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Winter Awareness. Winter’s coming, are you ready?

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Presentation on theme: "Winter Awareness. Winter’s coming, are you ready?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Winter Awareness

2 Winter’s coming, are you ready?

3 Snowflakes don’t break their arms when they fall. Winter is here. Watch your footing and move carefully. A Safe Day Every Day Our Goal is..

4 Snowflakes don’t break their hips when they fall. Winter is here. Watch your footing and move carefully. A Safe Day Every Day Our Goal is..

5 Cold can hurt your hands, too. Frostbite isn’t funny. Protect your hands from the cold. A Safe Day Every Day Our Goal is..

6 Are you dressed correctly for the weather?

7 Intersections! Are you going slow enough to prevent sliding?

8 Front tire MUD EVERYWHERE! When doing a walk around are you watching for falling mud/ice/snow? Rear tires under bed

9 Are you going to slip?

10 This Information is brought to you in care of the Electric shop Tips to keep you warm –Dress in layers –Keep a spare set of gloves to wear, you can wear them while your first set dries –Wear Rubber boots but be careful they can be slippery

11 –Drink plenty of warm liquids—dehydration can happen when its cold too –Wear hard hat liners to keep your head covered (most of your body heat is lost through your head) –Keep a spare pair of socks in case the pair you’re wearing gets wet –Limit exposure to cold temperatures

12 Winter Hazards Little things like these………

13 Winter Hazards And these……………

14 Winter Hazards Help prevent slips, trips and falls in traffic areas, poor drainage areas ……….

15 Winter Hazards Non covered and covered entry ways……..

16 Winter Hazards And designated walkways.

17 Winter Hazards Walks Winter Tips Keep yourself and your clothes Clean Avoid Overheating Wear clothes loose and in Layers Keep Dry

18 These pictures were taken near Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada in the early morning of January 31, 2005.

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