparency) ► There is an atmosphere of unbiased decision makers Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-1511

12 PEER SUPPORT ► Peers share real lived-experience and foster hope ► Peers model resilience and recovery ► Peers provide encouragement and demonstrate skills ► Peers offer connection and friendship ► Peers help engagement in community Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-1512

13 COLLABORATION AND MUTUALITY ► Involve the participant in setting his or her goals and plans ► Seek their input and feedback ► Work to enhance motivation and engagement ► Provide opportunities to contribute as well as to receive Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-1513

14 EMPOWERMENT ► Encourage them to set and work on goals that are meaningful to them ► Identify and build on strengths ► Design and allow choices ► Teach skills for problem-solving ► Foster responsibility / accountability ► Use motivational interviewing Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-1514

15 VOICE ► Provide an opportunity for the participant to tell their side of the story ► Elicit their “story” and their “experiences” particularly those that demonstrate strengths and resiliency ► Ask participants to tell what is going well and what is challenging ► Ask what help is needed ► Interact directly with the participant (the 3-minute rule) ► Interaction means both parties talk Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-1515

16 RESPECT ► Let them know they have been heard ► Let them know about their rights ► Provide for an appeal mechanism ► Elicit feedback, act on feedback, let them know the results ► Be aware of subtle acts of disrespect ► Be accountable for commitments ► Reduce distractions and avoid multi-tasking during interactions Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-1516

17 HOPE If the principles we have been talking about are the spokes of the wheel, HOPE is the hub. Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-1517

18 HOPE: What is it? Hope is an optimistic attitude of mind based on an expectation of positive outcomes Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-1518

19 ► Most often the people in our courts have very little reason to have hope. They have little about which to be optimistic. They have few positive expectations. They have little confidence in their ability to achieve any positive expectations. ► we must restore hope and change expectations. Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-1519

20 EXPECTANCY: The belief that one’s effort will result in attaining one’s goals ► Expectancy is based on: ► past experience ► self-confidence ► perceived difficulty of the goal ► belief about ability ► degree of control over performance Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-1520

21 OFFER YOUR EXPECTANCY! Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-1521  past experience – many individuals have come through this court who were worse off than you are and they made it. You can too. Just keep showing up!  self-confidence –Together we can make it. We know how to get people through this program. Trust in the program. It works. Just keep showing up!

22 SHARE YOUR EXPECTANCY AND FOLLOW THROUGH! ► perceived difficulty of the goal – work the program - that makes it easy / fight the program - that makes it hard. We will help you reach your goal. Just keep showing up! ► belief in ability We believe in you. We will help you believe in yourself. Peers show it is true! ► degree of control over performance It is up to you but we will give you a clear roadmap. There is nothing required that you cannot do. You can ask for help. Just keep showing up! Trauma Informed Courts Webinar 9-11-1522

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