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Native Elements and Sulfides Mineralogy November 9, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Native Elements and Sulfides Mineralogy November 9, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Native Elements and Sulfides Mineralogy November 9, 2012

2 Native elements Native Metals 3 groups: Gold Group Platinum Group Iron Group Native Semimetals Native Nonmetals

3 Native Metals Gold group weak metallic bonds all belong to same group in the periodic table (Ib, the transition metals. isostructural FCC lattice: 12-fold coordination bonds intermediate between covalent and metallic; stronger and more directional bonds, leading to lower symmetry Au and Ag: same ionic radius (1.44 A): complete SS Cu (1.28 A)---limited SS with Au and Ag Occurrence

4 Platinum Group harder, higher melting points Pt and Ir: CCP Iron Group isometric, includes pure Fe (very rare—why?) Ni-Fe metals: kamacite and taenite Fe: 1.23 A, Ni: 1.24 A kamacite: BCC 5.5 wt% Ni; taenite: FCC 27-65 wt% Ni Fe-Ni phase diagram


6 Native Semimetals arsenic, antimony, bismuth structures can’t be represented as simple packing of spheres—why bond types intermediate between Native Nonmetals sulfur, diamond, graphite Sulfur: orthorhombic, stable at atm p below 95.5 deg C; above that, monoclinic, melts above 119 C. 128 atoms in unit cell. Rings of 8 atoms form molecules. Rings bonded with… Diamond: covalent; insulator; not close packed; sheets of C parallel to {111}; synthetic diamonds: who and when; lonsdalite; kimberlites Graphite: conductor; 6-membered rings, each C with 3 nearest neighbors; 3 of 4 valence electrons in each C are locked in tight covalent bonds; the fourth wanders; organic mtl in mm rx

7 diamond

8 graphite

9 Sulfides and Sulfosalts Sulfides: most ore minerals, generally opaque, many have IV or VI coord; all types of bonds Some important ones: Sphalerite (low T) and wurtzite (high T) : both: Zn in IV coord, in sphalerite, Zn are in a FCC lattice; in wurtzite, HCP Chalcopyrite: structure can be derived from the sphalerite structure: sub Cu and Fe for Zn Pyrite: cubic; derivative of NaCl structure: replace Cl with 2S Occurrence

10 sphalerite

11 wurtzite

12 chalcopyrite

13 Pyrite

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