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Slide 1 WP D Integrating Mobility Management and Land Use Planning A good example of integration: Sihlcity, Zürich, Switzerland (D2a)

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 WP D Integrating Mobility Management and Land Use Planning A good example of integration: Sihlcity, Zürich, Switzerland (D2a)"— Presentation transcript:

1 slide 1 WP D Integrating Mobility Management and Land Use Planning A good example of integration: Sihlcity, Zürich, Switzerland (D2a)

2 slide 2 Sihlcity: What is it? Multifunctional development Located at the edge of the city – but also close to city centre (1.5 km) Highly accessible by all modes Opened March 2007 2300 employees 19.000 visitors/day 850 car parking spaces

3 slide 3 Sihlcity – as so called Heavily Frequented Site: Requirement to obtain planning permission Financial contribution to public transport improvements 600 bike parking spaces Assure “recreation quality” within the area Finance construction of access ramp to main road Max. 850 car parking spaces Car parking management (with charges) and limit on total car trips per year (lever for MM measures) Home delivery service by bike Regulated in a contract and part of the building permission

4 slide 4 850 parking spaces (50 P+R spaces included) –consequence: employees do not have parking permission! Two CarSharing locations Max. car trip contingent –8‘800 trips / day (to achieve within 5 years, starting from 10‘000 trips / day) –1‘300 trips / night –800 trips / peak hour Obligation to have paid parking Measure: Parking concept (and trip contingent)

5 slide 5 Calculation of car trip contingent Parking regulation of the city of Zurich N o of additional parking spaces >>> Maximum N o of parking spaces >>> Minimum Minimum trips per day Maximum trips per day Minimum trips per year Maximum trips per year STG trip rates (space and day): - Employees: 2.5-3.5 - Residents: 2,5 - Offices (clients): 4-10-15 - Restaurant (clients): 8-10-18 - Hotel (clients): 4-5 - Stores (clients): 8-10-18-25 Specific trip generation per space & day (STG) Number of operational days per year and use Number of operational days

6 slide 6 Measure: Linking to existing transport networks Motorised transport –access via ramp to main access road Bike –extension of bike-paths Pedestrians & PT –expansion of train station, bus and tram stop nearby

7 slide 7 Measure: Improved public transport services Bus line nr. 89 –financed first two years by Sihlcity –afterwards by public transport company

8 slide 8 Measure: Improved public transport services Tram line nr. 5 –financed first two years by Sihlcity –afterwards by public transport company

9 slide 9 Measure: Bike home delivery service

10 slide 10 Measure: Multimodal information

11 slide 11 Measure: Marketing by PT company

12 slide 12 Measure: Mobility culture (walking map)

13 slide 13 Measure: High recreational quality and function of the neighbourhood

14 slide 14 Results (after 100 days / up to now) Frequencies –19’000 visitors per day –stable up to now Bike home delivery service –more than 1’800 deliveries, around 20 per day –nowadays: 50 deliveries per day Use of transport modes (clients, visitors) –72% by bike, by public transport, on foot –28% by car –nowadays: 30% with car, 70% with other modes

15 slide 15 Results (after 100 days of opening / up to now) Public transport clients: e.g. counts at tram stop (line nr. 13) –2006: 1’350 per day –since 22.03.07: 3’100 per day –stable up to now Car parking and car trips –not fully occupied during the week –on Saturdays full occupied –till now 360‘000 trips (= ca. 3‘600 per day / 8‘800 allowed) –stable up to now

16 slide 16 IT WORKS !!! Thanks for your attention ! But wait a minute….

17 slide 17

18 slide 18 How to apply this in Auroville? Any new land use should include site-based sustainable mobility planning –What sort of mobility do you want? –What sort of (parking, roads, paths, public transport) do you need for that? –How will you influence behaviour with this infrastructure? Make the mobility plan part of the building permission process –Estimate the mobility generated by the site, set targets for it –Provide for additional organisational and informational measures –Adapt the infrastructure Let’s go for some examples…

19 slide 19 How to apply this in Auroville? Group work: Please answer the following questions: 1.What does this mean for the place where you live? 2.What does this mean for the place where you work? 3.Any suggestions what could be improved? 4.Any suggestions on how to encourage more sustainable transport behaviour at your site: Through infrastructure Through information, organisation, communication? 40 minutes, please take about 10 minutes per question

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