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Staff Programs 1 Now Offering…. Staff Programs How it works Free Program:  Downloadable exercise plans from website (Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced.

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Presentation on theme: "Staff Programs 1 Now Offering…. Staff Programs How it works Free Program:  Downloadable exercise plans from website (Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staff Programs 1 Now Offering…

2 Staff Programs How it works Free Program:  Downloadable exercise plans from website (Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced Programs)  Participants receive weigh in & body fat testing (baseline & every 4 months)  Participants receive goal tracking charts  Testing includes 4 exercise protocols

3 Staff Programs Downloadable Exercises Free Program: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

4 Staff Programs Weight & Body Fat Test TEAM Mo. 1Mo. 2Mo. 3Mo. 4Mo. 5Mo. 6 Weight Body Fat Weight Body Fat Weight Body Fat Weight Body Fat Weight Body Fat Weight Body Fat TEAM 1 lbs.% % % % % % TEAM 2 lbs.% % % % % % TEAM 3 lbs.% % % % % % TEAM 4 lbs.% % % % % % TEAM 5 lbs.% % % % % %

5 Goal Tracking

6 Staff Programs Testing Balance: Upper Body: Lower Body: Cardiovascular:

7 Staff Programs To get started: Free Program:  Calipers  Scale  Goal Sheets  Flyers

8 Staff Programs How it works Paid Program:  Classes are conducted on-site at community  Classes are held 3 times per week at varying times  Class sessions will be 45 minutes  Participants are broken into groups with team captains  Team & Individual photos are conducted (baseline, and testing periods)  Participants receive weigh in & body fat testing (baseline & every 4 months)  Participants receive goal tracking charts  Testing includes 4 exercise protocols

9 Staff Programs How it works Paid Program (cont...):  Monthly participation tracking sheets  Team of the month award  Participant of the month award  Website to show team success (weight & body fat)

10 Staff Programs Weight & Body Fat Test TEAM Mo. 1Mo. 2Mo. 3Mo. 4Mo. 5Mo. 6 Weight Body Fat Weight Body Fat Weight Body Fat Weight Body Fat Weight Body Fat Weight Body Fat TEAM 1 lbs.% % % % % % TEAM 2 lbs.% % % % % % TEAM 3 lbs.% % % % % % TEAM 4 lbs.% % % % % % TEAM 5 lbs.% % % % % %

11 Goal Tracking

12 Staff Programs Testing Balance: Upper Body: Lower Body: Cardiovascular:

13 Staff Programs Participation NAME12345678…..TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 000000000 0

14 Staff Programs Award Sample

15 Staff Programs To get started: Paid Program:  Calipers  Scale  Goal Sheets  Flyers  Pedometers  Water bottles  T-Shirts  Towels

16 Staff Programs Prizes: All Participants Receive:  Pedometers  T-Shirts

17 Staff Programs Prizes: Monthly Prizes:  Towel  Water bottles  T-Shirts

18 Staff Programs Website:

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