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O RAL P RESENTATION Guidelines Graphs Slides Delivery.

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Presentation on theme: "O RAL P RESENTATION Guidelines Graphs Slides Delivery."— Presentation transcript:

1 O RAL P RESENTATION Guidelines Graphs Slides Delivery

2 PRESENTING MYSELF? Presenting yourself is important in any laboratory setting. If you do not present yourself in a professional manner it can end up being a ticking time bomb. Topic 4- Oral Presentation

3 ORAL PRESENTATION GUIDELINES o Know your information. o Do not read off the screen word for word. o Do not make your oral presentation confusing. o Use lasers/pointers /animation to assist in organization. o Slide design must be readable. o Avoid “um,” “and,” “and then” o Answer questions to the best of your knowledge. o If you do not know the answer or do not have the answer insure the audience that you will take the question as guidance to extend your research. Key response: “I do not have the information at this time, but I will look into it.” Key response: “That is not part of my experiment, but I will take it into consideration to extend my scientific findings.” Topic 4- Oral Presentation

4 o Should always be clearly stated with any units associated with the finding o Graphs must have labeled x,y,z axis o All parts of charts must be clearly labeled as to what they represent o All figures must have a title Number of Students States Figure 1: Out of state students enrolled per semester PRESENTING GRAPHS Topic 4- Oral Presentation

5 DO NOT DO THIS…. Do you really want to see 20 slides in this format? Topic 4- Oral Presentation

6 DO NOT DO THIS… We used mice Fed them cake Checked on them Checked stuff… Please fund our study We don’t have data, just did some stuff and got a few numbers still need more work. Topic 4- Oral Presentation

7 DELIVERY o Successful delivery allows for a successful presentation. o Always have an introduction that includes: Your name, your experiment/study and what department/lab you work for. Use something catchy to start with before going into the “heart” of the presentation. Ask the audience a question, provide a story, a statistic or a quote to reel the audience in and se the tone of the presentation. o Speak clearly, at a normal rate and with a robust voice o Be mindful of you clothing attire for the presentation. Aside from what you are presenting you are the focal point to the audience and their attention. o Make eye contact with your audience. Let them know you are aware of their presence. If you cant look at your audience then look in their direction giving the illusion of visual contact. o Be attentive to your audience and their ability to read the information on the screen. Make sure the letter size is considerable and your audience understands your information. o PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! Topic 4- Oral Presentation

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