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Native American use of natural resources Pocohontas Teacher Page This set of activities was created by Dawn Wise / Barrington.

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Presentation on theme: "Native American use of natural resources Pocohontas Teacher Page This set of activities was created by Dawn Wise / Barrington."— Presentation transcript:

1 Native American use of natural resources Pocohontas Teacher Page This set of activities was created by Dawn Wise / Barrington

2 Content Standards: * To identify the ways Native Americans used natural resources to meet their daily needs. * To use a chart or other graphic organizer to organize information. * To identify and analyze the impact of specific European cultural influences on the lives of Native Americans. Click Here

3 Please encourage students to keep a journal in which to write their responses to the activities. Instruct them to recreate any charts that appear in the following activities as a means of organizing their responses.

4 HOW NATIVE AMERICANS USED NATURAL RESOURCES Copy the chart into your journal. Resources ClothesFoodTravel Homes/ Daily Living

5 Study this picture and use the chart to list as many ways as you can that Native Americans used these resources.

6 HOW NATIVE AMERICANS USED NATURAL RESOURCES ResourcesClothesFoodTravel Cooking, firewood Canoes Longhouse, clubs,tools Moccasins, dresses, robes meat Tipis, blankets arrowheads Fishing, beavers Canoe travel Water for washing, cooking Shirts, dresses, leggings Deer meat Sample Chart Homes & Daily living

7 What clues can you find in the above photograph of Pocohontas that indicate that it was taken after the influence of European settlers in America? Click here for answer. Pocohontas’s clothing reflects the style of European dress for that time period rather than the traditional dress of her tribe.


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