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Organizing an Essay Building a thesis statement and topic sentences.

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Presentation on theme: "Organizing an Essay Building a thesis statement and topic sentences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizing an Essay Building a thesis statement and topic sentences

2 Create Thesis Statement  Thesis=subject + opinion (stance, belief, point of view, argument)  Can someone disagree?  Have you written a fact?

3 Thesis or Fact?  Teenagers should be allowed to vote at age 16.  Sonora’s mascot is the Zapata Raider.  Students must complete four years of English in order to graduate.  The U.S. government should give more money to schools.  Public transportation should be free.

4 Subjects  Public parks  Candidate for president  School supplies  Movie prices  Teenage curfew  School day length  Length of lunch

5 Topic Sentences  These are the first sentences of each body paragraph  Like a thesis (subject + opinion) only more specific

6 Examples  Thesis: Lunch period should be longer  TS#1: Students would have more time to re-energize for later classes  TS#2: Students would have more time for clubs and extra-curricular activities  TS#3: Students would have more time for tutoring or other academic help.

7 Create a thesis and three TS for each subject  Fast food  School lockers  Police officer on campus  Rated R movies  Presidential candidate  Using iPods during tests

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