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Behavioral Interventions Western Michigan University Spring 2008 Distance Course in: Amman, Jordan Jordan University Of Science & Technology Pictures available.

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1 Behavioral Interventions Western Michigan University Spring 2008 Distance Course in: Amman, Jordan Jordan University Of Science & Technology Pictures available at:

2 Final fiesta. Amal AlJedye.

3 The purpose To reinforce the child to do more appropriate behavior such as kiss his sister instead of throwing object toward her or bite her all the time.

4 Introduction Hussam he is 5 years old, Hussam he is 5 years old, mentally health, he does not complain from any medical problem or chronic disease, he is lonely child for his family, he is lonely child for his family,,has no problem in verbal language,his parents especially his mother provide all care to child and provide him with various type of toys.

5 problem behavior( throwing object toward his sister,bite ),start before four monuth when his mother delivered his baby sister, problem behavior( throwing object toward his sister,bite ),start before four monuth when his mother delivered his baby sister,

6 His mother response in alternative way. Attention (reinforcment contengency) Reprimand ( Punishment contingency)

7 Before Child has no attention Behavior Child disruptive(thro wing object toward his sister, bite) After Child has attention. Reinforcment contengency

8 Punishment contingency. Aversive stimulus Before Child receive no reprimand. Behavior Child disruptive(thr owing object toward his sister, bite) After. Child receive reprimand

9 But the child behavior not decrease so, mother decide to use more aversive punisher, by slapping child his face when he do disruptive behavior

10 Punishment contengency. Before Child receive no slap in his face. Behavior Child disrupt (throwing object toward his sister.,bite her. After Child receive slap in his face.

11 At first behavior decrease to few days then increase to previous level.

12 Recording system of child disruptive behavior (base line) WeekFrequency of responseRang of response 155-20 210 312 410 515 620

13 Base line Number of week Frequency of response

14 So I am not expert in behavioral analysis, but I try to apply the principle of behavioral analysis that I study it this semester with this child

15 I advice my relative to use extinction of attention by ignoring him or not pay attention to him,but she must be careful that throwing object not harm the baby. Extinction means: stopping the reinforcement or escape contingency for a previously reinforced response causes the response frequency to decrease.

16 Extinction contingency: Before Child has no attention. Behavior Child disrupt (throwing object toward his sister.,bite her. After Child has no attention.

17 At first there is initial increase of response more than first (more than 25 time per day) then decrease its met the definition of extinction burst After that child behavior decrease gradually from 20 time per day to 10 time per day. After that child behavior decrease gradually from 20 time per day to 10 time per day.

18 So we try other contingency, in assessment of child I notice he prefer to watch T.V(cartoon) very much,but his mother allow him to watch T.V just for one hour per day 4-5 pm and the child sleep at 9 pm.. But every now and then he do destructive behavior so I used penalty contingency

19 Before Child watch T.V(cartoon ) T.V on Behavior Child disrupt (throwing object toward his sister.,bite her After Child did not watch T.V(cartoon) for 3 mint (T,V off) Penalty contingency:

20 The child disruptive behavior decrease for few days from 20-5 time per day,return back and decrease, but finally I advice her mother to put rule (contract) between him and his brother if he do more appropriate behavior such as kiss his sister instead of throwing object or biting her through all the day he will see extra 30 minute cartoon on TV before sleep time( I chose this reinforcer because the child like cartoon too much to addict degree).

21 So this is Rule control, which is mean: the statement of rule control the response described in that rule And its Rule governed behavior :behavior under the control of rule So child new behavior (kiss her sister ) instead of disruptive behavior under control of rule.

22 Opportunity for response Dead line: before end of day. Before He will loss opportunity to have extra 30 mint watching T.V ( cartoon) before sleep Behavior He kiss her sister. After He will not loss opportunity to have extra 30 mint watching T.V (cartoon) before sleep

23 So this analogs to avoidance,because there a dead line,and delay in out come more than 60 second test,so it fall the 60 second test :which means the out come must follow the response within or less 60 second to reinforce or punish the response. So its worked and child disruptive behavior decrease to near zero.

24 Intervention Number of week Frequency of response

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