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King Saud University, College of Science Workshop: Programme accreditation and quality assurance Riyadh, June 15-16, 2009 I.2 Relevant Documents

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1 King Saud University, College of Science Workshop: Programme accreditation and quality assurance Riyadh, June 15-16, 2009 I.2 Relevant Documents

2 1.European Standards & Guidelines For Quality Assurance 2.ASIIN: General Requirements 3.ASIIN: Subject Specific Criteria 4.Eurobachelor Guidelines Content

3 European Standards & Guidelines for QA to improve the higher education available to students in the EHEA to assist higher education institutions in managing and enhancing their quality and, thereby, to help to justify their institutional autonomy to form a background for quality assurance agencies in their work to make external quality assurance more transparent and simpler to understand www.asiin.de3

4 European Standards & Guidelines for QA Content ESG for internal QA within Higher Education Institutions (Part 1) ESG for the External QA of Higher Education (Part 2) ESG for External QA Agencies (Part 3) www.asiin.de4

5 European Standards & Guidelines for QA Higher Education Institutions Policy and procedures for internal QA Approval, monitoring and periodic review of programmes and awards Assessment of students Quality assurance of teaching staff Learning resources and student support Information systems Public information www.asiin.de5

6 European Standards & Guidelines for QA External Quality Assurance Systems Use of internal quality assurance procedures Development of external quality assurance processes Criteria for decisions Processes fit for purpose Reporting Follow-up procedures Periodic reviews (usu. 5 years) System-wide analyses www.asiin.de6

7 European Standards & Guidelines for QA QA of the QA Agency Itself Ongoing external exercises in higher education Official status Resources Mission statement Independence External QA and processes used by the agencies Accountability procedures – internal QA of the agency www.asiin.de7

8 1.European Standards & Guidelines For Quality Assurance 2.ASIIN: General Requirements 3.ASIIN: Subject Specific Criteria 4.Eurobachelor Guidelines Content

9 9 General Requirements and Procedural Principles …compulsory for all fields of engineering and natural sciences General Requirements and Procedural Principles …compulsory for all fields of engineering and natural sciences Subject Specific Criteria …supplementary, deviations permitted in well-founded cases Subject Specific Criteria …supplementary, deviations permitted in well-founded cases + For evaluating a study program, ASIIN applies documented criteria and standards that have to be taken into account when a study program is designed. Sources: European and national qualification frameworks as well as national laws and acts international standards for the engineering education educational standards for the single fields of engineering shared by a majority of HEI, practitioners and employers For evaluating a study program, ASIIN applies documented criteria and standards that have to be taken into account when a study program is designed. Sources: European and national qualification frameworks as well as national laws and acts international standards for the engineering education educational standards for the single fields of engineering shared by a majority of HEI, practitioners and employers Accreditation Requirements and Procedural Principles

10 10 I Methodological Approach & Requirements oprocess-orientation ooutcome-orientation orequirements for regular programmes odetailed criteria for the evaluation of major quality- categories I Methodological Approach & Requirements oprocess-orientation ooutcome-orientation orequirements for regular programmes odetailed criteria for the evaluation of major quality- categories II Accreditation Process oprocedural guidelines oselection of auditors opossible accreditation-results oapplicants‘ rights and responsibilities oservices provided by ASIIN II Accreditation Process oprocedural guidelines oselection of auditors opossible accreditation-results oapplicants‘ rights and responsibilities oservices provided by ASIIN III Templates structure of self-assessment report / various tables / outcome-Matrix / module-handbook / staff-handbook III Templates structure of self-assessment report / various tables / outcome-Matrix / module-handbook / staff-handbook IV Annex Special Requirements (e.g. e-learning-, dual degree-, project-based programmes) IV Annex Special Requirements (e.g. e-learning-, dual degree-, project-based programmes) The Content of the General Requirements

11 11 o Formal Data o Objectives & Demand educational objectives & competency profiles Demand by students and labour market o Educational Process entry and admission requirements course of study (curricular content, didactical concept, workload, credit point system, exams…) o Resources institution and academic enivironnment cooperations Staff financial & physical resources o Attainment of Objectives o Quality Management System o Formal Data o Objectives & Demand educational objectives & competency profiles Demand by students and labour market o Educational Process entry and admission requirements course of study (curricular content, didactical concept, workload, credit point system, exams…) o Resources institution and academic enivironnment cooperations Staff financial & physical resources o Attainment of Objectives o Quality Management System Input Actual Outcome Criteria and Requirements for Programme Assessment Target

12 1.European Standards & Guidelines For Quality Assurance 2.ASIIN: General Requirements 3.ASIIN: Subject Specific Criteria 4.Eurobachelor Guidelines Content

13 13 Subject Specific Criteria according to ASIIN’s Technical Committee

14 14 Subject Specific Criteria The subject specific criteria constitute benchmarks (minimum requirements) The subject specific criteria in their annexes contain tables with benchmarks for the following content categories: fundamentals: mathematics and natural sciences as well as subject-specific advanced subject-specific content interdisciplinary / soft skills Bachelor's thesis industry project Derive from competencies required by graduates for professional qualification Deviations are allowed and can be implemented according to the individual profile of the program under consideration The curricular content must ensure the educational goals The subject specific criteria constitute benchmarks (minimum requirements) The subject specific criteria in their annexes contain tables with benchmarks for the following content categories: fundamentals: mathematics and natural sciences as well as subject-specific advanced subject-specific content interdisciplinary / soft skills Bachelor's thesis industry project Derive from competencies required by graduates for professional qualification Deviations are allowed and can be implemented according to the individual profile of the program under consideration The curricular content must ensure the educational goals

15 1.European Standards & Guidelines For Quality Assurance 2.ASIIN: General Requirements 3.ASIIN: Subject Specific Criteria 4.Eurobachelor Guidelines Content

16 Eurobachelor Guidelines Outline of the study programme, arranged according to semesters/trimesters of study, containing the designations of the modules/course units which the student is expected to study in that semester/trimester. Giving information on the range and manner of choice for the student in selecting the semi-optional or elective modules. Outline of the outcomes Module/course unit descriptions according to the ECTS specification. Each description should not exceed one page in length. www.asiin.de16

17 Eurobachelor Guidelines Numbers of the academic staff (teaching staff) involved in delivering the study programme of student enrolment Official institutional regulations defining the study programme which is the subject of the application An example of the Diploma Supplement issued by the institution www.asiin.de17

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