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Sea Shell by Amy Lowell Included: The poem and rigorous question set activities promoting higher level-thinking development.

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Presentation on theme: "Sea Shell by Amy Lowell Included: The poem and rigorous question set activities promoting higher level-thinking development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sea Shell by Amy Lowell Included: The poem and rigorous question set activities promoting higher level-thinking development

2 Poem Jacob’s Ladder Goals & Objectives Habits of Mind
Tier 1 Poem Jacob’s Ladder Goals & Objectives Habits of Mind

3 Sea-shell By: Amy Lowell Sea-shell, Sea-shell, Sing me a song, oh
Sea-shell By: Amy Lowell Sea-shell, Sea-shell, Sing me a song, oh! Please! A song of ships, and sailormen, And parrots, and tropical trees; Of islands lost in the Spanish Main, Which no man ever may find again, Of fishes and corals under the waves, And seahorses stabled in great green caves. Oh, Sea-shell, Sea-shell, Sing of the things you know so well.

4 Students will be able: Ladder C
C1: Literary Elements-To identify and explain specific story elements. C2: Inference—To use textual clues to read between the lines and make judgments about specific textual events, ideas, or character analysis. C3: Theme and Concept—To identify a major theme or ideas common throughout the text. Ladder F F1: Understanding Words – to identify and explain the meaning of figurative language or new vocabulary within the context of a story or poem. F2: Thinking About Words – to analyze the use of words within the context as related to the theme of a text. F3: Playing With Words – to accurately apply figurative language and new vocabulary to newly created contexts.

5 Working Interdependently Thinking about Thinking (metacognition)
Habits of Mind Working Interdependently Thinking about Thinking (metacognition) Innovating, Creating, Imagining Refer to Jacob’s Ladder Story Table for Ladder C & F Thinking Questions.

6 (Discussion) High Level Strategies with Ladder C & F Questions
Tier 2 Rigor (Discussion) High Level Strategies with Ladder C & F Questions

7 Discussion Strategies: Think-Pair-Share, Write-around, Sequencing pictures, Role Play, Journaling.
Choose 2 of 3 questions below to complete. C1: Personification is a literary device used when an author gives human traits to something that isn’t human. How is personification used in this poem? Do you think it is important to the reader? Why or why not? C2: Explain why the author wants a seashell to sing her a song? F1: The repetitious use of the same letter is called alliteration and using the same first letter in a series of words is alliteration. Can you list all the words that start with or end with “s” or “sh” in the poem? Find more examples of alliteration in the poem and add to the list.

8 (Discussion) High Level Strategies with Ladder C & F Questions
Tier 3 Rigor (Discussion) High Level Strategies with Ladder C & F Questions

9 Discussion Strategies: Think-Pair-Share, Write-around, Sequencing pictures, Role Play, Journaling.
Answer both questions below. F2: Why do you think the author uses alliteration in this poem? F3: What would happen if this poem were written without any alliteration? Try writing it without alliteration; share it with a friend. What is their reaction?

10 Reflections/Relevance (C3)
Tier 4 Reflections/Relevance (C3)

11 Choose one of the ideas to complete. Be creative.
1. Select a nonhuman object or animal and give it human traits. Compose your own poem using personification. You may one of the optional project strategies or your own choice for the poem. (C3) 2. Choose 10 letters from the alphabet. Create a picture dictionary with a sentence for each letter. Each sentence must have a subject, verb, describing words and be alliterative Optional project strategies:  Commercial Role Play; Create a Puppet Show; Charts, Posters, Flyers, Brochures; Picture Dictionary.

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